Page 76 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
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Christmas Celebrations Geography Trip - G 11
We believe that a curriculum with a global
dimension is central to the education we impart. The Internal Assessment is an integral part of the
Grade 4 presented a whole school Assembly to IBDP Geography course and is a compulsory
celebrate the spirit of Christmas. The entire component for both SL and HL students, in which
event was planned, scripted, produced and the students have the opportunity to apply their
directed by the students themselves. skills to investigate and understand the real world
applications of the content learnt in class. Living in a
world undergoing extreme climate change, the year
Grade 12 v/s Teachers 11 geography students felt the necessity to
Football Match investigate the change in the urban microclimate in
a local context. The extremely hot summers in the coastal city of Mumbai were an indicator
of the impending climate crisis, which has resulted in urban environmental stresses. Thus,
Glimpses from a much awaited match
the topic of urban microclimates including the urban heat island effect in and around the
between the students of Grade 12 and
BKC was selected as the overarching topic of the fieldwork investigation.
their teachers! Both teachers and
The entire fieldwork study was self-initiated and planned by the students themselves.
students enjoyed the event thoroughly.
The investigation involved splitting the students into three groups, each covering a different
They played an exciting and action
transect starting from NSE, BKC. Students used digital instruments such as anemometers,
packed game, cheered on by enthusiastic
thermometers and air quality indexes as well as their own qualitative observations to collect
DAIS spectators. A truly memorable day! the data for this investigation. This allowed them to learn new skills and work with new
apparatus, work collaboratively in a team, and strengthen the knowledge of geographical
concepts studied previously. On reflecting upon the data collected, the students were able
to grasp the magnitude of how our actions impact our environment.
The Internal Assessment was not only a reflective learning experience for all the students, Geography Trip - G 9
but an awareness building experience, thereby making it a memorable learning experience.
IGCSE Grade 9 students took a trip to
Horniman Circle, one of the old CBDs of
Mumbai, for their Geography Coursework.
Their aim was to collect data on the
characteristics of the CBD and apply the
theoretical knowledge learnt in class to put
into practical use. From measuring building
heights, to analyzing the land-use pattern
and finally, interviewing people on the street-
each component of data perfectly matched
what they had learned in class. It was
extremely interesting to see how the concepts
The History - Global Politics Debate discussed in class could be applied in real life.
Measuring building Observing the land use Conducting survey with Overall, the coursework trip helped augment
History (Grade 9) meets politics (Grade 11) in an invigorating debate on the "Do we learn from the mistakes of the past?" The special focus heights with a clinometer. pattern in the CBD area. commuters to the Fort area. student understanding of a CBD.
on the current war between Russia and Ukraine. Impressive levels of knowledge, superb communication skills and high levels of
critical commentary were evident as the juniors matched the seniors in spirit of agreeing to disagree! It's time to start learning from
the young! Special mentions go out to speakers Arya Meghani, Sahil Jaiswal, Manan Maheshwari of Grade 11 and Param Davda,
Rushaan Agarwal and Vidhit Bhimrajka of Grade 9. History Activity -
Journalists of Weimar Germany
Almost gone are the days of the print media as the Gen Zs are natives of
digital news media, social media, technology and AI!
Given this background, it was a rare moment to see a group of IGCSE Grade 9
History students publish DIE DEUSTCHE DAILY set in Germany and dated July
1927 as an authentic newspaper complete with editorial, news sections,
original cartoons, daily game challenge (Spot the Difference) and opinion polls!
This was a part of their Rubric Based Assessment for the term and did they rise to Observing characteristics
of the buildings in the area
the challenge as seasoned journalists!
The newspaper, which was a page turner, displayed a strong journalistic voice,
professional layout and artistic talent to show that Gen Z can straddle the old and new with aplomb! They had fun putting all ideas on the
drawing board, brainstorming political stands and putting historical terms in tandem with catchy newspaper headlines!
As much as it displayed their creativity, it evidenced the initiative students can take to re-create the past in a unique yet academic manner.
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