Page 50 - DAIS Digital School Diary-2023 - 2024
P. 50

In case a child forgets to bring the ID card third time in a month, the Parents
                will be informed of the same and they are expected to send the ID card of
               their child to school; the child will not be allowed to attend regular class
               and will be required to wait at the reception until the card arrives. To avoid
               this inconvenience, parents should ensure that their child carries the ID card to
               school every day.
            l)  Parent ID Card

               A Photo Identity Card is issued to each parent. This ID card can be used to enter
               the school, in case they do not bring the card they will have to follow the
               visitors' management system and obtain a visitors card to enter the school.
               If a parent loses the Identity card, they follow the same procedure as laid
               out in lost student ID cards.

               Parents are expected to support and reinforce the school rules and policies.

               The school expects parents to attend Orientations, Parent-Teacher Meetings, and
               school functions as per the schedule communicated to them, and thus show their
               interest in their child's school activities.

            a)  Visits to School
               As part of the school's security system, all parents visiting the school must follow
               the school security protocol as laid down from time to time. Parents must display
               their parent ID card while in school.
               Parents  are  not  allowed  to  meet  students  during  class  hours  without  the
               permission of the appropriate Section Head.

            b)  Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
               All parents and teachers of the school are members of the PTA. The objective of the
               PTA is to foster co-operation between the parents, the school and the teachers in
               achieving  the  school's  vision  and  mission,  focused  always  on  the  children's
               learning, development and well-being.

               The Executive Committee of the PTA will consist of:

               Chairman – Head of school
               Vice Chairman – One among the parents

               Secretary – One among the teachers
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