Page 254 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
P. 254

Les Oiseaux Volent
                                                                                                                                     The School has turned 20 years old. I feel...
        Un petit oiseau
        a quitté son nid,
        il y a vécu son enfance.                                                                                                     Rushaan Agarwal         Glad seeing how the institution has adapted itself to not only provide information-based
        Sans savoir voler                                                                                                                                education but also focus on holistic development to prepare us for the uncertain future.
        Sans savoir déployer ses ailes
        Lentement                                                                                                                    Drishti Agarwal       As though I've been a part of something so big and meaningful
        Ses ailes se sont mises à battre
        Et son bec a gazouillé                                                                                                       Arushi Bhandari     Excited for the journey ahead that I get to be a part of together with my friends and teachers as
        Il était effrayé ; même nerveux.
                                                                                                                                                         well as proud of contributing to DAIS' steps to this point in time.
        Mais les rivières coulaient
        Le vent soufflait                                                                                                             Darian Dashti         Grateful to be a part of this establishment
        et les ailes battaient
        Le jeune oiseau a attrapé                                                                                                    Aaditya Ingle         Proud to be in the school for the last 12 years. Watching this school progress has made me feel
        son premier ver.
                                                                                                                                                         incredibly happy and proud of my fellow peers.
        Chaque jour, il volait
        parmi les grands cieux.                                                                                                      Prisha Israni         I am so proud to be a part of this institution. It has been a great journey that has helped me
        Explorant un recoin après l'autre
        un autre jour                                                                                                                                    evolve. It has shaped me into the person I am. Looking forward to making more wonderful
        et un autre arbre,                                                                                                                               memories here.
        une autre branche,
        un autre fruit.                                                                                                              Leah Iyer             Grateful for the wonderful experience and hoping to make more memories here.
        pour toute sa vie
        tout se sent                                                                                                                 Nivedita Jha          Proud at how the institution has grown over the years, and grateful that I can make wonderful
        répétitif                                                                                                                                        memories along its journey.
        un cycle permanent.
        le vol                                                                                                                       Advay Jhunjhunwala   Proud at being at DAIS since the very beginning and excited to finish my entire journey here.
        et le battement des ailes
        ne cesse jamais;                                                                                                             Sanaya Jiwrajka       Overjoyed to be a part of this community
        quand arrêterons-nous de voler?
        Mais maintenant,                                                                                                             Diva Kumar            Curious to see what the future holds and proud that the school has endured for so long.
        quand il revient sur sa vie
        il réalise                                                                                                                   Sana Magan          A feeling of pride and joy. I am proud to be a part of this school and have seen several
        comment les années se sont enfuies.                                                                                                              accomplishments and milestones reached in the 11 years that I have been here.
        Le petit oiseau a volé très loin.
        il se souvient                                                                                                               Moksh Nihalani      As a relatively new student to the prestigious institution, I am proud to call DAIS my school. I'm
        son premier ver
        le premier nid qu'il a fait                                                                                                                      hopeful to be able to play a part in the shining tapestry of this school's rich future of empowering
        et tous les arbres de la forêt                                                                                                                   and educating our youth.
        Le vieil oiseau continue de
        voler;                                                                                                                       Arundhati Raj       The teachers have enriched my way of thinking and my friends have supported me throughout
        Plus loin                                                                                                                                        my educational journey.
        dans les ciels bien                 Sara Wadhawan
        bleus.                                                                                                                       Soumya Sanghai      I feel exhilarated and gratified with my journey in DAIS as the learnings and values embraced at
                            Aarav Jalan                                                                                                                  DAIS are those that you inculcate for life.
                                                                          “याद ह  हम  अभी भी,
                                                                                                                                     Dev Shah              Inspired by the relentless efforts of the school to make us experience the best possible learning
                                                                          वो खौफ भर  दन पर  ा क।
                                                                           दल थम-सा गया था,                                                              and excited to see what our future carries.
                                                                          मन का चन कह ं खो-सा गया था।
                                                                                                                                     Kriya Shah            I feel proud to be a part of the seamless and joyful journey with DAIS for the last 12 years and I
                                                                          अ छ अक लाने क  होड़ म ,                                                         am excitedly awaiting the next 2 to go!
                                                                          कह ं गलत राह पर न भटक न जाएँ,
                                                 Haiku: I'm               कामयाबी क  दौड़ म ।                                         Ananya Shah           I feel a sense of comfort, pride and belonging
                                                                          पर बचनी क साथ डर भी था।
                                                 Late                     पर इसी डर ने हमार  कामयाबी                                 Rudritara Shroff    Grateful to have been given a home away from home. Excited for my last 2 years.
                                                                          क बीच का फासला तय  कया ह, ै
                                                 Toast between my teeth
                                                                          पर  ा क  लड़ाई म  खो गए थे हम कह , ं                        Kaaveri Singh         Proud to be a DAIS student. Love coming here everyday and it’s a home for me. I have no words
                                                 Comb stuck in my hair,
                                                                          उ मीद स भरा द या जलाए था य बचारा  दल,                                          to describe this feeling
                                                 I'm late
                                                                          रा ता था मि कल, आती जाती रह ं तमाम  द कत ।
                                                 Running for the bus
                                                                          पर अब बस इतज़ार ह उस पल का,                                 Anousha Singi         I feel really honoured to be a part of such an institution and community. Whenever i come to the
                                                 My mom yells behind                                                                                     school I feel like its a second home. I am proud to be a DAIS student.
                                                                          कब ख म ह ग य पर  ा क  दन,
                                                 The alarm did not go off
                                                                          िज़ंदगी आफ़त स भर  ह, ै
                                                 BEEP! BEEP! Bus is here                                                             Parthiv Sreeraman     Grateful to be a part of this institution and the opportunities it has provided me with.
                                                                          मन को समझात ह ,
                                                 “Hurry up, you're late”  महनत का फल मीठा होता ह,                                    Manit Vijan           Delighted to be able to learn and imbibe values from our teachers.
                                                 The conductor's eyes     यह हमशा याद रखत ह ।
                                                 glare, oh                अपने माता- पता का नाम रोशन करना ह, ै                       Sara Wadhawan       Delighted to know that I was able to contribute to the development and evolution of this school
                                                 Tripped over my lace     आ खर हम  भी एक  दन आसमान तक पहँचना है।"                                        over a span of 12 years as a part of my journey from KG to Grade 10.
                                                        Arushi Bhandari                 पा थव  ीरामन &  शान अगरवाल

        Sana Magan
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