Page 214 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 214

There is no Planet B!

                                         Have you ever wondered what sustainability is? It is to preserve and maintain. There are four major
                                         types  of  sustainability.  Environment,  human,  economic  and  social.  Out  of  these  four,  the
                                         environmental aspect of sustainability has been affected the most. There are various types of pollution
                                         that has affected it adversely, such as water pollution, air pollution, land pollution and noise pollution.

                                         These not only affect the humans in the vicinity but also the innocent animals that suffer a lot because                                                                  कस ह वष ग       ं
                                         of our mistakes. Let's not let this happen and try our best to be more sustainable. It's not too late to

                                         understand that there is no other planet B.                                                                                                                                कस ह २०२० वष ग  ं
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  खपच ट  न सग ाना िद  ं
                                         If we can even do a little to help the environment, why shouldn't we?. It's high time we realise that the
                                         planet doesn't belong to us and instead we belong to the planet. Our actions that we perform now                                                                        िकती किठण प र  थती आ ी
                                         may affect the future generations. Water pollution has caused millions of deaths of marine animals.                                                                       सग ाची झोप उडा ी
                       Ashlesha Bakshi   There have been so many oil spills that have polluted the water bodies. Plastic waste has become a                                                                   कोरोना वायरस न जगा ा ह वन टाक  े
                                         major global problem. Wastes like plastic aren't biodegradable which makes them harmful for the                                                                      हात नाही  ावायचा तोडा ा, समज ?
                                         Earth. We should remember that whatever we throw in the sea, the sea throws it back at us. In so                                                                          घरा म  बद झा  सगळ े
               हमार र क                  many shores there are heaps of waste that harm the environment. This was just one type of pollution                                                                      खाय ा िमळा  पदाथ वगळ े

                                         that has created a serious environmental problem globally. Air pollution is a whole different aspect

                थरता  का अथ ह  ा,        again. Harmful gasses from industries, vehicles, air conditioners and refrigerators such as carbon                                                                       सव सिनटायझस सपत आ  े


                                         dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons can have very bad effects on the atmosphere. It increases the amount
           भिव ो की पीिढ़यो स िलए िबना,                                                                                                                                                                      िनळ, िहरव, िपवळ सगळयाना मा  िमळा  े
                                         of greenhouse gasses in the air. Have you ever heard about global warming? It is a global crisis that has                                         Tithi Agarwal
          खद की ज़ रतो को परा ह करना,                                                                                                                                                                            पण काही  ोक मा  नाही घा त
                                         resulted in melting of ice caps, rise in sea levels and a very bad quality of air. The Earth's temperature is
           धरती मा को बचा कर ह रखना ।    increasing day by day because of this and so is the number of animals that die due to this. Was it their                                                                   ाचमळ कसस वाढतात!
                                         fault? Not at all. Why should they face this because of our actions? Land pollution has polluted                                                                        हॉ  ट  म  बड िमळत नाही
             लिकन    यह उठता  ह, ै
                                         underground water and has spread harmful diseases. This is just some of the effects. Noise pollution is                                                                  ऑन ाईन  ाळा स  झा ी
              की ऐसा कस िकया जाए;
                                         caused by honking of vehicles, loud music and every noise that is disturbing everything and everyone                                                                      िम ाना भट  क ो नाही
              धरती क इन तौफो को,         around. These were all the problems but what are the solutions?                                                                                                          घरी बसन बोर होतो आ ी
                कस बचाया जाए।            To at least reduce water pollution, if not stop it, we can try not to throw plastic away instead reuse it to
                                         make it sustainable towards the environment and make something better and useful. Try to reduce the                                                                       याच काही फायद आहत
              अगर भिव  की पीिढ़या, ँ
                                         consumption of plastic we can spread awareness about the adverse effects and participate in beach clean                                                                 आम ा हातात खप वळ आह े
         हमस पछ की हमन उ  कसा ससार िदया;

                                         ups. We can contribute in reducing air pollution by walking or cycling to nearby places instead of using a                                                             आमची आळ ीपणाची सवय ग ी

              तो हम गव स कह सक ,         car. We can plant more trees that help absorb the carbon dioxide in the air. Remember to switch off the air                                                               आई बाबाची मदत क ी.
        हमन वसा ही िदया, जसा हमन था पाया।  conditioner when not needed. Dispose everything carefully and mindfully to reduce land pollution. Try not
                                         to honk unless necessary and do not play loud music as it can disturb anyone and cause noise pollution.                                                                   द:खी राहायच क ासाठी
              थरता बनाय रखन क िलए,       These are all the small steps that we can take as our contribution to save the Earth. Spread awareness                                                                 ज काही घडत त चाग या साठी
                  िचिक ा ह ब त ज री;     about this. Reuse, reduce and recycle anything and everything you can. Together we can try to make this                                                                कोरोनाला िमळन हरवन टाकायच े

               इसी म िवकिसत हो,          world a better place!.                                                                                                                                               २०२१ च सकारा कतन  ागत करायच े
             हमारी ज़ रतो होगी परी।                                                                       Tithi Agrawal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ितथी अ वाल
               आजकल कोरोना न, े          Sustainability:
                बवाल ह मचाया;                                                                                                                   Meher Mathur
                                         The Survival of Humanity                                                                                                                              Zaha Irani
                हज़ारो मासमो पर,                                                   એક એવી આદત   પયાવરણ

              छाया ह मौत का साया।        Sustainability is the need of the present time, not   ને    છ રાખવા મદદ કર         The Warnings in a Dream
                                         only for the survival of humanity, but also for it's
                मानव जाित न भी,                                                    મને એક આદત છ ક     લા  ટકની થલીને        Inter House Creative Writing Competition Winner – Panther House
                                         future  protection.  Unlike  the  other  great
         कोरोना का डटकर  ह िकया  सामना;  revolutions in human history, the green revolution   બદલે હમેશા કપડાની થલીનો ઉપયોગ ક   .   The glistening surface of the water shimmered like diamonds in the ardent rays of the rising sun. The cool sea breeze blew gently, nudging the walkers,
             िचिक ा न एक बार िफर,        and  the  industrial  revolution,  the  sustainable    લા  ટક જ     ુ ય કારણ છે ક  ઘણા જળચર   awakening them from their drowsy state, and in the distance, I could see a majestic pod of dolphins leaping and playing. As I sat on the beach soaking in the
                                                                                   ાણીઓ    ૃ    ુ પા યા છ, અને તે પયાવરણને

            दानव का िकया ह मकाबला।       revolution  will  have  to  take  place  rapidly  and                              warmth of the golden beach and my feet were submerged in the cool and gentle water, I felt something kicking against my feet. I slowly opened my eyes to
                                                                                     પણ   િષત કર  છ. કાપડની થલીઓ
                                         consciously.                                         ૂ                             find a plastic bottle struggling to escape the water. As I looked further ahead, I could not believe my eyes, waves of marine garbage were raging towards the

               कोरोना को भगाना,                                                    પયાવરણને   િષત નથી કરતી અને તેનો         shore. It was like a tsunami in the distance. The azure blue sky was soon filled with dark grey clouds, making the surroundings cold, as though thin, frigid
                                         On the technical level, for example it will involve   ઉપયોગ લાબા સમય  ધ ુ ી કર  શકાય છે.
               नही ह आसान काम;                                                                                              needles were striking against my chest. As I got up, trying to run away from the beach along with the cluster of people near me, I saw a dolphin get washed
                                         the sustainable technologies based upon the use   િવહાન દાદભાવાલા
            दिनया को खशी स ह भरना,                                                                                          up on the shore, entangled with plastic bags around its fins and tail. My paradise turned into my worst nightmare. Lightning struck the ground in the
                                         of  renewable  energies  like  the  sun,  wind  and
            तो साथ काम करो सब इसान।                                                                                         distance while the thunder roared, sending chills down my spine. It was like the Hollywood blockbuster film, '2012'. The sharp, loud ringing sound of my
                                         biomass, the adoption of conservation, recycling
                                                                                                                            alarm pulled me out of my nightmare back into reality. But that dream changed my life. I questioned myself, “Could this be the future?” I cannot stand the
                                         practices, and the transfer to cleaner and more
              ह यह बात याद रखनी,                                                                                            thought of living in a world where going to the beach becomes a death trap for us. The damage we are doing to our oceans and aquatic life, with the plastic
                                         energy efficient technologies to countries in the
           सर ा और सावधानी की ही चली                                                                                        we throw into the water bodies is irreparable. At the rate we are going, the only thing that will soon be left in our oceans will be plastic, the greatest curse
                                         developing world.
           मा  पहनो, सिनटाइज़र लगाओ,                                                                                         ever invented which has ruined our planet. The world we live in is one of a kind. No matter where we set up our colonies, Earth will always remain our home,
                                         On  the  political  and  economic  levels,  it  will                               and we must learn to treat it like one. We must start taking care of our planet like it takes care of us providing us with food, air, water and shelter. This is a
             शारी रक दरी को अपनाओ
                                         involve, among other things, the overhauling of                                    wakeup call to the entire world to start looking after our oceans or else our future generations will only be able to see aquatic life in aquariums, which has
              बन गयी ह अब व ीन,          development and trade practices which tend to                                      been starkly depicted by Singaporean artist Tin Zi in her photo. Tin Zi's photograph should have portrayed a beautiful picture of marine life, instead it is full of
             िजदगी बन जाएगी हसीन,        destroy the environment, a fairer distribution of                                  underwater garbage.
              परान िदन अब दर नही, ं      wealth  and  resources  within  and  between                                       The damage has already been done and the chances of the Earth returning to its original lush green state with pristine sapphire blue oceans are
                                         nations, the charging of true cost for products,

           िम  और सहिलया िमलग सभी।                                                                                          minimal. However, we must keep our hopes alive and try to change the way we live. As we are aware, the plastic we use is non-biodegradable and
                                         which exploit or pollute the environment, and the
                                                                                                                            therefore takes centuries to break apart. Therefore, we should enforce strict policies to discontinue the usage of one-use plastic, try implementing the
           ध वाद ह हमार उन र को का ,     encouragement of sustainable practices through
                                                                                                                            3R's – reduce, reuse and recycle – in our daily life. The factories should start filtering and purifying their wastewater in
                                         fiscal and legal controls and incentives.                                           treatment plants before it is released into the oceans. In this way we can make our world more sustainable.

              िज ोन ह हम बचाया।
                                                                  Tanush Badhe                                              It is time for us to change our attitude immediately or else it will be too late. We must remember that there is no Planet B which
                  महर माथर,
                                                                                                                            we can go to if this one fails. Earth is our only way of survival, our only hope, and hence we cannot take it for granted. Our
                सा ी अ वाल                                                                                                  effort should be to care and nurture this beautiful planet rather than to extract only its fruits.
               और ितथी अ वाल                                                    Saanvi Agarwal                  209                                                                                          Ayaan Shankta        210
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