Page 226 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
P. 226

Encounter With A War-Torn Zone                                                                                         The Terrifying Future

        Dark times engulfed the air, filled with distress, as my mother cheered                                                 Beneath the boiling sky, a flame with yellow, orange and red, my friends and I stood
        me up in the times of monstrosity.  I always woke up to the blasts of                                                  upon an ebony black olden bridge. Clear crystal water flowed beneath with a gurgling
        rockets or to the thunder of fire which filled the atmosphere with                                                       sound as it threw itself over the banks which was paved with grey stones. The dark
        unhappiness, sadness and frustration. The tension in the air clutched                                                  bridge gave a horrifying look under the burning flames of the sun. I felt a gust of
        me with fear as I heard the crying of the wind. It cried with all the                                                  melancholy. It almost brought up the aroma of death as we walked across to reach the
        people who lost their lives and of people who sacrificed their lives in                                                 other side, sometimes stumbling upon tiny canine-like rocks that littered the bridge. The
        respect and honour. As I heard the beating of my heart, my body                                                        sky looked down upon us with a murderous look, covered with reddish-orange hues of
        moved unsteadily to watch a house burst into flames.                                                                    the yellowish sun. It felt as if death and danger lured around as I walked terrified on the
        Hell broke loose amongst my family as one rocket just whizzed past                                                     lonely road with only my friends. The owl hooted as the frigid wind brushed past my
        my head, aggravating the murderous look of the sky. All I felt was that                                                face, giving a chill down my spine.
        the brewing storm had broken the shackles. I had lost my friend in one                                                 It almost felt like the rusty old railings of this incredibly old bridge were staring at us as if
        of the raiding attacks. I was very sad and couldn't control myself. I was                                              it were looking at us with their non-realistic eyes. I knitted my eyebrows in fear and
        frenzied and panicked as I heard the death of honorary soldiers.                                                       cracked my knuckles with a nervous look on my exhausted face. It was like my nightmare
        Palpable fear ran through my veins as my father watched the news.                                                      had begun. I could hear my heart as it leapt up to my throat pumping amazingly fast,
        As I caught sight of the dull and sombre streets what I saw was just                                                   doing a chicken dance which sounded like “Dukh,Dukh.” I could feel my blood
        death and destruction. I sat cuddled up with my mother in the fear                                                     circulating in my veins as if it were about to stop cold dead for a second and stop
        of losing my house.  As I got the warmth from my mother I tried to                                                     circulating.  It was like everything around me was stirring to life. I wanted to run for my
        be as courageous as a child could be. My school was closed as I                                                        life and go and hide under my bed. The tall trees with their elegant branches nearby cast   Paper pulp Bowls
        waited in the darkness for the light to glow. It had become a distant                                                  long dark shadows that looked like monsters under the horrifying sun. I felt like a 7-year-
        dream amidst the Pandemic and the ongoing conflict. Playing and                                                         old-child who was about to experience the most horrifying thing in his life.
        plunging into mud, studying together and poking fun at each other                                                      As we were about to reach the other side, something spoke, it was a gruffy hoarse voice   भारत हा सो याचा
        had become unthinkable. I had forgotten the meaning of school.                                                         that sounded like an old man. It was like the wind had carried this voice to us like a
        Funeral processions took place as the rain poured down. Pain filled                                                     recording. Soon it formed a figure in front of us. The figure of a man with a long twirling   प ी आह.
        my gut to see such a horrendous scene. Lightening raged a war with                  Sharmila Ranganathan               beard and very shabby hair. A loom of concern furrowed under his brow as he spoke   आपण आप या दशाचा आदर करायला
        thunder, as rockets clashed with the air strikes. Ashes come out                                                       “Dear humans, I am a God, a messenger. You have been disrespectful and corrupt. You    शकल पा हज. दशभ ती तम या
        from everywhere as the plane crashes to the earth with the ground                                                      have ruined our most precious gift to you “Nature”. Your vile and corrupt traits will not   र तवा हनीतन धावल  पा हज आ ण
        trembling. The conspiracy of the opposite group had gripped us   The Real Superheroes                                  be forgiven unless you stop all this nonsense and put nature back into its good and    यासाठ  आपण आपला जीव द यास
        with fear.  I could only hope with the passage of time that the scar                                                   healthy shape. If you do not listen to us, you will suffer the wrath and will not be shown
                                                                   Our soldiers are the superheroes of our nation,                                                                                         तयार असल पा हज. भारताची स कती,
        healed and peace arrived with the blessing of nature. I hoped that   Our version of Captain America's shield,          mercy. So, my humble request is to stop this global warming and stop littering

        this intimidating memory was pushed to a remote recess of my                                                           otherwise…” Saying this, he disappeared and suddenly a void opened and there I saw a   भाषा, खा यपदाथ आ ण लोक ह आप या
                                                                   Laying down their lives for the country without hesitation,                                                                             दशाच सवात आकषक भाग असतील.

        mind.                                                                                                                  TV channel stating that a Ukraine-Russia war had begun. There were aeroplanes zipping
                                                                   The unsung guardians out on the battlefield.                                                                                             मला भारतीय अस याचा अ भमान आह.
        As I lie down knowing well I have lost a beloved friend forever, I                                                     through the skyline of cities and bombings and fire and destruction and death which
                                                                   No super strength and speed,                                                                                                            मी महारा   रा यात राहत िजथ मराठ
        wonder what is the point of war if it only brings death?                                                               brought tears rolling down my eyes. I was deeply disturbed to the core. Was I peering
                                                                   Or the ability to grow short or tall,                                                                                                   भाषा सवा धक बोलल  जात. मला वाटत  े

                                                    Yash Desai     But their undying determination and invincible spirit,      into the future??Then suddenly I heard a horrendous scream come from that void and   क  मराठ   शकण सव मलासाठ

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ं ु
                                                                                                                               pain seared into my ears as I stood there trembling with anxiety and fear and held my
                                                                   Far greater than them all.                                                                                                              आव यक आह आ ण मला मराठ
                                                                                                                               ears tight to stop the deafening scream.
                                                                   They march ahead with courage in their heart,                                                                                            शकव याब ल मा या शाळा आ ण
                                                                                                                                                                                        Shruti Swamy
          व त आ गया ह - आकाश सीमा नह ं ह              ै            Come whatever hurdle may,                                                                                                                श काच आभार मानत. े
                                                                   Never falling apart,                                                                                                                                     वा नया ललवाणी
          आज क  द नया म , कवल प वी का अ वेषण मानव जा त क  लए       Never giving way!
          पया  त नह ं ह। हम इस प वी क बाहर  या मौजद ह, इसक बार म    The job doesn't come with an Avenger's fame,                  The Twist
          िज ासा स भर हए ह ।  पछले साठ वष  म , मानवता ने चाँद क  या ा क
                    े ु
                                                                   Their salaries no match for Tony Stark's nine zeroes,
          ह और यहाँ तक  क मंगल तक भी अत र  यान पहँचाया है। बीसवीं   They do it only for their country,                            Robert woke up feeling a bit queasy. He was not worried about this of course; it was normal to feel uneasy on big days. He sat on his
          शता द  म  कवल  स, अम रका और चीन ह  अ भयान म  शा मल थे।                                                                  bed for a moment, then, he jumped into action. First, he went to the washroom to freshen up. Next, he rapidly began to pack his
                                                                   They are India's true superheroes!

          ल कन म    गव स कह सकता हँ  क  पछल कछ वष  म  भारत भी अत र                                                                football gear into his bag without really looking at the items he was packing. With his school bag on his back and his gym bag hanging
                                      े ु
          अ वेषण म  अ णी दश  म  स एक बन गया ह। अत र  अ वेषण क  े                                        Nishit Lala               on his shoulder, Robert awkwardly hobbled into the dining room. He wolfed down his breakfast and before he knew it the wind was
          म  भारत क  लए एक बड़ी उपलि ध तब रह , जब भारत ने मंगल  ह पर                                                               whistling in his ears as he walked down the street that would lead him to the rusty old-fashioned gates of Rosemary High School.
          एक अत र  यान भजा। यह एमओएम (MOM) अ भयान कहलाया।                                                                         Within a few minutes, Robert had reached the school and was on the hour-long bus ride with his teammates that would take them
          भारत ने इस 5 नवंबर 2013 को   े पत  कया था। मंगल  ह पर                                                                   to the ground. His thoughts wandered on the day that awaited him. Today was the finals of the football state championship and
                                                                                                     Vriddhi Shah
          अत र  यान भजना  न:संदह एक सराहनीय उपलि ध ह, ल कन िजस                                                                    Rosemary High School would be playing against Duckworth High School for all the marbles. Robert was considered as one of the
          चीज ने भारत क अ भयान को और भी असाधारण बना  दया, वह थी इस                                                                best players in the state alongside another boy named Mike who happened to be on the Duckworth High School team. The match
          अ भयान क  कम क मत। भारत क अ भयान क  लागत  सफ़ 450                                                                        was highly anticipated not only as it was the finals but also because of Mike and Robert's individual matchup.

          करोड़  पए। दसर  ओर, नासा (NASA) का  मशन 5000 करोड़  पए                                                                    On reaching the ground, he opened his bag to take out his shoes and socks to wear before the warm up, but to his utter disbelief
          था। मंगलयान अ भयान क साथ, भारत ने द नया को  दखाया  क उ च                                                                and shock, he could not find his socks! He knew the dreaded implications of this seemingly trivial mistake. He would not be able to
          गणव ता क अत र  यान स त म  बनाना संभव ह। आज भी, जसा  क                                                                   play the game. Robert's coach was understandably livid as Robert took his seat on the bench.
          भारत  नकट भ व य म  चं मा पर मानव अ भयान भजने क  योजना
                                                                                                                                  Robert went into a sort of depressed trance. Everything went by in a blur. He did not stir when the match started or when Mike put
          बना रहा ह, हम द नया को  दखा रह ह   क हम  या करने म  स म ह ।                                                             Duckworth ahead with a stunning strike. He only buried his head in his hands when the final whistle blew and the score read 3-0.
          मझ आशा ह  क हमारा दश आग बढ़कर नेत व करना जार  रखगा और                                                                    At the end of the game, Mike came up to Robert to shake his hand. But as Mike walked away, Robert's eyes widened. As peeking
             े ु
          संभावनाओ क दायर  को बढ़ाता रहगा।
                                                                                                                                  out ever so slightly from Mike's unzipped bag, was the unmistakable bright red and blue of the Rosemary High School team socks.
                                                    अपव ग ता    Pramik Sharma
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Apoorv Gupta
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