Page 16 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
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2022-2023 has been an eventful                                                                                         recognition  at  the  National  Science  Olympiad  (NSO),   Parental Engagement: At DAIS, we value the partnership
        year for the primary school, as we                PRIMARY SCHOOL                                                       International Math Olympiad (IMO), Mental Math Olympiad,   between the school and the home, in nurturing the growth
        transitioned  and  implemented                                                                                         Trinity  College  London  Exams,  Robotics,  and  Minecraft   and development of our students. Throughout the year, we
        the  Primary  Years  Programme                                                                                         Challenges.  Learners  have  been  engaged  in  social  impact   have  encouraged  parental  involvement  through  periodic
        (PYP) as a PYP candidate school.                                                                                       initiatives,  both  individually  and  at  class  levels,  including   engagements  like  class-level  orientations,  learning  walks,
        It  was  a  year  marked  by  great                                                                                    community  service  projects,  environmental  conservation   workshops,  Gender  Sensitivity  talks,  parent-teacher
        learning, growth, progress, and                                                                                        programmes, and awareness campaigns that were undertaken   interactions,  PYP  Exhibition,  Read-Aloud,  and  other  school
        accomplishment.  Our  students                                                                                         on  Earth  Day  and  World  Food  Day.  These  initiatives  have   events. Many of our parents volunteered and took sessions as
        have  continued  to  excel  in                                                                                         instilled in our young learners a sense of compassion, empathy,   resource  experts  and  specialists,  to  extend  our  children's
        a c a d e m i c s ,   c o - c u r r i c u l a r                                                                        responsibility, and global citizenship.                learning  and  to  give  them  a  peek  into  real-world  issues
        activities,  and  sports,  reflecting                                                                                   Sports: Our school lays a strong emphasis on physical activity   including  media,  entrepreneurship,  literacy  skills,  science
        the  holistic  and  well-rounded                                                                                       and sports, providing students with a comprehensive sports   concepts,  government  structure,  etc.  We  appreciate  your
        education provided at the school.
                                                                                                                               programme,  both  within  and  outside  the  curricular   support and active participation in all our endeavours.
        Academics:  The  focus  in  the                                                                                        framework.  To  cater  to  the  varied  interests  and  abilities  of
        Primary  this  year  was  to                                                                                           students, we offer a range of sporting activities like football,   A school runs on the wheels of collaboration! We extend our
        instrument  improvements  and                                                                                          basketball, athletics, gymnastics, cricket, martial arts, chess,   heartfelt  gratitude  to  the  entire  DAIS  community  for  their
        changes  to  our  curriculum,       Ms. Farida            Ms. Mahrookh                  Ms. Vimi                       table tennis, badminton, yoga, and track and field events, to   dedication,  hard  work,  and  commitment  to  excellence
        instruction,  and  assessments,   Taraporevala                 Tangri                 Lima Santos                      name a few. These are taught and practised as part of the   throughout  the  year.  We  are  most  grateful  to  our  Vice
        through  innovation,  common       Head, Primary          Deputy Head, Primary         Deputy Head,                    regular  school  timetable,  as  well  as  co-curricular  and  core   Chairperson, Ms. Isha Ambani Piramal, for her clear vision and
        goals,  collaboration,  and  new                                                    Learning and Research              activities,  by  qualified  coaches  and  trainers.  Several  of  our   direction, which played a key role in charting our way through
        lear ning,  within  the  PYP                                                                                           students  have  participated  and  won  medals  at  regional,   this  eventful  year  of  transitioning,  learning,  and  capacity
        framework. The transdisciplinary       “Schools need to be a place where students create                               district, state, and national levels in swimming, golf, chess,   building. Thank you!
        programme  of  inquiry  (POI)  at                                                                                      cricket,  tennis,  martial  arts,  and  gymnastics.  The  school's   Our profound gratitude to our Founder and Chairperson Ms.
        each  class  level  ensured  that   knowledge and experiences that add value to the world.”                            efforts  in  promoting  sports  have  resulted  in  notable   Nita Ambani, for believing in us and inspiring us to create an
        students  gain  a  balance  of                                                                                         achievements, high student engagement, and a positive sports   environment conducive to learning and growth and to build a
        subject-specific  knowledge,                            connection  between  learned  concepts  and  the  real  world.   culture within the school.                            school where every child blossoms and achieves their potential.
        conceptual understandings, and skills across a wide range of   Students visited places like Maharashtra Nature Park, Hamley's                                                 Thank you, Ma'am!
        subjects,  including  English,  Mathematics,  Science,  Social   Play Centre, Mani Bhavan, Munzer-Bharat, Kala Ghoda Arts   Cultural  Celebrations:  Through  cultural  activities  at  the
        Studies, Languages, and PSHE. Alongside, the units of inquiry                                                          school, we continued to provide students with opportunities to   Our appreciation to our School Leadership Team for the valuable
        (UOI) provided opportunities to develop the attributes of the IB   Festival,  Funky  Monkey  Play  Centre,  Nehru  Science  Centre,   explore,  understand  and  appreciate  diverse  cultures,   insights and guidance provided by its members. Your support
        learner  profile  and  to  instrument  action.  The  UOIs  were   NMACC, etc.                                           traditions, and artistic expression. Celebration of festivals like   and appreciation motivate us to improve our daily practice.
        collaboratively planned, developed, and continually modified   A crucial element of the candidate phase of the PYP is the   Gudi Padwa, Gandhi Jayanti, Republic Day, Independence Day,   We are proud to say that the effort and cooperation from all our
        based on teacher and student reflection. Single subjects were   consultation  period.  The  school  was  assigned  a  trained  IB   Diwali,  Dussehra,  Christmas,  and  Halloween,  developed  in   teachers  have  borne  fruit  in  the  form  of  higher  student
        integrated  with  the  units  of  inquiry  to  broaden  student   educator to serve as the school's consultant. Our consultant,   students a sense of cultural identity, compassion, and respect   achievement. Teachers, your dedication, commitment, and the
        understanding and make connections across disciplines.   Ms.  Sharon  Bailey,  provided  20  hours  of  remote  support   for  diversity.  This  was  done  through  music  and  dance   countless hours you have put in have not gone unnoticed. The
                                                               through the candidacy phase, which culminated in a two-day      performances, art & craft, and storytelling sessions featuring
        We have made tremendous progress in terms of new learnings   consultation visit in early March this year.  The consultancy visit                                              seamless transition into the Primary Years Programme and the
        and changing environments. The teachers devise rich learning   and the end-of-consultancy report awarded to the school were   folktales from around the world. Exposure to these activities   success we have achieved in academics, sports, and co-curricular
        experiences that are challenging and support the development                                                           has  helped  our  students  develop  global-mindedness  and   activities are due to your unstinted support. A big thank you!
        of deeper learning skills, such as critical thinking, problem-  most  encouraging  and  included  commendations  and   become more inclusive and open-minded about cultures in
        solving,  and  social-emotional  competencies.  We  have   recommendations for the next steps toward PYP authorization.   their communities and beyond.                       We are grateful to our school administrative and support staff
        supported these with authentic systems of assessment that   Professional Development of Teachers: We believe that our   Facilities and Resources: In order to provide the best learning   who do a commendable job of managing the maintenance and
        provide  students  with  opportunities  to  demonstrate  their   teachers  are  the  backbone  of  our  institution,  and  their   experiences to our students, we continued to provide state-of-  functioning of our school, in such a smooth manner, on a daily
        learning in a variety of ways, to measure growth and progress.   continuous professional development will support them to stay   the-art equipment, resources, teaching aids, digital resources,   basis. You solve our problems before they arise! Thank you!
                                                               at the forefront of an ever-evolving educational landscape and
        To  make  assessments  relevant  and  to  report  on  student   as a result, help our learners to achieve their full potential.   and library collections. Our Learning Centre is enriched with a   Thank  you,  dear  parents,  for  your  continued  support
        progress, we made some changes to our reporting system.                                                                vast collection of books, journals, and digital reading material,   throughout the school year. We are committed to providing
        Toddle became our reporting platform, to capture a student's   Throughout the year, our teachers have undergone various   which  remain  an  important  source  of  disseminating   your  children  with  quality  education  and  we  rely  on  your
        learning  journey  over  time.  Students  created  learning   training  sessions,  workshops,  and  programmes  to  enhance   knowledge and information.  I-pads and Jio Books are brought   cooperation to follow through.
        portfolios  on  Toddle,  which  include  photos,  videos,  audio   their pedagogical skills, subject knowledge, and assessment   into  classrooms  to  keep  pace  with  new-age  learning   And last but not least, dear students, your enthusiasm and
        notes, and reflections, empowering student voice and choice   techniques.    Programme-specific,  comprehensive,  and    techniques. Our 21st century learners are challenged to create,   positive attitude have created a vibrant and dynamic learning
        to demonstrate and share learning. Individual student progress   strategic  professional  learning  has  led  to  stronger   think  critically,  and  innovate.  Student  learning  has  moved   world,  which  has  been  a  pleasure  to  be  part  of.  We  look
                                                               implementation  of  the  curriculum  and  positive  student
        is tracked through Progress Reports on Toddle, which parents   outcomes.  We  have  developed  collaborative  learning   beyond the confines of the classroom, using specially designed   forward to your continued growth and success in the coming
        can access digitally.                                                                                                  spaces  and  the  outdoors  as  collaborative  learning  spaces.
                                                               communities within and outside the school, encouraging our      Students  demonstrate  and  present  their  learnings  using   years. Good luck to you!
        For our Class 5 learners, the PYP Exhibition is the culmination of   teachers to read, learn, reflect, converse, collaborate, create,
        their experiences working with the PYP and is a celebration of   lead, and make the best of face-to-face and online workshops,   technology as per their interests and competencies. At every   This year's edition of the Insignia is a milestone edition, having
        the  children's  knowledge  and  skills  throughout  this   webinars,  blended  learning,  and  e-learning  resources.  The   class  level,  we  now  have  Class-level  Leaders  who  lead  and   completed 20 glorious years of the school. We are 20 years
        experience.  Working  as  part  of  a  collaborative  group,  the   commitment, effort, and dedication of our faculty have been   support  the  class-level  team  in  the  planning  and   young and continue to provide the best education, the most
        students conduct an independent investigation into an issue of   instrumental  in  providing  high-quality  education  to  our   implementation of the programme.             luxurious facilities, and the most comfortable environment. We
        local and global significance, focusing on a given central idea.   students.                                            Student  Well-being:  Promoting  student  well-being  has   have a lot to celebrate, looking back at what was and looking
        The students inquire, explore, identify, investigate, and find                                                          always been a priority at the school, ensuring that learners are   ahead at what will be! The magazine this year is rightly titled
        solutions to the real-life issue or problem.           Co-curricular  Activities:  The  students  participated         happy, healthy, and safe. Every class level has framed essential   'Reflections!'  So  recollect  your  unique  experiences  and
                                                               enthusiastically in vibrant and diverse activities, such as sports,
        To  boost  and  report  academic  progress  and  growth,  we   dance,  drama,  music,  art,  robotics,  Minecraft,  nature  club,   agreements with clear expectations from learners. The school   memorable days, through these vibrant pages.
        conducted  conferences  and  meetings  with  parents  and   writer's  club,  and  cookery,  providing  them  with  ample   has a culture of mutual respect and kindness. Teachers provide   Farida Taraporevala
        students.  The  3  models  we  organised  are  the  3-way   opportunities to showcase their talent and skills. We organised   authentic  feedback  and  positive  motivation  for  students  to   Head, Primary
        conference,  parent-teacher  meeting,  and  student-led   several  inter-house  events  and  competitions  such  as  the   strive harder and achieve higher. We provide opportunities for
        conference to communicate academic success and plan a path   Spelling  Bee,  G.K  Quiz,  Indian  and  Western  Music   students to be physically and mentally active throughout the   Mahrookh Tangri
        forward for the student.                               Competition, Hindi and Marathi Elocution, Art competition,      day. We have systems in place to support students who need   Deputy Head, Primary
        As part of the learning journey, all class levels made visits and   and Read-Aloud, to develop students' confidence, leadership   scaffolding  and  help  in  terms  of  learning  support  and   Vimi Lima Santos
        field trips, to provide students with authentic engagement and   skills,  and  initiative.  Students  participated  and  gained   counseling services.                         Deputy Head, Learning and Research
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