Page 281 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
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        BACCALAUREATE                                                                                                                      YEAR 12


                                                                                                                                                                                             14 years of my life have unfolded before the watchful
                                                                     DAIS completes 20 years! I feel proud to graduate from                                                                  eyes of this school, the souvenirs of my time here
                                                                     a school I loved going to for the last 14 years. I could                                                                tucked away safely in the form of archived English
                                                                     call DAIS my second home. From the teachers who have                                                                    essays and photos on inter-house event walls. My
                                                                     taught me and the security, canteen, and housekeeping                                                                   earliest memories look up in awe from the little jungle
                                                                                                                                                                                             gyms of the ground floor; my most recent gaze back
                                                                     staff who I've interacted with or the friends I have                                                                    from the windows of the 7th and smile. I have scaled
                                                                     made... I have numerous memories.- Jiah Hara                                                                            the heights of this school, each year bringing new trials
                                                                     DAIS completes 20 years! I feel grateful for the                                                                        and laughter, and now my view from its summit maps
                                                                     opportunities that this school has presented to me and                                                                  my transformation and growth in the form of its fields
                                                                     the manner in which it has motivated me to always aim                                                                   and courts, classrooms and foyers, and wings and
                                                                     higher. From FRC to MUN and Math olympiads, I thank                                                                     stages. As it enters its 20th year, this community that
                                                                                                                                                                                             has nurtured and challenged me seems to bursts forth,
                                                                     DAIS for allowing me to access my true potential. I will                                                                more vibrant than ever, and I know a piece of it will
                                                                     forever be thankful for the lessons learnt and
                  Ms Megha Saha's Tutor Group                        friendships built here. - Ishaan Shah                           Mr. Sreeraman Ramanathan’s Tutor Group                  always illuminate my heart in my individual journey. So,
                                                                                                                                                                                             as I now bid farewell and look towards the approaching
                                                                                                                                                                                             horizon, I am not afraid of falling. - Tridha Haritwal

                                                                                                                               Every corner of DAIS is adorned with memories. The
                                                                                                                               colourful LKG classrooms where we made our first
        As I reflect upon my 14-year journey in DAIS, it feels
        amazing to be the 20th class graduating. I am filled                                                                    friends and spent the night during our 4th grade
        with the countless memories it has given me. From the                                                                  sleepover. The field where we’ve cheered on countless
        first day of LKG to the final moments of the IBDP, each                                                                  relays, danced on every Annual Day, and more recently,
                                                                                                                               tearfully waved school flags to the sentimental tune of
        experience has shaped me into the person I am today.                                                                   ‘Aashayein’ during the Graduation walk. The auditorium
        The friendships formed, the challenges faced, and the
        lessons learned have all contributed to my personal                                                                    where we had a magical farewell. And all the
        development. As I step into the next chapter of my life, I                                                             classrooms that overflow with small but beautiful
        carry with me countless unforgettable memories that                                                                    moments. Of course, the physical space is nothing
        DAIS has given me. - Krish Waghani                                                                                     without the people. My school experience could not
                                                                                                                               have been the same without my peers and teachers and   Ms Shalini Ghosh’s Tutor Group
                                                           Ms Theresa Thomas' Tutor Group
                                                                                                                               all DAIS Staff. - Kashvee Barjatya

                                                                                                                                                                                             14 years of DAIS has been filled with laughter, love,
                                                                     Looking back on my time in this school, I can without a                                                                 excitement, stress, and most importantly, growth. We
                                                                     doubt say that it has completely shaped who I am as a                                                                   progressed from wearing the blue sun t-shirts to
                                                                     person today. DAIS has nurtured me from the very start,                                                                 checked shirts. Novelty races paved the path for 400m
                                                                     and has taught me to never limit my dreams and goals.                                                                   sprints. Ice cream-ice cream arguments on the UKG
                                                                     It has inculcated in me the importance of hard-work and                                                                 playground solidified into life long friendships. Our
                                                                     perseverance, while simultaneously staying true to                                                                      teachers taught us subject content as well as imparted
                                                                     myself and my morals. While I am leaving this school, I                                                                 life lessons. In 2009, I cried walking in through the
                                                                     know that this school will never leave me; from the                                                                     school gates not knowing that in 2023, I would tear up
                                                                     memories I made, to the invaluable skills I learnt along                                                                walking out because this was my favourite place with
                                                                     the way. I am certain that DAIS has prepared me for the                                                                 my favourite people and my favourite memories. Mostly,
                 Ms Pamela Colon's Tutor Group                       real world, and the next chapter of my life.                      Ms Nandita Mathur’s Tutor Group                       I feel grateful because - Winnie-the-Pooh said it best -
                                                                                                                                                                                             “how lucky am I to have something that makes saying
                                                                     - Rihaan Bhansali
                                                                                                                                                                                             goodbye so hard.” - Aarna Sanghai

                                                                                                                               Congratulations to DAIS on its 20th anniversary! I was a
                                                                                                                               new student last year. I can say that these 2 years has
        We've come to a point in our lives where the first thing                                                                been an incredible IBDP experience here. DAIS teachers
        we say when we introduce ourselves is the name of our                                                                  are passionate, knowledgeable, and dedicated. DP
        school. That's how important our school is to our                                                                      Coordinators are always available to help and guide us
        identity. It defines who we are, and decides what we                                                                    through any challenges we may face academically or
        become. 14 years at DAIS have given me countless                                                                       personally. I have made some great friends here, all of
        opportunities to express myself through the arts,                                                                      whom have been friendly and welcoming. In addition
        performances, conferences, events and a whole lot                                                                      to academics and extracurricular activities, DAIS places
        more. DAIS shaped my academic aptitude for the real                                                                    great emphasis on character development and
        world, but it did so much more than that. This school                                                                  community involvement. Through the CAS program at
        has helped me find the version of myself that I love.                                                                   DAIS, I felt encouraged to become responsible and
        - Vivaan Turakhia
                                                                                                                               empathetic towards the society in a meaningful way.   Ms Shama Shaikh's Tutor Group
                                                       Ms Carolina Mondragon's Tutor Group
                                                                                                                               - Kashvi Ranwala
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