Page 249 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
P. 249

From my heart to yours!                   क  म ब  मता
                      Last night, I opened,

                                                                               े ु
                      the album of my past,            आ ट फ शयल इट लजस    (एआई) न द नया पर, और हमार  जीवनशल  पर बहत  भाव

                  To see the wonders and worries       डाला ह। एआई न  व भ न उ योग  म   ा त ला द  ह, िजसस काय अ धक कशल और

                       Life so far had cast.           स वधाजनक हो गए ह।    हाला क, AI पर बहत अ धक  नभर होन क  अपनी क मया भी
            The first few pages etched with peril and pain,   ह।    नौकर  छटन े क   चतं ा बढ़ रह  है,  य  क रोबोट कछ   े   पर क जा कर लते  े ह,
              disease and malady had stained the brain.  िजसस मानव   मक  क  लए बरोज़गार  बढ़ जाती ह। दसर  ओर, एआई बहतर
            From death's hands I was stolen by my mother,   च क सा  नदान और कछ नौक रय  म  सर ा व   जस फायद भी लाता ह। समाज क
                                                                                                             ं ु
                     She truly is like no other.        लए यह मह वपण ह  क एआई का उपयोग अपन लाभ  क  लए करन क बीच सतलन
                       If miracles are true,           बनाए रख और यह स नि चत कर  क नौकर  छटन जस इसक प रणाम  को ठ क स

                       They stand behind               सबो धत  कया जाए। अततः यह मन य  पर  नभर ह  क व एआई पर  कतना भरोसा
                      her care, in a queue.            करना चाहत ह    और व समाज पर इसक भ व य क  भाव को कस आकार दना चाहत ह।
                      Walked my first walk,             यह याद रखना मह वपण ह  क जहा अतजाल कई लाभ लकर आया ह, वह  यह

                      Danced my first dance,            नकारा मक  भाव  स भी भरा हआ ह, जो  यि तय  और समाज को सम   प स
                        The age of two,                नकसान पहँचा सकता ह। आज द नया भर क  जानकार  चम कार  अतजाल क कारण

                       Is still a hazy trance.         हमार  उग लय  पर ह, और इसी अतजाल क  द नया म  नशील पदाथ , बदक  और अ य

                                                                                                       ं ू
            I was then jostled into the best days of my life,  हा नकारक उ पाद  का  चार करन वाल जगतजाल भी ह।    इसक अ त र त, अतजाल


           A crying child not ready to leave my father's wife.  नकारा मकता और घणा जसी जहर ल  वचार  को फलान और मान सक  वा  य को
                     How unknowing I was,               भा वत करन का  जनन  थल भी हो सकता ह। हम  अतजाल उपयोग क   त सचत

                That even calling it a 'second home',  रहना अ धक मह वपण ह। हम  एक सर  त और अ धक सकारा मक ऑनलाइन
                     Wasn't enough applause.

                                                       समदाय बनान क   दशा म  भी काम करना चा हए। अतजाल क सभा वत ख़तर  क   त
             I introduced myself to strangers called a class,  सचत रहकर हम इसक नकारा मक पहलओ क  शकार होन स बच सकत ह    और
             Who knew I'd be calling them family at last.
                                                       वा त वक द नया स अपना सबध बनाए रख सकत ह।
                       Like their own child,
                       The teachers cared,                                                             तजवीर ढाकने
                         Made sure that
                        Only well I fared.
 X A          Swaying in our freedom like soaring kites.
                  Lifelong bonds and petty fights
                An early bed time was the only worry,
                     How I wish I'd go back,
                       But life's in a hurry.
 Friendship   As time passed I realised to be responsible,
           Only I have the wheel to make my dreams possible.
 It was a gloomy day.  The sky wept like a starving  infant.  Atramentous
 clouds obliterated the yellow fireball.  The downpour quenched the thirst   Mischief went down and
 of parched mother Earth, and it washed away the tears off my cadaverous   A beaming smile faded into a pressured frown.
 face. I was only six.  I stood at the threshold of my most crucial month,
              Board exams- first milestone of a millionth.
 Somehow, I got ready for school that day. As I sat in the bus, all I could
 think was my father's indignant face and my mother's weeping.  My   Books and books were all I could see,
 parents were getting divorced.  Finally, after eons and eons of fighting.  But   I had lost my treasured glee.
 it did not prepare me for the D-word.   It was traumatic.  After reaching   I strived hard and gave my best,  Roli Mohanka
 school, I sat on the last bench in the corner hoping I would be invisible to   To God I just left the rest.
 the world.  Especially to my mortal enemy, Raahi.  But she did.  We never   While others enjoyed and I worked,
 saw eye-to-eye.  I was her punching bag; And she took advantage of my   The feeling of missing out always lurked.  Les fêtes en France
 innocent availability. She was walking slowly towards me and I wanted   Yet today I stand knowing what it was all worth,
 mother earth to open and pull me in.  It was not to be.  Regardless of having seen my result.  En France, il y a au total 11 fêtes pendant l'année. Ce sont des jours
 My knees wobbled; fear crept up my spine. I was an emotional wreck   The satisfaction of knowing you've tried your hardest,  fériés, c'est-à-dire des jours pendant lesquels on ne travaille pas.
 already and wondered how much more I could take. As she got closer, she   Is result enough to realise the quality of your harvest.  Certaines fêtes sont civiles et d'autres sont d'origine religieuse.
 sensed something very wrong. Surprise! The bully was sensitive.  She   I bid farewell to my dears,   Le  jour de l'An  se fête au 1er janvier. On le fête avec ses amis ou sa
 seemed genuinely concerned. She sat beside me and took my hand.  While   Teachers, classrooms and my peers.  famille, et on souhaite « Bonne année ! » à ses proches.
 I expected a crushing pain, I received a gentle touch on my hand.  She   Magic I call - a blessing glove,  Le 14 juillet est la  fête nationale  française. Elle célèbre la prise de la
 asked me what was bothering me. That was the big question waiting to   Oh what a life I've had so far with all your love.  Bastille qui a eu lieu le 14 juillet 1789. Des feux d'artifices et des défilés
 happen. Emotionally raw, I stammered, blabbered and the floodgates   militaires sont organisés. Le 8 mai est la  fête de la Victoire. C'est la
 opened. “My parents are getting divorced. I don't know what is ahead of   A new stage I must grace,  commémoration, c'est-à-dire la fête anniversaire, de la fin de la Seconde
 me.” Raahi embraced me; I felt safe.  She calmed me down and expressed   Many wars left to win,  Guerre mondiale. Le 1er mai correspond à la  fête du Travail, et rappelle
 her sadness on this matter. “It may be for the best”, she said. She felt it   I'm just soaking all the times with you,  la lutte des ouvriers pour réduire la journée de travail à huit heures. Ce
 was better to live apart peacefully than together with much agitation. The   I have been in.  jour-là, on offre traditionnellement du muguet, une petite fleur blanche,
 truth of what she said hit me. I now looked at the situation objectively. She   Goodbyes are not easy,  à ses proches.
 made me laugh by pointing out how I would get two birthday parties and   Neither is what's left to come.
 double the number of gifts and vacations.  It sounded like music to me. For   But I know I'll conquer it,  Noël  a lieu le 25 décembre. C'est une fête chrétienne qui célèbre la
 the rest of the day, Raahi sat next to me and cheered me up.  Since you've made me the man I wished I'd become.  naissance de Jésus. Les familles se réunissent et partagent un bon repas
                                                       le soir du 24 décembre et on s'offre des cadeaux. Enfin,  Pâques  n'a pas
 Enmity had ceased and friendship had taken root. Truly, it's a memory that   You'll always have a place in my heart,  de date fixe, c'est un dimanche entre le 22 mars et le 25 avril. À cette
 will be etched in my mind  for all eternity. I could overcome the worst   I won't be whole because you're always a part.  occasion, les parents cachent des œufs en chocolat dans la maison et le
 experience of my life with help from the most unexpected quarter.   I let you go saving memories forever,  jardin et les enfants s'amusent à les chercher.
 Myeishaa Chhablani  Wishing you luck in every endeavour.
 Jiana Shah                                                                                    Niti Jhunjhunwala
                         Mokksh Shah
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