Page 50 - DAIS Digital School Diary-2024 - 2025
P. 50
Parents are requested to ensure that the name, class and division of the students
are mentioned in all communication addressed to the school.
Parents are expected to immediately communicate to the school any change in
address and contact details and update the same on the school portal.
The school requests parents to contact the respective Heads directly to discuss
student's individual matters.
d) Parents and Students Complaint Procedure:
We are accessible to students and parents to express their concerns. A culture of
open communication and discussion-based approach to resolve matters has been
established. It is best for relationships if the concern/issue can be resolved amicably
through discussions between the student/parents and with the appropriate
member of staff. If a formal process is required the procedure is as follows:
1. Formal Complaint: If an informal discussion does not result in a satisfactory
resolution, the student/parent may file a formal complaint. The complaint
should include a clear description of the issue, the individuals involved, and any
supporting evidence or documentation in writing and submitted to the
Programme Coordinator/Head/ Deputy Head.
2. Review by Administration: Upon receiving the recommended actions, the Head
will review the matter which may involve gathering additional information,
interviewing witnesses, and consulting with relevant parties. Then they will
decide based on the information gathered and take appropriate action.
3. Resolution: Following the investigation, the school will work with the parties
involved to find a resolution to the complaint. The resolution will be fair,
reasonable, and in accordance with the school's policies and procedures.
4. Appeal Process: If the student/parent is dissatisfied with the decision made by
the Head, they may appeal to the school's Dean/CEO. The appeal must be
made in writing and submitted within five school days of receiving the decision.
The Dean/CEO will review the complaint, the investigation, and the decision,
and will make a final decision. The decision of the Dean/CEO is final. The
outcome of the appeal will be communicated by the Dean/CEO to all parties
within 14 days.