Page 277 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
P. 277

Muktangan                                                                                                              Toy Bank

        Muktangan is an organisation founded by Liz Mehta to improve the quality                                               Toy Bank ensures that children have access to toys – both educational and
        of education for children and train schoolteachers. The organisation                                                   for leisure, thereby making certain that children's right to play is not
        originally started as a small room with 40 children but has now expanded                                               violated. They also believe that toys are extremely significant for the
        to teach over 1,000 children in Mumbai's municipal schools. 17 of us                                                   holistic development of a child and therefore work towards providing toys
        volunteered at the Muktangan school in Prabhadevi to conduct                                                           and story books to the underprivileged children.
        educational activities with children from the 3rd and 4th grades. The
        activities aim to provide learning in a simple manner, while also ensuring                                             As representatives for the NGO, we were very excited for the CAS fete and
        that the children enjoy the process of learning. Some of the recreational                                              creating our very own stall. We spent about two weeks of our sessions on
        activities we conducted included                                                                                       Tuesdays and Fridays preparing for the fete. We worked as a team of 13,
        physical education, yoga, and                                                                                          each taking up different responsibilities. Prisha, Naviya, Varsha and
        music, and we also helped them                                                                                         Anishka worked on decorations. They made vibrant posters for our stall games while other
        develop their speaking, writing                                                                                        students helped making informative posters about Toybank’s vision and the work they have
        and general knowledge skills                                                                                           done. Mehek, Ojas and Aaditya worked on merchandise and set up a hairstyling counter as
        through group games and
        quizzes. We made sure that the                                                                                         an additional interactive activity for the stall. Abhinav, Abhiviraj, Ojas, Harshwardhan, Aditya
        activities we conducted were                                                                                           and Sachit worked on ideating for games. We finally settled on three: Pick the Duck, Cup
        enjoyable for the children and                                                                                         Stakin' and Dizzy Penalties which ranged from prices between 30-50 rupees. On the day of
        ourselves. Through volunteering                                                                                        the fete, we worked collectively to set up the stall and each person took turns running the
        at the school, we also learnt                                                                                          games in the stall. Many children came to play our games, and some came multiple times to
        important life skills, such as                                                                                         replay. Dizzy Penalties turned out to be a favourite amongst the visitors and ended up being
        cooperation, empathy and                                                                                               our bestseller. Other games were also popular and people kept coming in to win prize tickets,
        healthy communication.
                                                                                                                               so much so that we ran out and had to refill tickets multiple times. As representatives of the
        At the CAS Fete 2023, we raised                                                                                        Toybank NGO, we enjoyed the experience of being able to raise funds to promote such a good cause.
        money for the school through our
        stall. The stall had two games; Knock The Can and Mini Basketball. We also sold mugs and artwork made by the students.
        All the proceeds from the games and merchandise were donated to the organisation. We had a lot of fun organising and contributing
        to the stall.                                                                                                                                               Welfare of Stray Dogs
                                                                                                                                                                    The Welfare of Stray Dogs, a stray animal
                                                                                                                                                                    sterilization facility located in the heart of
                                                                                                                                                                    Mumbai, is the site of the weekly CAS endeavours
        Les différentes parties de l'identité                                                                                                                       of an enigmatically eccentric ensemble of grade
        Bonjour à toutes et à tous!                                                                                                                                 11 students. Also serving as an abode for
                                                                                                                                                                    'streeties' looking to get adopted to their forever
        Suite à une longue réflexion personnelle sur le thème de l'identité,
        j'ai décidé d'explorer qui je suis. Mon identité me confond, parce                                                                                          homes, the WSD centre provides care for over 3
        qu'elle change constamment. Je souhaiterais élaborer sur les                                                           Shedding My Old Skin - Kyrene Tangri   dozen dogs and cats at any given time. During
        identités différentes qui me définissent.                                                                                                                    the weekends, the centre is converted into an
                                                                                                                                                                    OPD, conducting various primary and emergency
        D'abord, mes loisirs et mes préférences m'habitent et                                                                                                       level medical operations for owners unable to
        m'accompagnent, mais ils ne peuvent suffire à me définir, selon
        moi. Cependant, c'est aussi une partie de l'identité indispensable.                                                                                         afford the care or for animals that have been left
        Pour moi, j'aime jouer au tennis régulièrement, puisqu'il m'aide à                                                                                          to suffer.
        me détendre après une journée fatigante. L'exercice fait partie                                                                                             We began our tenure with WSD online by
        intégrale de ma vie – d'après un article que j'ai lu, le sport aide les                                                                                     working on an awareness campaign for
        gens à rester en bonne forme, mais il aide aussi à mener une vie                                                                                            World Rabies Day. To undertake this, we put
        heureuse et équilibrée. En outre, mes préférences incluent visiter                                                                                          up posters within the school campus and ran
        les nouvels endroits, car on peut découvrir de nouvelles cultures.                                                                                          a 3-day awareness campaign on Instagram,
        Ce que je préfère, c'est de déguster les plats traditionnels, en                                                                                            which included reels and posts.
        général, c'est délicieux !                             Jai Vakeel                                                                                           Then, we started to frequent the kennels
        Deuxièmement, mon identité régionale et linguistique, cela me                                                                                               physically. Our sessions would entail walking the
        confond beaucoup. À mon avis, la langue est un miroir de la   The Jai Vakeel                                                                                dogs, playing with them in an activity room, and
        culture. Je parle l'anglais, l'hindi, le français et un peu le marathi.   Foundation is where                                                               shooting video footage for social media of WSD.
        Je suis sindhi, mais mes grands-parents ont déménagé de Sindh à                                                                                             Our most challenging assignment was the CAS
        Mumbai, pendant la partition donc je ne parle pas le sindhi. La   students with                                                                             Fete, where we set up a stall to raise funds for
        langue est une expression d'identité culturelle, et elle aide à   intellectual and                                                                          the NGO. Our fundraising techniques included
        améliorer nos liens avec les racines. Pour cette raison, je voudrais   developmental disabilities are given the help they need, and                         selling WSD merchandise and dog-themed
        apprendre le sindhi, un jour.                          taught many life skills that they can use to integrate with society                                  cookies, snapping polaroids of patrons, and
        En conclusion, je pense que ma génération se sent à l'aise dans   and be successful in the future. Our sessions have always been   Slipping Away - Annika Cerejo  conducting 2 exciting games - Feed the Dog and
        n'importe quel endroit grâce aux identités diverses and inclusives.   amazing – the students have been friendly, forthcoming, and                           Boop the Nose.
        La nôtre n'est pas une identité rigide, mais au contraire
        polyvalente.                                           extremely interactive. Our main aim to share knowledge and                                           Towards the end of our term, we focused on
        Merci de me lire, laissez-moi vos commentaires.        grow together. Activities like creating calculators, sports day,                                     Instagram content specific to each dog or cat, for
                                                                                                                                                                    their sponsoring and adoption, and relating to the
        Commentaires:                                          supermarket shopping, teaching math were platforms that                                              harmful effects of colours used on animals during Holi.
        @Aneesh123: Oui, je suis absolument d'accord. Génial !  generated intellectual growth. We gained immensely while                                            Altogether, our positive experiences with WSD are a reflection of the virtuous values of
                                                               learning about activities such as drying flowers, candle-making,
        @Aanya5: Je m'identifie avec ce blog qui cerne bien les traits                                                                                               the institution and its noble goals. As a group, we learnt how difficult it is to manage a
        caractéristiques de l'identité dans notre génération.   and table-setting from the foundation students.                                                     non-profit institution and negotiate the hindrances that come along with it. We
                                               Divya Karnani   We have enjoyed going for this service activity and meeting with                                     acknowledge the Welfare of Stray Dogs as an epitome of a well-run NGO for our
                                                                                                                                                                    beloved 'streeties'  and hope to work with it outside of school in the future!
                                                               students of JVF every Friday.                                   WINDOWS TO THE SOULD
                                                                                                                               Tanaya Agarwal
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