Page 12 - DAIS Admission Brochure 2024-25
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Academic Programme

                                                                                                                                                                      Post-Secondary Programme

                                                                                                                                                                          Classes XI & XII

                                                                                                                                                                        Secondary Programme
                                                                                                                                                                         Classes VIII to X

            Teaching and Learning

            Teaching and learning at DAIS draw on our guiding   Differentiated  Instruction:  Each  student  is
            statements  and  focus  on  achieving  the  various   unique in terms of their learning style, pace, and
            elements  of  our  curriculum  model.  We  view   abilities,  and  therefore  it  is  imperative  that  they
            students as active participants in their learning and   are  provided  personalised  instruction.  Key
            place them at the centre of everything that we do.   components  and  strategies  of  differentiated                                                                MYP
            Integrating student voice into the learning process   instruction  include  assessing  students'  readiness,
            unleashes their creativity and critical thinking, and   interests, and learning profiles, flexible grouping,                                                IB Middle Years Programme
            transforms  the  entire  learning  experience.    individualized learning plans, varied resources and                                                        Classes VI to VIII
            Recognising  learner  agency  cultivates  personal   instructional  strategies,  ongoing  assessment  and
            responsibility  for  their  learning  and  motivates   feedback,  adjusting  content,  scaffolding,  and
            students to be agile and adaptable in their learning.   teacher  as  facilitator.  This  approach  fosters
            Therefore, our approach to High-Quality Teaching   inclusiveness and equity and empowers all students
            and Learning (HQLT) centres around the following   to  succeed  by  catering  to  their  unique  learning
            four key pillars:
                                                              styles and abilities.
            Inquiry-based  Learning:  Inquiry-based  learning   Integration  of  Technology:  Technology
            sparks  curiosity  and  encourages  students  to  ask   integration  involves  using  various  digital  devices
            questions, explore, investigate, seek answers, and   and platforms, to enhance teaching and learning.
            solve problems. It fosters critical thinking and deep   This  enables  improved  access  to  educational                                                             PYP
            comprehension  and  promotes  cross-disciplinary                                                                                                         IB Primary Years Programme
            exploration and a holistic understanding of various   resources, enhanced engagement and motivation                                                            Classes I to V
            subjects. Apart from expanding their knowledge    through  interactive  elements,  collaborative
            horizon, this approach nurtures intrinsic motivation   opportunities,  instant  feedback,  data-driven
            and a lifelong love of learning.                  instruction, flipped classrooms, improved parent-
                                                              t e a c h e r   c o m m u n i c a t i o n ,   a n d   p o s i t i v e
            Conceptual Understanding: It involves a deep and   environmental  impacts.  This  results  in  students
            interconnected  grasp  of  the  fundamental  ideas,   gaining  proficiency  in  using  digital  tools  and
            principles, and concepts within a subject, and is not   learning  how  to  critically  evaluate  and  harness
            limited to mere factual knowledge. This ensures the   technology  to  enhance  their  learning  and  solve
            comprehension  of  the  underlying  structures  and   real-world problems.
            relationships that link diverse pieces of information.
            Students with clear conceptual understanding often   By  adopting  these  pedagogical  principles  and                                                     PYP (Early Years)
            exhibit higher metacognitive abilities, enabling them   practices, we aim to provide a holistic and futuristic                                           IB Primary Years Programme
            to monitor and adjust their learning processes. They   education that empowers students to be creative
            are  better  equipped  to  apply  their  knowledge  in   and  innovative  and  become  critical  thinkers,                                                Nursery, LKG & UKG
            practical, real-world situations, and adapt to evolving   problem solvers and lifelong learners in an ever-
            challenges and contexts.                          changing world.

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