Page 241 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 241

Privilege and Reducing Racial Bias  Racial equality                         Mon RŽgime Alimentaire

 The evils of the world cannot simply be reduced in magnitude to a measurable quantity. Racism is one such   Racial equality is critical in this time of   Une vie saine est tr  s importante. Pour une vie saine, il
 evil. It is not simply enough to condemn it to reduce it, it is of paramount importance to understand its   ours. Over time, we have celebrated   faut manger sainement. Il faut manger les lŽgumes
 upholders and origins to understand how one must control it. The prevalence of free speech from all those   milestones  towards  it:  the  end  of   verts et les fruits. Il ne faut pas manger de viande,
 who envision a world more equal creates a confusing dichotomy- one wherein the enforcers of racism claim   slavery and apartheid, the civil rights   boire de l'alcool et fumer des cigarettes, parce que
                                                                             c'est mauvais pour la santŽ. Aussi, il faut acheter sa
 oppression as they drown in hatred and blindness. This dichotomy makes it easy to ignore the state of life in   movement and the Black Lives Matter   nourriture dans les magasins bio et sur les marchŽs de
 racially oppressed communities, which, in more than one place, has been reduced to hope; beautiful hope   protests. And indeed, there is quite a   producteurs parce qu' Il faut soutenir les producteurs
 that arises out of hopelessness. “We gon' be alright”. This monumental, pointed phrase from rapper   lot to celebrate. However, there is still   et la nourriture est tr s saine. Les lŽgumes et les fruits
 Kendrick Lamar echoes the struggles of such communities around the world.  We are going to be alright. We   a lot of progress to be made - not only   devraient tre frais sinon vous tomberez malade. Je
 are going to keep faith, because faith is all we have left. And recognizing this faith, recognizing this   in  terms  of  legislation,  but  also  in   recommande de manger cinq portions de lŽgumes et
 determination, recognizing this oppression, recognizing this struggle, and above all, listening, is the first of   terms of our own mind sets. There is   de fruits, des produits qui contiennent les glucides, les
 many important steps that we, in positions of privilege, can take to rectify our ancestors' mistakes before us.   still a lot of racism in every country.   protŽines et boire deux litres d'eau tous les jours. Les
 And this must start at home, in India. As Dalit speaker and activist Bezwada Wilson said, “In our country, we   Racism  is  still  present  in  what  we   carottes sont bonnes pour vos yeux, les citrons pour la
 have no concept of equality”. It is deplorable that it is a reality in our country that basic education, sanitation,   would  not  ordinarily  consider;   santŽ et les tomates pour la peau. Aussi, il ne faut pas
 healthcare, and human rights depend on the family that you are born into. To do anything but condemn and   policing  methods,  healthcare,   regarder la tŽlŽ et manger en famille. Dormir huit ˆ
 discontinue practices such as untouchability would be disgusting. Yet, here we stand, claiming that India is a   transport,  employment,  and  even   neuf  heures  par  nuit,  est  tr  s  important.  Aussi,  je
 developed and flourishing country. To be against racism in the positions that people like you and I are in is to   education. In any society, even here in   recommande  de  faire  de  l'exercice  pendant  trente
 be truly honest with yourself. To self-analyse without bias and exterminate behaviours that uphold casteism,   India, racism is still a big part of our   minutes au minimum. Si vous faites cela, vous aurez
 however subtle or unintentional. It is only by looking inside can we make a change outside.    lives: we want fairer skin, not only for   un mode de vie sain.
 Kabir Parekh   ourselves,  but  for  our  partners  and                                                 Nysa Agrawal
 our  children  as  well.  And  a  lot  of
 our biases can have a tangible impact   Tanaya Agarwal    Pranaaya Jhaveri
 on  people,  and  especially  on                                                  Save Your Planet
 government policy. Not all of us are                                             You say the trees will be greener
 internet  trolls  or  corrupt  politicians,   Reducing Racial Discrimination      If we become so much better
 but that's exactly why this behaviour   Racial discrimination is an important issue and it's about time that it is given priority.   And I think the sky can be blue
 is so difficult to stop. So in order to   This social construct dates all the way back to when European countries tried to   Just listen up, I'm gonna tell you
 achieve true racial equality, we need   colonize the world. Even after countries got their independence, this concept of a fairer   What I learned in school
 to actively look at our behaviours and                                      About carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide
     skin tone meaning they are socially higher than anyone with a darker skin tone stuck
 how  they  can  be  implicitly  -  or   around. In India, however, this happened way before the British arrived, and we can   And what they do
 explicitly - racist or hurtful. It all starts   see this in the form of the caste system.   Its time for the truth
 with a single step.  The real reason why people have darker skin is because they have more melanin, a   Yeah, the truth
 Karan  Verma  pigment that helps them protect themselves against UV rays of the sun, thus causing   We cut down the trees that provide us with oxygen
                                                                                Look at the state that our planet is in
     them not to get sunburnt like people with lighter skin. It is the body's way of coping   Countries like Mozambique are all suffering
 “ Equality  is  not  something  that  we   “  and it has absolutely nothing to do with one's character, yet individuals act like it does.   So, stop now and try hard to make a difference
     People make assumptions about others without knowing them and just based on their
 must ask for. It is a basic human right.
 Aamanya Sejpal  skin colour. This is such a large issue that people of colour use skin bleaching products   To make a difference
     in order to be treated better and be given the same opportunities as their lighter   Yeah, you can still try
 Aritra Mallik & Sanah Shroff   skinned counterparts. Light skin has also been set as the beauty standard all over the   Please listen
 Life Skill with 9C  world, with fair models as their ambassadors.      You can carpool with your friends or walk along the lanes
                                                                               To go to your school or to the best café
 The Gori Complex  Racism as a concept is not an innate quality, it is taught to us by society. They feed us   All of these little things still make a difference
     these preconceived negative beliefs about people with darker skin and belittle them for
 constant debates and arguments. Everyone believes it to be centered  “ Positivity: It is the ability to look at the positive aspect of   “  no reason. We can, however, help in reducing racism starting with our own homes by   And start reducing all of our carbon foot prints
 Everyone  knows  what  “White  Privilege”  is,  and  it  is  the  subject  of
 a situation. It is the ability to be optimistic and positive
 which reduces the effect of a bad situation on a person.  sharing a more positive representation of racial groups with our families. Learning   We can still do it
 around  foreign  countries,  but  the  Indian  society  is  plagued  with   about different racial groups can also help people realize that they are unnecessarily   Yeah, we can still do it
 Amaan Singh
 something very similar that I’d like to call the “Gori Complex”. Fair or   stereotyping a whole race. These may be small steps, but if we all practice them, we can   You know you want to
 “gori” skin is highly desirable, and there is no method we won't try for   help make the situation better than it presently is.   Save your planet
 our skin to be fair. But in this day and age, why does this prejudice   Ami Mehta       Sanah Shroff
 against melanin continue? People are willing to go so far for fair skin   “ Self-awareness skills, as the term indicates, refer to one's
 that they use skin lightening creams to disrupt melanin being produced   ability  to  be  aware  of  or  to  recognize  his  emotions,   It is not our differences
 behaviors,  beliefs,  motivations  and  other  characteristics
 by the body, despite how harmful this can be to health. Some creams   Reducing racial inequality Heroes: the present past and future  “ that divide us. It is our
 such as strengths and weaknesses, such that it enables him
 have even contained the fatal metal mercury which could cause brain   to identify and understand himself as a separate entity.  This story of racism doesn't have one single protagonist, it has many heroes. All those who have fought or are still   inability  to  recognize,
 damage. There are still practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine conducting                          accept,  and  celebrate
 Arjun Kanoi  fighting. Fighting, not only for a happy ending but for a greater present. We hope not to wake up and see a new
 camps for short, pregnant, dark skinned women to have 'tall and fair   terrifying travesty headlining the morning papers.   those differences.
 children', the peak of exploitation by society.   Some of the heroes that star in this story: Rosa Parks, who was arrested for refusing to get up from her seat on the bus to   Rishi Sankhe
 This obsession for fair skin is now much more than a bias, it is a cultural   “ Interaction with Technology: having a good grasp of   let a white man sit, not knowing that that very moment would make her the “mother of the modern day civil rights
 obsession that grows more dangerous by the day. The standard for   basic softwares that come into use on a daily basis like   movement.” These courageous characters of the past continue to inspire those in the present, and the cycle continues.
 beauty is now simply the word “fair”, written in big, bold letters.   word,  will  increase  our  efficiency  while  working   the growth of the digital age, opportunities to spread awareness have increased. For example, Colour of Change, the “ Prejudice  is  a  burden
     To bring this crucial topic to the public's notice requires strength and perseverance that only a few have. However, with
 exponentially. This skill is specifically useful in the current                                  that confuses the past,
 It's small things like this that harm someone's mental health: how their   scenario but can and will help in the future too.  largest  online  racial  justice  organisation,  was  co-founded  by  James  Rucker.  Patrisse  Cullors  made  the   threatens  the  future,
 grandparents tell them about this new method of whitening their skin,   Aadya Bagri  #BlackLivesMatter, which is now commonly known world over. Michelle Alexander, civil rights lawyer and scholar, also   and renders the present
 the aunties making snide comments about darker skin. Fair skin is now a   wrote a well-known book introducing people to other aspects of present day prevailing racism. All these heroes-in-the-  inaccessible.
 multi-million  rupee  market  and  another  way  for  companies  to  milk   making are connecting with larger groups of people with much more ease.    Jia Narayan
 people for money. Cartoons have fair skinned protagonists and dark   “ Perseverance is a very important value that we must all   Even though we may have some key figures in this battle against this multifaceted monster, everyone, including you
 skinned antagonists to further embed the idea that fair skin is better. We   learn to inculcate as it encourage us to work hard, to   and I, need to give our support and strength to the movement. So in the words of the famous social rights activist of the
 are trained to think that white is better, from matrimony to superheroes.   accomplish something, with not just 100% effort, but   20th century, Martin Luther King Jr.,“ Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?” By
 Society  is  back  again,  with  its  never  ending  tricks  to   200% effort.  understanding our own privilege, educating ourselves in every sense we can and implementing this evolved thought
 Vivek Ramesh
 create a line of robots, with no identity or individuality.   process every day, we too can try and help conquer this cruelty. It may not be a happy ending, but rather a better
     beginning to a brand new story.
 Nysa Agarwal
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