Page 49 - DAIS Digital School Diary-2024 - 2025
P. 49

a)  Visits to School
                     As part of the school's security system, all parents visiting the school must follow
                     the school security protocol as laid down from time to time. Parents are not allowed
                     to meet students during class hours without the permission of the appropriate
                     Section Head.

                 b)  Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
                     All parents and teachers at the school are members of the PTA. The objective of the
                     PTA is to foster co-operation between the parents, the school and the teachers, in
                     achieving the school's vision and mission, focused always on the child's learning,
                     development and well-being.
                     The Executive Committee of the PTA will consist of:

                     Chairman – Head of school
                     Vice Chairman – One among the parents

                     Secretary – One among the teachers
                     Jt. Secretary (2) – One among the parents and one among the teachers

                     Members – A teacher of each class-level and a parent of each class-level
                     50% of the membership of the executive committee of the PTA will be women. The
                     term of the executive committee will be for one year.
                     The Executive committee should comprise of minimum one parent from each class-
                     level and not more than two parents from each class-level subject to maximum of
                     thirteen  parents  of  the  school,  one  teacher  from  each  class-level,  subject  to
                     maximum of ten teachers and one representative of school management.

                 c)  Communication between School and Parents

                     In case of any day-to-day matters or to make an appointment with school faculty
                     communication  should  be  sent  to  the  respective  Programme  office  on  the
                     following email IDs:
                       ICSE office:

                     IGCSE office:

                     IBDP office:

                     For any urgent matters parents can reach out on the following phone numbers:
                     DAIS Reception: +91 22 31137000/01/02

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