Page 244 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 244

Be the 'CHANGE'                                                                                                        Un Voyage D'Apprentissage                                               What Sustainability

     One of the most inspiring books I have read is 'Leader Who Had No                                                      Moi, j'adore voyager et j'adore ça depuis que je suis petit garçon. De plus, j'ai une curiosité   Means to Us Students
     Title' by Robin Sharma. It inspires everyone to be a leader in their                                                   enfantine inhérente à tout, accompagnée d'une envie de savoir comment tout fonctionne   Environmental  and  ecological  experts  define
     own path of life, no matter what their job description is. Some                                                        et d'une soif d'apprendre. Et quand je suis capable de combiner ces deux, je suis aux anges.  sustainability through complex laws such as the 'Law
     pearls of wisdom that I learnt from the book are that even a                                                           Il y a environ un an, je me suis rendu à la station de montagne de Coorg, pour mes vacances   of Limiting Factors' or ' The Principle of Tolerance
     janitor's job can provide fulfilment and pride if it is done with                                                       d'été. Je ne savais pas grand-chose du Coorg, mais je savais que c'était l'une de ces   Limits.'  However,  after  learning  about  and  visiting
     complete dedication. There is a cab driver in New York who makes                                                       destinations pour le meilleur repos et détente possible. J'ai donc été surpris quand j'ai   sustainable  communities  such  as  Auroville,  I  have
     sure he has a clean cab ready for every ride, with bottled water,                                                      découvert que c'était l'une des principales régions productrices de café de l'Inde !  realised that sustainability is actually a lifestyle, and
     newspapers, magazines and customized music for every client.                                                           Et à mon grand plaisir, tout le processus de fabrication du café était ouvert à l'observation !!!  creating a sustainable system requires a change in
     The point I am trying to make is that the cab driver lives the phrase,                                                 Et c'est à ce moment-là que la curiosité a pris le dessus. Pour le reste des vacances, je ne me   attitude from consumerism to sustenance.
     “Be  the  change  you  want  to  see  in  the  world.”  There  is  an                                                  trouvais que dans la zone de préparation du café.                       To me, sustainability is not a process or a concept, but
     interesting case of a man who worked in a shoe repair store in the                                                     J'ai appris que la fabrication du café commençait par la récolte du grain, ce qui était plus   an  approach  to  living  our  lives  in  a  way  which
     U.S. He would repair shoes for the store and then, he would clean                                                      difficile que prévu. On lave ensuite les haricots et les laisse à sécher.   understands the negative impacts of consumerism
     and polish them. He didn't have to do this extra step. However, he                                                     Le  processus  de  séchage  est  également  beaucoup  plus  complexe  qu'il  n'y  paraît,   and strives to use available resources most efficiently.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    It  involves  recognizing  unsustainable  habits  and
     made sure that every shoe he repaired was returned in a clean and                                                      comprenant de nombreuses machines et réglementations.                   mending  them,  using  eco-friendly  products,
     polished  state,  looking  as  if  it  were  new.  These  stories  have
                                                                                                                            Mais ce qui était beaucoup plus intéressant, c'était le processus de torréfaction. La torréfaction   following  the  3R  approach,  and  opting  for
     inspired me to become a leader in my own silent but strong way.
                                                                                                                            est un processus hautement scientifique avec une régulation et une surveillance constante. Les   environmentally-conscious products and livelihoods.
     I have always believed in the power of nature and all that it brings                                                   haricots secs sont d'abord mesurés et triés en fonction de leur taille.  The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals
     along with it. My family's summer trips to the mountains and                                                           Ensuite, les grains sont versés dans différents torréfacteurs, à travers la goulotte principale,   give guidelines for how one can make their lifestyle
     greenery of the Western Ghats have always inspired me to take                                                          qui se sépare ensuite en sections plus petites. Un torréfacteur professionnel surveille en   more sustainable.
     sanctuary in the lap of nature whenever I need a break or am                                                           permanence  la  température  des  grains,  échantillonnant  fréquemment  les  grains  pour   I  have  been  focusing  on  making  my  lifestyle
     facing  a  difficult  situation.  In  the  midst  of  the  COVID-19                                                     vérifier leur arôme et leur couleur. Selon le type de rôti, la torréfaction dure de 1 à 4 heures.  sustainable in small, but important ways. I practice
                                                                                                                                                                                                    segregation  and  composting  of  waste.  I  have
     pandemic, when the world has been seeing one of the worst                                                              Enfin, les haricots sont moulus et emballés.
     outbreaks in history, it just seemed natural to go back to basics and recreate a part of the greenery of nature back in my society. I thought hard about   Et laissez-moi vous dire, il n'y a rien de plus enrichissant que de goûter un café fraîchement   undertaken  a  campaign  in  my  locality  to  spread
                                                                                                                                                                                                    awareness  about  the  impact  of  E-Waste  and
     how I could be of use to the society. The solution that came to my mind was that through gardening I could contribute to the society as it would increase   moulu !!                           encourage people to recycle it. I don't use single-use
     green space in the complex and also increase the oxygen levels. I made a green patch in the common area in my complex with flowers and herbal   Pour moi, c'était peut-être l'expérience d'apprentissage la plus enchanteresse que je n'aie   plastics and don't consume meat as its production is
     plants. I planted herbs, flowers, vegetables and fruits such as basil, insulin, adulsa, ginger, pineapple, guava, rose, magnolia, etc. Many residents have
                                                                                                                            jamais eue lors d'un voyage. J'espère pouvoir le faire à nouveau bientôt !  resource-draining.
     appreciated the effort put into the beautification project.  In addition to this, throughout the pandemic, I have helped keep the common areas of the
                                                                                                                                                                                    Manit Tanwar                             Advit Ranawade
     society clean. I have also worked in my house, helping with washing the dishes, sweeping, and mopping.
     The pandemic has taught all of us the importance of a balanced and sustainable environment. It has shown us that nature is able to display its full glory
     only once human beings stop being intrusive. I believe it is every individual's responsibility to contribute positively to a sustainable environment. Every
     step we take to improve our surroundings, no matter how small, is a step in the positive direction. An eternal and unchanging truth is that human life is
     only sustainable if we humans live in sync with nature. Nature resonates with our very existence, if only we give it the chance. We all can create our own
     little green patches of oxygen in our homes. After all, it is every small drop that makes the ocean so mighty. I strongly believe that we should live
     sustainably with the laws of nature. That is what creates the perfect balance that we all strive for and gives us a stable future.

                                                                                                         Amit Reuben

     Scenes from a Window
     The sun crept out from its bed of grass as bright light illuminated my room. My ever-tired
     insomniac eyes opened up to witness the beauty of the glorious morning. As I drew my
     curtains and opened my windows, I heard the cheerful calls of the sparrows and the
     mynahs, inviting us to enjoy the beauty of the new-born morning and the clear blue skies
     that came with it. If only I could step out for a run! Breeze rustled through the leaves of
     the champa trees and entered my room. It smelt like the earth- fresh and natural.
     Several other curtains opened, some with the elderly looking out, looking at the grass
     which was once familiar to their feet. Wide-eyed, ever-energetic children peered down
     at the colourful merry-go-rounds, stationary swings and slides which they would soon
     grow out of. An overwhelming silence had now replaced their gurgling laughter.
     The sun rose higher and higher in the sky, as all the towering shadows of the buildings
     receded. The aroma of freshly ground spices rose from one house, and mingled with
     several others- losing its distinctiveness. A little girl ran out into her balcony, ball in hand –
     dribbling it indignantly. The sounds of people answering calls now drowned the sounds
     of vessels clanging. Little dandelion seeds flew into my room and settled near my feet.
     Slowly, silence fell as afternoon melted into evening. I could hear the shrill calls of eagles
     flying in the sky.
     The bright orange sunlight now melted into a deep red and I could now hear the soft
     strumming of guitars. As night fell, yellow lamps switched on and replaced the long-
     gone sunlight. The soft light of the stars was beautiful. This was my favourite time of the
     day. Everyone took a moment to forget their work, their studies and enjoyed some time
     with their families. I could hear the sounds of an old Hindi movie being played. As the
                darkness became denser, yellow lights faded and the once open curtains
                were now drawn, waiting to be opened again the next day.
                Aakanksha Pai
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