Page 18 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
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MIDDLE &                               contexts. Student enjoyment of the programme is bringing        Our students won may other laurels ranging the first rank at   delegates held in school. Students from 8A, 9A and 10A got
                                                                                                                               the national level in the Indian Promotion of Mathematics
                                                               smiles  to  the  faces  of  the  teachers,  and  teachers  are
                                                                                                                                                                                      the opportunity to attend various conferences held in Mumbai
             SECONDARY SCHOOL                                  recognizing the benefits of having students passionate about     Examination (IPM) 2022-23 to the 2nd rank nationally in the   and abroad. Some of them participated at 16th edition of the
                                                               learning in their classes.                                      AMC-8 (American Mathematics Competition). We had a     Rome International Model United Nations held in Rome.

                                                                                                                               first  ranker  in  the  All-India  National  Entrepreneurship   These  conferences  challenged  the  delegates  to  think  in  a
                                                               Our seventeenth batch of ICSE, the Class of 2022 for the first,   Olympiad (NEO 2022 and 2023) who excelled consecutively   futuristic  and  diplomatic  way.  The  students  won  many

                                                               time  appeared  for  2  board  examinations  -  Semester  1     for  two  years  and  a  recipient  of  a  Gold  medal  in  the   accolades in these conferences that ranged from honourable
                                                               examination held in November/December 2021 and Semester                                                                mentions to best delegate in Spring MUN, ABMUN, RIMUN
                                                                                                                               International Math Competition.
                                                               2  examination  held  in  April/May  2022.  The  teachers  and                                                         and our own DAIMUN.
                                                               students showed great grit and resilience to adapt to the new   Our students have enthusiastically participated and won many
                                                               ways of preparation and assessments.                            robotics  competitions  throughout  the  academic  year.  FRC   Students were overjoyed to participate in the much-awaited
           Ms. Anjana Roy         Ms. Shiney Varghese                                                                          Team  7539  Elev8  won  the  Autonomous  Award,  a  highly   SLA [Snow Leopard Adventure Camp] that was opened after a
          Head, National Curriculum     Deputy Head,           The ICSE Class of 2022 gave us many reasons to be proud of
         (Middle and Secondary School)  National Curriculum                                                                    coveted award. The team's elected safety captain, who was a   hiatus of 2 years. The sheer delight on the faces of the students
                                   (Middle and Secondary School)
                                                               them.  Of the 33 students, 32 students scored an aggregate of   student of Class 9A, also won the Safety All Star Award.   was  an  affirmation  of  the  joy  of  learning  through  outdoor
                                                               95% and above.  7 students scored between 99% to 100%.                                                                 activities.  Interhouse  competitions  kept  the  spirit  of
        Memories of our first day of the Academic year 2022-23 are
                                                               11  students  scored  between  98%  -  98.9%.  5  students      Our students also performed extremely well at the WSRO (World   participation  and  healthy  competitiveness  surging  in  the
        still fresh in our minds. We were going back to normal physical
                                                               between 97% - 97.9%. 7 students between 96% - 96.9%. 2          STEM  &  Robotics  Olympiad)  Nationals,  CGS  Technovation,   school. Sports day, Swimming Gala kept the students up and
        school after almost two years and were very excited to have the
                                                               students  between  95%  -  95.9%  and  1  student  scored       MANAK Inspire Awards, WRO (World Robot Olympiad) Nationals   running / swimming and the academic year came to end with
        whole DAIS family back in the school campus. Our steps were
                                                               between  86%  to  90%.  70%  of  the  class  had  scored  an    and the WRO Internationals, held in Germany.           hope in everyone's hearts.
        cautious, focussed firmly on the social emotional well-being of
                                                               aggregate between 97 to 100% and 97% of the class had
        the  students  and  staff.  We  had  decided  to  use  the  weeks
                                                               scored an aggregate between 95 to 100%.                         Two of our students did marvellously well and were the finalists   All this was made possible due to the exemplary vision of our
        between March 2022 and June 2022 to bridge the learning
                                                                                                                               at the national level in the Sony Ultimate Sports Quiz 2022.    board – Smt. Nita Mukesh Ambani (Chairperson) and Ms. Isha
        gaps  that  may  have  occurred  due  to  the  physical  distance
                                                               Our topper with a perfect score of 100 in 4 subjects secured the   Their brilliant quiz team put up an amazing show all through   Ambani Piramal (Vice Chairperson) and direction offered by
        between the students and the school.
                                                               highest aggregate score of 99.6%. She also secured the 2nd      the competition and won the Runner's up position. They were   Mr. Abhimanyu Basu (Dean & CEO). Their guidance has been
                                                               rank in the State and Merit position 2 in the country. The      invited to travel to Australia (all-expense paid trip) to watch the   paramount in shaping the school's journey through the year.
        We  had  a  new  direction  for  our  curriculum  in  the  middle
                                                               Second highest aggregate score of 99.4% was scored by 3         ICC T20 World Cup live, at the MCG, Melbourne, as the   We are deeply grateful to our enthusiastic team of teachers,
        school,– the school had made a decision to adopt a curriculum
                                                               students (with a perfect score of 100 in 3 subjects). The Third   prize for reaching the final. They won Rs 20 Lakhs as the   programme and subject coordinators for working tirelessly to
        that  had  an  inquiry  based  conceptual  approach.  We  thus
                                                               highest  aggregate  score  was  99.2%  The  school  average     runner-up prize for developing sports infrastructure in school,   realise  the  vision  of  the  school.  Our  colleagues  from  the
        embarked  on  the  pathway  to  adopt  the  IB  Middle  Years
                                                               aggregate score moved to 97.5% - the highest ever in the        along with many other prizes.                          Student Care Department, Learning Centre and all the subject
        programme. With the appointments of an MYP coordinator,
                                                               school till now.                                                                                                       departments deserve a special mention. As we see the Sun of
        Middle  school  Instruction  and  Tech  coach,  our  action  plan                                                      With  the  pandemic  restrictions  lifting,  students  got  an   our twentieth year rising, we resolve to hold hands with each
        guided the  preparation of teachers and students. All Thursday   Despite  the  break  due  to  the  pandemic,  our  students   opportunity to be a part of outstation conferences. Students   member of our DAIS family to usher in many more glories and
        afternoons  were  devoted  to  Professional  Development  of   continued to perform exceedingly well in several National and   from Grades 6 and 7 loved the experience of their first in-  tributes.
        teachers.  The  change  in  pedagogy  was  embraced  for  both   International Examinations. We had a student who was among   person Round Square conferences hosted by Hyderabad Public

        Class 6 and 7.                                         the National Top 1% in the National Standard Examination in     School and Daly College respectively. Our senior students from   Anjana Roy
                                                               Junior Science 2022-23 . He also cleared the Indian Olympiad    Grade 9A were involved in the planning and hosting of our   Head, National Curriculum
        MYP Candidacy was granted in November and teachers began
                                                               Qualifier in Mathematics 2022-23 (IOQM) and Indian National      fourth successful RS Postcard - Music and Moods. It was a   (Middle and Secondary School)
        teaching MYP lessons in January. The PD and unit planning
                                                               Mathematical Olympiad 2023 and was selected to represent        great opportunity to connect and interact with two of our
        time  during  the  first  term  prepared  teachers  to  implement   India at the 35th Asian Pacific Mathematical Olympiad.   alumni  students,  who  as  the  Keynote  speakers  for  the   Shiney Varghese
        inquiry- and conceptual-based lessons that have engaged and                                                            Postcard, encouraged our students to pursue their passions   Deputy Head, National Curriculum

        challenged students. The students are adapting well to the   Another student secured the first rank in India in the Hong   with renewed fervour.                               (Middle and Secondary School)
        independence  and  collaborative  voice  they  have  in  their   Kong Science International Olympiad 2022-23 Level 1 and was
        classes.  Student  praise  has  centred  around  understanding   also awarded a Silver medal at the international level. He   The MUN magic was back this year. Our students performed
        learning in real-life context. Teachers are seeing a growth in   went on to secure a Silver Medal in the prestigious Dr. Homi   brilliantly in various MUN conferences held through the year.

        critical  thinking  and  ability  to  apply  knowledge  in  new   Bhabha Balvaidnyanik Competition.                    Students  of  7A  and  7B  participated  as  Junior  DAIMUN
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