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Service initiatives at DAIS Supporting NGOs


PRATHAM is the largest non-governmental community service organization working to provide education to the underprivileged children of India. PRATHAM was established in 1994 to provide education to the Mumbai slum children. DAIS associated with PRATHAM in 2005 with the aim of creating awareness about children’ needs and the kind of work that NGOs engage in.

The ‘DAIS Akanksha Centre’ symbolizes our School's institutional efforts to facilitate the education of children in slum areas. This center started functioning from the inception of the School and educates about 59 students currently. Our premises serve as a school for children of nearby slum areas in the afternoon.
BL Museum


ASEEMA NGO’s mandate is to provide quality education for street children and underprivileged ones and to protect human rights. Since July 2011, DAIS has been associated with ASEEMA. The IB students have endeavoured to make the learning process for the ASEEMA children enjoyable with a number of fun filled activities.
Magic Bus

2003 Magic Bus India Foundation is a not-for-profit Company registered in Mumbai under Sec 25 of Companies Act. They reach out to 250,000 plus children in Mumbai and steers them towards a better life with better awareness, better life skills, and better opportunities in their journey from childhood to livelihood.
Maharashtra Nature Park