Page 209 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 209

The Landlady, Concluded                                                                       िटकाव

 VII  “Temple,” Billy said. “Gregory Temple”. Excuse my                                       आपल जग कोसळत आह. े
                                                                                                िटकाव मह ाच आह,
     asking, but haven't there been any other guests here
     except them in the last two or three years?” Holding

                                                                                           पा ा ा   क थबाच कौतक करा,
     her  teacup  high  in  one  hand,  inclining  her  head                              झाड वाचवा आिण  ाना भरभराट करा.
 A   slightly to the left, she looked up at him out of the                                  आपण सवानी यात सामील  ाव, े

     corners of her eyes and gave him another gentle

     little smile.                                                                         कारण हा आपला एकमव माग आह. े
                                                                                              िटकाव खप मह ाच आह, े
     “No, my dear,” she said. “Only you.”                                                  णन आ ी एक  काम करत आहोत.
     The words hung, suspenseful, in the air. The way the                                          िदवा कदर
     landlady said them sent a cold shiver down Billy's   Shreyas Aggarwal
     spine.  "No  one  else  came  here?"  She  shook  her
     head and put on a crooked smile. Billy thought it
     odd.  The  names  of  Christopher  and  Gregory
     lingered  in  his  head.  He  wondered  what  had     ाग और जीवन
     happened  to  them,  and  noticed  the  way  the
     landlady  gazed  off  into  her  chain  of  thoughts  as   डॉ र, नस, पिलस, सफाई-कम  पर ह सब कबान,

     though she hadn't come across many charming men   इनकी लगन और  ाग दखकर ह दिनया हरान।
 Morning  in  her  life.  That's  when  it  hit  him  in  a  flash–the

 किठन समय                                          सीखा इनस हमन फ़ज िनभाना और सवा करना,
     newspaper  had  recently  reported  two  missing   अपनो की पहचान सबन लॉकडाउन म ही जाना।

 Jake's sneakers crushed the brittle leaves as he ambled
 कसा किठन समय ह आया ! हम   students. "What is this tea made of?" Billy asked.
 ahead, enjoying the cool breeze whipping against his   िजदगी एक िनयामत ह, सभाल कर रख,
 face. He inhaled the rich aroma of flowers and plants   सबका ह मन मरझाया,   "Oh, just the regular tea-bag." The old lady replied
 खल-कद हम कर नही पात ! िम ो स  े                     मौत की राह अपनान की ज रत  ा ह ।
 that danced calmly in the small breeze. The mud path   while flashing Billy a hasty smile.
 हम िमल नही पात ।                                   जीिवत रहन क िलए घर-प रवार ही ह काफी
 he walked on was flanked by towering pine trees that   Anya Kunder  "It's very tasty!" Billy fibbed. He thought about the   िबना मतलब बाहर भटकन की ज रत  ा ह।
 cast dark shadows on the moist ground. Massive snow-  कोरोना का कहर ह कसा ! हाहाकार   missing students and drinking the rest of the tea. "I
 ह चारो ओर फला ,
 capped mountains rose in the distance. Far on his right   think I'm going to head up now, if that's alright with    रिधमा चौधरी
 कसा ह यह सकट छाया ! भय स ह  ै
 was  a  meadow  dotted  with  bite-sized  houses.  He   you? I must rise early in the morning."
 strode  ahead  through  the  tranquil  forest  and  was   सबका मन घबराया ।
     She glanced over her cup and frowned. "Have you
 greeted by the luscious sweet smell of honey and the   क  द समय िबता रह सभी, दो ो  ं                    Ahana Kanoi

 faint buzzing of bees. He could hear the ever-so-slight   की खल रही कमी ,  had enough, child?" She asked. "You see, it's very
 pitter-patter of morning rain, the mellow chirping of    ल नही जा सकत हम ! क टर स  े  relaxing and should help you sleep... longer." The
 the birds, and a distant roar of an animal's pain. He   ही पढ़त हम ।  landlady seemed to search for the accurate word.
 admired the vibrant foliage and stopped to smell some   कोरोना को हम भगाएग ! िफर सबस  े  Despite his caution, Billy couldn't bring himself to be
 irresistible  flowers.  He  moved  on,  appreciating  the   गल िमल पाएग , े  rude and finished the tea in two gulps, thanking her
 view. The rising sun finally rid the sky of the last traces of   भयावह रही समय की मार. हमन कभी   graciously.
 darkness. A crisp circle in the dawn sky, it illuminated a   न मानी हार  ,  "I see you finished all of it. Good for you. Would you
 quivering path across the water. Satisfied, Jake turned   like some eggs for breakfast tomorrow, Mr. Weaver?
  य म बदलाव लाकर, बनाए नई

 and retraced his steps.    I'd love to make them for you."
 सबह की नई राह ।  Ahana Kanoi
 Rohan Monga  "Yes! Of course." Billy headed upstairs. He didn't
 ता रनी मज़मदार
     sleep, instead using all his energy to stay awake.
     Then  he  remembered  the  remaining  floors.  Billy
     quickly crept to the stairs and climbed up to the 4th
     floor. The eerie silence got to his head. He entered a
     strange room and saw two men sleeping. He didn't
     want to disturb them, but was concerned by their
     complete lack of movement. Were they dead? He
     went and placed his hand on one's neck. And there
     they lay. Bodies cold as ice.
     "I see you've rejoined your friends." Billy startled to a
     voice behind him.
     He immediately turned around. It was the landlady.
                                                                                                Pehr Hara
     "Yes?" She giggled girlishly. Billy frantically began to
     look for something to protect himself. "You're next,                 िनसग वाचवा

 Nina Malla  Tarini Mazumder  my  boy."  The  landlady  pulled  an  evil  knife  from
 तालाबदी और पयावरण  behind her back. "This might hurt a little. But the    िनसग वाचवा िनसग

     stuffing  won't  be  painful–you  won't  be  alive  to                 वाचवा िनसग वाचवा


 तालाबदी का हमार पयावरण पर सकारा क  भाव पड़ा ह। अब  दषण का दानव ख  होता नज़र आ रहा ह। िवकास की अधी दौड़ म हमन धरती और पयावरण का ब त बरा   experience it!" She cackled hysterically. Billy saw a   हाच आता  ास नवा आप ाला पािहज े


 हाल िकया ह। जल, वाय और भिम  दषण िदन-ब-िदन बढ़ता ही जा रहा ह। आज मानव अपनी ही गलितयो का प रणाम भगत रहा ह। ै  lamp and reached for it. The old woman began to   श  पाणी आप ाला पािहज श  हवा
     corner him, circling like an animal. As soon as she                   ासाठी िनसग वाचवा

 कोरोना महामारी  म तालाबदी क कारण  कित को सधरन का अवसर िमल गया। आवागमन बद होन की वजह स वातावरण     आ और बहतर  आ वायमडल। प ी खल  े  was  close  enough,  Billy  grasped  the  lamp  and   नको वाहन नको कारखान फ   दषण होत  ान े

 आसमान म, पश शात सड़को पर आनद लत  ए िदख और सम ी जीव  त  होकर सम तट पर िवचरण करत  ए दख गए। िजसकी क ना कभी िकसी न न की हो वसी   brought it swinging down on her head. The landlady   असा िवचार क    कान े

   थित अब पदा हो गई ह-इसान कद और पश-प ी आज़ाद।   िणयो को सास लन क िलए श   ाणवाय भी िमलन लगी।  collapsed  on  the  ground,  groaning.  Billy  left

                                                                       िनसगान आपणास खप िदल े
     everything behind and half-fell down the stairs to


 अब हम पयावरण और िवकास क सतलन पर उतनी ही गभीरता स सोचना होगा िजतना कोरोना वायरस स िनपटन म।    आपणास तरी नाही परल आज िनसगात काय उरल? े

     the front door, running out of the building.
                                                                         Tarini Mazumder
 िव मन जािटया  203                 Pehr Hara                                                              204
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