Page 20 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
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INTERNATIONAL                                this can be seen in our emphasis on creating the conditions that   outstanding day of friendly, but intense competition. It was with   enjoyed by the students and staff in attendance. It has been
                                                                                                                               great pride that our Graduating Class of 2023 were able to make
                                                                                                                                                                                      heartening to see the full resumption of so many in school
                                                               encourage  holistic  growth  and  reflective  capacity  in  our
                     CURRICULUM                                students.  This  is  well  illustrated  by  our  emphasis  on  co-  their  graduation  walk  around  the  sports  field  prior  to  the   events this year, including our university representative visits.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Students  being  able  to  undertake  field-trips,  an  excellent
                                                                                                                               commencement of sports event. It will make a glowing memory
                                                               curricular activities. Our move to the Toddle platform in Grade
                                                               11, with the rest of the section transitioning this year, further   for them and their proud parents. Our sporting prowess is not just   Group 4 science project exhibition, and the school skiing Camp
                                                               develops the scope for students to self-reflect on their progress   limited  to  students  however  and  the  staff  versus  Grade  12   in Switzerland. The 100 students of DAIS from Classes 5 to 9,
                                                               and plan for their learning goals.                              football match at the DAIS Fete provided great entertainment. As   who went on the Snow Leopard Adventure trip into the Great
                                                                                                                               was the case last year, experience was no match for youth and   Indian Outdoors will have memories forever.
                                                               The IB 5-year review has been a valuable opportunity to reflect
                                                               on where we are as a section and the work of the committees     the students claimed a well-deserved victory.          Our MUN programme has long been a model for the rest of the
                                                               has strengthened our existing practices even further. We look   DAIS  students  have  made  their  mark  in  many  and  diverse   country and has continued to go from strength to strength this
                                                               forward to welcoming the Review Visit in October 2023.          Sports over the year. From chess; we have a Global top 5 rated   year. Our own DAIMUN 2022 offered the experience of sharing
                                                                                                                               player who is the youngest International Master Elect in chess   views and opinions on important issues in our global world
                                                               We are confident that our students will represent all the virtues   from India, Bridge with an Under16 World Champion. Table   with students around the world online. This year, it has been
                                                               which we seek to engender in the universities and colleges they   Tennis,  Squash  and  Badminton  where  we  have  State  and   joined by the school sending delegations to THIMUN Singapore
                                                               attend. Our Alumni have always been a vital resource and we     National representatives, golf where a grade 12 student has   (online) and to THIMUN Hague and the RIMUN VI edition held
                                                               are excited to see how enthusiastically their predecessors are   been selected to play for the University of Akron's Women's   at Rome. Our students represented the school with distinction
                                                               enrolling on our new Alumni portal, facilitated by Univariety.   Golf Team with a 100% scholarship and swimming where we   and  picked  up  awards  as  Best  Speaker,  Best  Delegate  and
         Mr. Michael Shields        Ms. Sonali Bajaj           This gives a great platform for former students to engage with   have swimmers who regularly carry home Gold and Silver from   overall  Best  School  Award  in  THIMUN  Singapore  and  best
                  Head,                 Deputy Head,           our present students and offer valuable guidance and support.   the National Championships. Our students also excel in sports   delegation  RIMUN  VI.  As  well  as  enjoying  our  students
          International Curriculum  International Curriculum   It  was  a  great  pleasure  to  have  an  Alumni  speaker  at  the   we may be less familiar with including Trampolining where we   excelling in their pursuits. We have benefited from the wisdom
                                                               TedXYouthDAIS event in December on the theme Beyond the         have a National team member, and free Skating and Artistic   of  speakers  in  our  Leadership  Series  who  have  themselves
                                                               Spotlight. DAIS Class of 2008 alumnus Aditya Jhaveri spoke      Gymnastics where we have regional champions.           exceled  in  their  fields.  We  were  privileged  to  hear  from
        As 2022-23 ends, we look back on a year in the school where   with great insight on what he has learned on his journey from   Students continue to excel in competitions both extra-curricular   speakers in the fields of Broadcasting, Advertising and Business
        we have seen the re-emergence of almost the full range of   Real  Estate  developer  to  a  pioneer  in  creating  technology   and academic. Robotics has always been a great strength of the   and finished the 22-23 series with Capt. Aman Johri, a defence
        activities  and  opportunities  the  students  have  traditionally   infrastructure for Real Estate.                   school and it is great to see our Senior Robotics team broadening   entrepreneur and government policy panel member.
        enjoyed. Our school has grown with great vigour over the last   In-person schooling meant it was possible to have CAS activities   the opportunities for participation in Robotics through hosting   A  rapt  audience  would  be  an  accurate  description  of  those
        20 years, and it has been wonderful to see it come back to full   and charity work delivered on the ground and in-person. It has   an  outreach  activity  for  FTC  teams  throughout  Mumbai,   students, parents, staff, and their guests who had the pleasure of
        bloom in the last 9 months.                            been clear what a difference this has made. The value of our    including multiple NGO teams that team Elev8 mentor.   attending the “The Great Indian Musical: Civilization to Nation”
        The reinstatement of the IGCSE and IB examinations for the   ongoing CAS activities shows the commitment of the school to   Many of our students have a passion and talent for Technology   on the 13th of April. The special afternoon show was an initiative
        class of 2023 was a welcome development.  The students were   make a lasting impact through its CAS programme.         and this is reflected in their achievements in this field. We have   of Mrs. Nita Ambani and meant that the school could attend the
        rewarded for their efforts by once again achieving outstanding   It is the sustained commitment to ongoing CAS activities which   members  of  Team  Infinity,  which  was  crowned  the   event as a community. The magnificence of the show was only
        results. The Class of 2022's average score was 40.1 points,   makes them such an engine for positive change and a vital part   CHAMPIONS of the F1 In Schools India Qualifiers and who   burnished  by  the  pleasure  of  having  our  Vice  Chairperson,
        which ranked us once again among the Top 20 IB Schools   of our students learning experience. The CAS projects running   participated with distinction in the National Finals. Space and   Ms. Isha Ambani Piramal, address us prior to the show and our
        in the world. Fourteen students earned the perfect score of   this year ranged across education for disadvantaged groups to   space exploration continue to be a major draw for students   dear Chairperson, Mrs. Nita Ambani, favouring us with a breath-
        45 points, compared to 772 worldwide. 41% of the class   environmental  action  and  animal  welfare  projects.  CAS   and  has  seen  our  students  win  an  International  Space   taking dance performance during the show and an inspiring
        achieved a score of 43 points or more. 62% of our candidates   projects  also  have  an  impact  in  school.  English-Vinglish,   Olympiad.  Sustainability  was  the  focus  for  the  3  Grade  11   speech  after  the  curtain  had  fallen.  It  was  an  event  that
        achieved  40  or  more  points.  Our  IGCSE  students  also   teaching basic English to the support staff at DAIS is a valuable   students who claimed first prize at the Tech Fest Technovanza   showcased not only the rich talent of the country but also the
        continued  to  earn  excellent  results.  87.4%  of  all  grades   addition to the life of the school and a good way of showing   organised by VJTI Engineering College. This fits with our desire   special place the school has in the hearts of the Ambani family.
        achieved were A*and A grades. Eight students earned 11   our support staff how integral they are. A particular highlight   to foster change makers and global citizens.       It is very fitting that DAIS is hosting the IB “Festival of Hope” in
        A*'s in all the subjects they appeared for and Nine students   was the ICU Camp which all grade 11 students took part in at   In  the  creative  world,  students  have  shown  their  ability  in   the 20th year of the school. The theme for the festival is 'How
        achieved 10 A*'s. We had Two Outstanding Cambridge     St. Mathews School, Malad in March where they supported a       several spheres. Ananya Shah of IGCSE Grade 10 won a Gold   Technology promotes diversity, inclusion and equity', and this is
        Learner  Award  Winners  for  India,  Pranaaya  Jhaveri  in   group of doctors from LOTUS Eye Hospital. It was wonderful to   Award in the senior category in the Queen's Commonwealth   an area where the school has constantly excelled. We look
        English Literature and Hrishita Shah who was awarded for Top   have the opportunity for all these groups to illustrate the work   essay competition as did Daya Ravi of Grade 11. A group of   forward to welcoming representatives from IB schools in South
        in India for International Mathematics (November 2021 series),   they have been doing at the DAIS Fete which took place on   Grade 8 French students won second place in a Poster Making   and West India and Sri Lanka, our Alumni, and IB Director
        Top in India for First Language English and World Literature   14th January after a 3-year absence. Once again, our students   Competition hosted by the Indian Association of Teachers of   General Olli-Pekka Heinonen to this celebration.
        (June 2022 Series) and Second Place in India (June 2022 series)   stepped up to the mark and organised an event that brought   French  (IATF)  to  mark  Francophone  month.  A  key  area  of   Our  sincere  gratitude  and  appreciation  go  to  our  Founder
        in  Best  across  8  category.  Our  results  and  reputation  have   the whole school community together in a joyful celebration.   creativity  is  entrepreneurship,  and  it  was  pleasing  to  see  a   and  Chairperson,  Mrs.  Nita  Ambani  and  Vice  Chairperson,
        resulted in our students being accepted in the best universities   Round Square continues to be a key part of the school and this   grade  8  DAIS  student  take  first  prize  for  ‘Gyanaika’  in  the   Ms. Isha Ambani Piramal for their visionary and inspirational
        across the world. The Class of 2023 has had an acceptance rate   year's Round Square King Constantine medal winner, Dhruv   Thapar Entrepreneurs Academy competition with a pitch for an   leadership, and to our Board of Governors. Heartfelt gratitude
        of 43% of their applications and 55% of the class receiving   Bhalla, richly deserves his recognition. Dhruv is a student who   innovative,  and  socially  important,  company  focusing  on   also  to  our  IGCSE  and  IBDP  Coordinators  and  Assistant
        funding from 89 scholarships, totalling US$ 4,195,492 over   has  a  passion  for  service  that  supported  his  very  active   menstrual health and education..             Coordinators,  Ms.  Mukherjee,  Ms.  Dhawan,  Ms.  Basu,  and
        four years. 47% of the Class of 2023 have been offered a place   involvement  in  school  and  outside  the  school  community.   The opportunity for in-person events has been fully realised   Mr. Makwana; our Curriculum Coordinator, Dr. Potukuchi; our
        by their university of first choice and 78% of them have been   Round Square continues to be an avenue for international and   over  the  year  and  we  have  seen  a  number  of  important   RS Coordinator, Ms. Nanda; our Heads of Department and
        offered a place by the University of their top two choices. These   cultural  exchange  and  many  students  have  enjoyed  and   occasions  where  staff,  students  and  parents  have  come   Subject Coordinators; to our Student Care team, our College
        university acceptances have included 45 acceptances to 17 of   benefited from the RS experience. It is a key area where we   together in school. The Class of 2022 Graduation Ceremony of   Counselling team, IT Support team, Administration, Security
        the 23 universities applied to listed in the QS World's Top 30   contribute to holistic development.                   DAIS Class of 2022 was a return to our traditions, and we were   and Support staff, and to all our faculty colleagues, who work
        Universities. This includes the Russell Group in the UK and the                                                        honoured  to  have  thought  provoking  speeches  from  our   closely with, guide, and mentor students on a daily basis and
        US Ivy League.                                         Special thanks are due to the Student Council. Their goal is to   esteemed Chairperson Mrs. Nita Ambani and Guest of Honour,   work tirelessly to inspire them to excel. Finally, our appreciation
                                                               make sure that the student body is actively engaged in inter-                                                          to you our students and parents. As we look to celebrate the
        Across the school we have extended our curriculum model to   house events - aiming to encourage students to embrace their   Smriti Zubin Irani Minister for Women and Child Development   achievements of the 19 graduating classes who have passed
        encompass the attributes and attitudes more fully we seek to   house  as  a  key  part  of  their  school  experience.  They  have   and  for  Minority  Affairs.  A  further  highlight  was  the   through  the  school  gates  in  preceding  years,  we  also  look
        engender in our students and have used our Strategic planning   conducted events, for students from Grades 1-12, in the Arts   opportunity  to  conduct  Student  Council  Investiture  for   forward to what is to come from the future generations who
        to  move  this  forward.  The  Strategic  Plan  2023-2028  has   and sporting fields. The joy on the faces of students as they   Academic  Year  2022-23  in  the  school  Auditorium  in   will continue the great traditions that have been established in
        Culture, Teaching and Learning, Well-Being, Environment, and   took  to  the  playing  fields  in  interhouse  sports  events  is   November,  where  the  outgoing  Student  Council  2021-22   the school’s storied history of two decades.
        Partnerships as its five strategic cores. It has been developed by   something that energised the everyone.             passed the baton to the incoming council.  A major celebration
        staff committees pooling their experience and expertise in each                                                        in the school year was the farewell event for Grade 10 and 12   Michael Shields
        area and the School Management Team fitting the five areas   That excitement was even more evident as the students and staff   students as they came to the end of their IB studies. Student   Head, International Curriculum
        together to ensure they create a coherent experience for our   took to the field to take part in our 19th Annual Secondary   Council members and students from Grades 9 and 11 provided   Sonali Bajaj
        students. All our decision making reflects these focus areas and   School Sports Day. Energy and enthusiasm were translated to an   wonderful  evenings  of  entertainment  which  were  greatly   Deputy Head, International Curriculum
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