Page 81 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
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Every Day is Earth Day at DAIS Inter-House Events Conducted by the
Student Council 2021-22
As every year, the entire school refreshes its pledge towards protecting the environment through a series of
captivating awareness building and action-oriented activities. The theme we chose this year, ‘Paper Management’-
recycling and reusing paper was an area that required immediate attention and action. On the morning of 22nd of
April, the day started out with the Earth Day planning team welcoming the students and teachers with a Football Creative Writing Competition
mesmerising Earth Day tune. The singers welcomed Competition
the students and staff with a message to save the Grades 5-7: Grades 8-10:
environment. They also held posters created on Grades 5:
recycled paper displaying important messages for 1st Place: Aanya Thakur - Lions 1st Place: Samika Jain - Lions
Earth Day. Similar posters were also put up around 1st Place: Tigers 1st Place: Sanaa Malesra - Tigers 2nd Place: Darian Dashti - Tigers
the school. The school prayer was followed by a 2nd Place: Jaguars
compelling message, delivered by our Cub Captains 3rd Place: Lions 2nd Place: Sudarshan Manikanthan - Lions 3rd Place: Ria Chawla - Tigers
through the PA system, advising us to take steps 3rd Place: Kimaya Jagtap - Jaguars 3rd Place: Rhea Shah - Jaguars
towards saving the environment.
Grades 6: 3rd Place: Aarjavi Malik - Panthers
Students from Middle School put up a special 1st Place: Tigers Overall Results:
assembly highlighting the current apathy towards 2nd Place: Jaguars
the environment. In a humorous play, they Grades 11-12: 1st Place: Lions
explained how the Earth was so much cleaner and better when humans were locked up inside their homes during 3rd Place: Lions 1st Place: Aaryan Jagtap - Jaguars 2nd Place: Jaguars
the pandemic. Portrayed through characters representing the Earth, Ozone layer, Covid virus, Mangroves, and
humans, the actors sent out a strong message on how collective action can bring about changes that can help arrest Grades 7: 1st Place: Ahaan Jindal - Panthers 3rd Place: Tigers
the negative effects of climate change. The assembly ended 1st Place: Tigers 2nd Place: Anagha Srinivasan - Jaguars
with IBDP Grade 11 students, Sriya Bodapati and
Dhruv Bhalla addressing the students about the importance 2nd Place: Lions 3rd Place: Kashvee Barjatya - Lions
of taking care of the Earth and waste paper management. 3rd Place: Jaguars
An awareness was created throughout the school by
student volunteers from grades 7, 8A, 9A and Yr 11. Grades 8: Indian Music Competition
Student volunteers visited every class from LKG to Grade 8 1st Place: Jaguars
and conducted sessions, discussions and activities 2nd Place: Lions
engaging the students in understanding the need for 3rd Place: Tigers 5-7 IB
action. The sessions also included an informative video 1st place: Athira Asokan - Lions 1st place: Aryaman Meswani - Lions
created by our student volunteers.
Grades 9: 2nd place: Siddhant Mehendale - Jaguars 2nd place: Niharika Naik - Jaguars
The students discussed how they could make some lifestyle changes about how
individual action would contribute to combating climate change. The discussions 1st Place: Lions 3rd place: Anisha Goyal - Tigers 3rd place: Anika Chandra - Panthers
covered many topics like climate change, environmentalism, the importance of 2nd Place: Panthers
doing our part and wastepaper management. Students’ groups produced feasible, 3rd Place: Jaguars 8-10 Overall
creative, and innovative ideas and solutions about both wastepaper management
and reducing the use of paper in school as well as at home. The ideas created by the Grades 10: 1st place: Avantika Kampani - Tigers 1st place: Lions
awareness sessions included using paper made from sustainable materials such as 2nd place: Rhea Kothari - Jaguars 2nd place: Jaguars
elephant dung or stone, using old notebooks for rough paper, creating new 1st Place: Jaguars
notebooks from old loose sheets and blank pages and several more. 2nd Place: Tigers 3rd place: Ishani Badala - Lions 3rd place: Tigers
3rd Place: Lions
During recess students from Middle School and Grade 9 sang a rap song in all
faculty rooms and urged the teachers to save resources by reducing use of paper
and turning off electrical appliances, when not in use. Grades 11:
Students continued to engage in 1st Place: Lions
Earth Day related activities through 2nd Place: Jaguars
music and art classes. Songs on 3rd Place: Panthers
recycling, garbage segregation, and
conservation of resources were learnt
in the music class. In the art classes, Grades 12:
students worked with recycled paper 1st Place: Lions
and created papier mache artwork. 2nd Place: Jaguars
3rd Place: Panthers
Students painted and decorated boxes to collect the wastepaper and these wastepaper
collection boxes were placed in every class. Students were guided to deposit paper that can
be reused and recycled. Students pledged to reuse the recycle box for rough work and Final Results:
notes, not only in school but also at home.
1st Place: Jaguars and
Overall, this certainly was a successful initiative to feel responsible for our environment and Lions
make changes to go green! 2nd Place: Tigers
3rd Place: Panthers
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