Page 229 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
P. 229

My Menstrual Health Campaign

        “Be the change you wish to see in this world.”
        I took the initiative to run a crowdfunding campaign in
        support of the globally reputed NGO, Habitat for Humanity
        to help girls manage their menstrual cycle in a dignified,
        sanitary way. In rural parts of our country, talking about
        menstrual cycles is a taboo. Most girls don't have the proper
        products to keep clean while going through their monthly
        cycles. Due to this shortcoming many girls are forced to
        drop out of school and sacrifice their education.
        I believe that everyone should have an equal opportunity to
        be educated be it boy or girl.
        Reports show that around 23 million girls drop out of
        school annually due to lack of proper menstrual hygiene
        management facilities. The pandemic has worsened a girl's
        access to sanitary and hygiene products.
        I had conducted a research about universal inequality for a
        school project when I found out that the leading cause of
        gender inequality was because of girls going through their
        menstrual cycles. In some villages, this is also considered a
        sin and girls are forced to drop out of school. Due to
        unhygienic toilets, and lack of sanitary necessities, I knew it   माझी आई
        was time to take action. After partnering up with the NGO
        Habitat of Humanity, I ran a crowdfunding campaign    माझी आई माझी मत  आह. ती खप  मळ आह. माझी आई मला मा या
 VIII B   स बा - मर सख-दख का साथी   through Ketto, India's #1 crowdfunding site. I spread the   गहपाठात मदत करत आ ण आ हाला एक  खरद  करायला आवडत.
 मर  कछ अ व मरणीय याद  इस  व यालय स जड़ी हई ह । जब म    इस   word through various social media platforms and waited for   माझ  त यावर खप  म आह. आ ह  एक  मजदार गो ट  करतो. मला
        donors to contribute.
  व यालय म  तीसर  क ा म  आई, तो मर माता- पता ने उपहार क       आशा आह क  मी मोठा झा यावर  त यासारख होईल.
        The initiative was also supported by other like- minded                                        यांका धा रया
 The Autobiography of a School Bus   प म  मझ अपना क ता,  स बा  दया। उस समय वह मर  हथेल    individuals who believed in the same cause. Each member
 े ु
 िजतना बड़ा था। समय क साथ-साथ वह उ , और शार  रक  प, दोन
 I'm now a decrepit school bus, but I remember the days when I was   स बढ़ता गया। अब वह ६ साल का हो गया ह। हथेल  क  बात तो   of the team held their own crowdfunding campaign and
 a school bus for the renowned Dhirubhai Ambani International   collectively we raised a whopping 12 lakh rupees. With this   DAIS has turned 20, I feel...
 छोड़ो, वह अभी इतना बड़ा हो गया ह  क म    उस उठा भी नह ं सकती !
 School. I was a fully furnished bus with 40 seats. I was born in an   money over 2,000 kits were distributed to girls all over India   I feel obliged to be part of this great journey.  I also feel
 उ  क साथ-साथ उसक  शरारत  भी बढ़ रह  ह । नहलात े समय उसके
 enormous factory in Uttar Pradesh and my joy knew no bounds   by the NGO. I am proud to be a part of this campaign!   thankful that I joined this school.  - Vivaan Manek
 शर र पर पानी क  एक बँद  गरती भी नह ं ह और वह काँपने लगता ह।
 when I was shipped off to Mumbai. Every morning I would pick up   Gayatri Srivastava
 young students from their homes and in the evening I would drop   जब थक जाता ह, तो एक पर उठाकर लंगड़ाने लग जाता ह, ऐसा
 े ु
 them back. I doted on these students and they never failed to make   बोलने क  लए  क 'लो भई, अब म    और नह ं चल सकता। मझ उठा   Coco Chanel
 me happy. I missed them every weekend and on holidays. Every day   लो!' पर सच म , जब स वह मर  िज़ंदगी म  आया ह, मर  िज़ंदगी और
 I would be enthralled to hear their confabulation. My driver was an   खशहाल हो गई ह। चाह मर  मनोदशा कसी भी हो, वह मरा साथ कभी   Coco Chanel était une créatrice française. elle était populaire
 amiable and benevolent man who gave me petrol when I was   भी नह ं छोड़ता ह।    dans les designs sportifs, décontractés et chics pour les
 thirsty.  उसक  हरकत  स मर चेहर पर हर समय म कान आ जाती ह। मरा   vêtements pour femmes et elle a créé la marque 'Chanel'.
                                                               elle est née le dix-neuf août 1893 et décédée le dix janvier 1971.
 Sometimes the students would go on field trips and when they did I    स बा ह तो लाख  म  एक, पर काश ऐसा  यारा साथी सभी को  मल। े
                                                               Jamais mariée,elle était déterminée, gentille et talentueuse.
 would sound like a market. They would create pandemonium and    या गो लया
 litter the floor. I would get rankled just by the sound of their   Véritable icône de la mode, elle avait les cheveux courts noir
                                                               vintage, elle était mince, grande et très belle.
 boisterous voices. However, I made all the endeavors to remain
 equanimous, and on most occasions, I handled it. I drove children   selon nous, elle portait des robes chics et élégantes, avec des
 to and fro for many years until one day when I was dropping   blazers et beaucoup de bijoux en perles et portait souvent de
                                                               jolis chapeaux.
 students back home in 2005, all the roads of Mumbai flooded up
                                                               elle a eu un impact majeur sur l'industrie de la mode.
 and my tires screeched to a halt. I couldn't move. I was appalled
 and the agonizing silence filled my ears. All the students were taken   sa marque est célèbre, et vendue partout dans le monde.
                                                               Chanel vend de beaux sacs, mais ils ne sont pas très colorés. Ils
 safely back to their school, however, I was in a deplorable
                                                               vendent également des parfums, des bijoux et des chaussures.
 condition. I was taken to Mr. Mechanic who fixed me. I was elated
                                                               Les prix sont élevés et coûtent un bras, mais ils valent le prix
 because I was given a new look.                               selon nous !
 I enjoyed this until late one night, a driver decided to drive me   Madame Chanel était très active et jouait de temps en temps au
 around the city. He drove at a high speed and we met with an   polo et du piano.
 accident that cost him his life.  I was in a devastated condition and I   elle montait à cheval tous les week-ends avec son petit ami, elle
 lost all my charm. Now, I sit in a garage alone and doleful. I often   faisait du ski l'hiver et elle jouait aussi un peu au golf.
 reminisce my past life, Alas! I'm alone now. I hope to see sunshine   nous aurions aimé rencontrer coco chanel. voudriez-vous la
 soon.                                                         rencontrer ?
               Micquel Devlaliwalla and
 Kaira Desai                                                                        Priannka Dharia and Aryana Barai
               Raghveer Malhotra
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