Page 44 - DAIS Digital School Diary-2024 - 2025
P. 44
Parents are required to update their child's medical records annually and
throughout the year as circumstances change. The school will send a medical form
to the parents at the beginning of the summer break and expect the parents to
have it filled in by their pediatrician or family doctor and upload the same on the
link provided in the circular.
In case of any medical attention, the teacher will send the student with a covering
note to the school medical centre, where the student will be given appropriate
treatment. In case of an acute emergency, like an accident or illness which may
necessitate urgent medical treatment, including surgery, the parents will be
informed and if the parents cannot be reached, the school will act “in loco
parentis” for the student and is authorised for any such treatment or surgery
which, in its sole discretion (which discretion will not be unreasonably exercised),
may be deemed necessary.
Teachers have been instructed not to administer any medication to the students. In
case medication is needed, the parent will send a written note to the class teacher
who will ensure that the school doctor/nurse administers it.
All parents must sign the emergency permission form and the undertaking of
Exemption from Liability in the Event of Medical emergencies. Please keep the
school informed of any changes in the medical condition of your child.
f) Canteen
The dining hall serves vegetarian snacks and lunch to students. The school canteen
committee comprises teachers from various sections, canteen manager, canteen
chef, dietician, and an external chef. The menu for the entire month is prepared in
advance to ensure that it provides a wide range of healthy well-balanced meals &
snacks, meeting the strict regulations laid down by the government. The school
cannot cater to special meal requests. Students may bring their own lunch / snack
to school. They should bring tiffin / snack boxes with them at the start of the school
day. Students are not permitted to receive delivery of lunch / snacks while at school.
The menu is sent to all parents and staff at the beginning of the month.
Students have a choice of buying snacks during their respective breaks using their
ID cards, which also serve as a student wallet.
g) Transport
The school has an air-conditioned bus service for students to and from the school.
Each bus is equipped with a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, seat belts, GPS monitoring
system and video camera.