Page 246 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 246


                                                                                                      X                                                                          Pope Francis' most aptly framed quote, "Inequality is the root of social evil,"
                                                                                                                                                                                 proves to be highly relevant to the current context of Indian society in modern
                                                                                                                                                                                 times.  Albeit  the  Indian  government  has  taken  several  measures  since
                                                                                                                                                                                 Independence to reduce the disparity between social classes, ethnicity-based
                                                                                                                                                                                 crimes  have  gradually  risen  over  the  years.  Taking  the  example  of  the
                                                                                                      B                                                                          paradigmatic  Indian  caste  system,  while  it  was  abolished  in  1950,
                                                                                                                                                                                 "untouchability" is still quite prominent in the nations' rural sectors with over
                                                                                                                                                                                 70,000  crimes  against  Dalits  in  the  past  decade.  Furthermore,  several
                                                                                                                                                                                 government jobs still have a reservation system based solely on the caste
                                                                                                                                                                                 system  rather  than  on  one's  intellect.  While  this  does  help  increase  the
                                                                                                                                                                                 chances of people from underprivileged backgrounds getting employment, it
                                                                                                                                                                                 also hinders those with intelligence from attaining a job, proving to be an
                                                                                         Mumbai – « La ville                                                                     ineffective solution. A better method applicable globally is to improve the
                                                                                         qui ne dort jamais »                                                                    education and healthcare system and make it highly affordable. By doing so,
                                                                                                                                                                                 everyone  is  well-educated,  and
                                                                                                                                                                                 employment  rates  for  skilled
                                                                                         Mumbai  est  une  grande  ville  de
                                                                                                                                                                                 laborers  rise,  reducing  social
                                                                                         l'Inde qui est à la fois moderne et
                                                                                                                                                                                 inequality  among  the  people.  To
                                                                                         animée. « La ville qui ne dort jamais                                                   compensate for the investment in
                                                                                         » est une ville formidable qui nous                                                     these  sectors,  taxes  can  be
                                                                                         offre  tout  ce  dont  nous  avons                                                      increased  based  on  one's  current
     La Pandémie de 2020
                                                                                         besoin. En plus, grâce aux lieux de                                                     income, which will be feasible since
     L'année derrière, nous avons eu une pandémie mondiale.                              divertissements  variés  comme  les                                                     people will be more educated; thus,
                                                                                                                                                                                 having higher payments. Denmark
     Pendant de nombreux mois, nous avons dû être confinés                                cinémas, les restaurants et les parcs                                                   has  already  implemented  so  and
     et  c'était  très  ennuyeux  parce  que  je  ne  pouvais  pas                       d'attractions je ne m'ennuie jamais                                                     has proved highly effective, with it
     rencontrer  mes  amis  ou  aller  à  l'école.  Nous  avons                          ici.  Il  y  a  de  nombreux  endroits                                                  being the 2nd happiest nation, one
     commencé l'école en ligne et je l'ai aimée au début mais                            touristiques  comme  les  musées  et                                                    of the lowest ethnicity-based crime
     maintenant c'est ennuyeux parce que ma tête, mes yeux et                            les monuments qui sont anciens. Ce                                                      rates, and a strong economy. This
     mon dos me font toujours mal. Cependant, pendant cette                              que j'aime le plus à Mumbai, c'est le                                                   demonstrates that it is possible to
     pandémie, j'ai beaucoup appris. J'ai appris à cuisiner et j'ai                      transport en commun qui est moins                                                       reduce  inequality  in  society  while
     commencé à lire beaucoup plus. J'ai passé beaucoup de                               cher,  rapide  et  confortable.  Donc,                                                  improving  economic  and  living
     temps avec ma famille .Je ne pouvais pas aller nager mais                           on  peut  se  déplacer  partout                                                         standards at the same time.
     j'ai réussi à rester en forme en faisant des exercices chez                         facilement.                                                                Pari Naheta             Adeetya Upadhyay
     moi. J'espère que nous retournerons bientôt à l'école et                                                                                                                                                                     Sanya Shah
     que  je  pourrai  rencontrer  tout  le  monde.  J'espère  que         Saisha Gupta  Malgré  ces  aspects  positifs,  il  y  a   The Question of Sustainability
     l'environnement continuera à rester aussi propre même après la fin de la pandémie.   aussi  des  aspects  négatifs.  Il  faut
                                                                                         l'accepter.  Étant  une  grande  ville,        When will it be enough?
                                                                           Aarushi Barai
                                                                                         Mumbai  est  surpeuplée.  Il  y  a  du       You've already stained the seas
     The economic footprint of the Quarantine                                            monde  partout  et  on  prend                    Set ablaze the skies
                                                                                         beaucoup  de  temps  pour  des                   Uprooted the earth.
     Online school has not been easy on me. Between 8 hours of looking at a screen and not meeting my friends in   trajets.  D'ailleurs,  les  gens  ici  sont   When will the destruction be done?
     the familiar, safe space of the DAIS campus, going to school lost its charm, and my reluctance to participate   très  occupés.  On  n'a  même  pas   When the climates clash
     grew exponentially. As competent of a software it is, Microsoft Teams fell short as a substitute for me. But my   assez de temps pour rencontrer ses   The forests cry
     complaints and whining sound so trivial and first world when you look at what the underprivileged are going   amis.          When she no longer responds to the plight.
     through. It feels a bit disingenuous grouping so many people under the term “underprivileged,” but alas,   Mumbai est mon univers dont je suis   Is it worth it?
     unlike race or cast, these divisions are created by a quantifiable, indisputable, unassailable metric, money. It   fier.  Je  serai  content  de  trouver  un   The countless lives lost
     has transcended the man-made construct it once was. Society is similar to a rainforest, where the tallest trees   bon  emploi  à  Mumbai.  J'espère   The lies, the hostility, the deceit
     get the most sunlight, leaving those below in darkness. The rich have a voice, but the poor are still close to the   qu'un jour mon rêve sera une réalité.    Why can't you see? The need for power will inevitably
     ground, shrouded in darkness.                                                                                                          Be our defeat.
                                                                                         Krish Waghani
     The internet was supposed to dissolve this distinction, give everyone a voice, and to an extent, it has, but this                Why, is the answer not simple?
     pandemic has proved that the internet may be an equalizer, but the access we have to it is far from equal.                         The solution to our demise
                                                                                                                                       She who provides the answer
     Here I am, sitting in front of my Apple iMac, listening to my classes through the latest Sony Noise-cancelling                 Sees her countless resources doltishly
     headphones, with a 300 Mb/s broadband connection, while there are children out there who have to miss
                                                                                                                                        Neglected. Pushed aside.
     classes, as there is only one device that their household must share. I may whine and complain, but I have no
                                                                                                                                    Why is it never our conscience to do
     idea how good I have it. Some children out there don't have any device to attend school with, but I have a                              What is right?
     desktop, laptop, iPad, and phone to myself in my air-conditioned room. We may jokingly say, “everyone has a
                                                                                                                                       When it's right in our grasp
     smartphone these days,” and to an extent, that is true, but the delta between the kind of equipment the rich
                                                                                                                                          We open up our fists,
     and poor have is indisputably massive.                                                                                        Letting it vanish into the thickened air.
     The children out in the real world have lost a year of education involuntarily. There are people out there who                      Then why! Why do we
     want to study, but can't, while I was too busy taking what I had for granted to notice. Moral browbeating                         Choose the destructive way
     aside, I just felt helpless, and thought “oh, that is sad, but what can I do about it? Inequality predates me and                The dark fumes assimilate into
     most likely will outlive me. I'm not special enough to fix something this omnipresent.” But then I realized that                      Our ignorant brains.
     the thing that got us into this mess is what can get us out of it: society. If we work together, literally nothing is          When Copenhagen, Stockholm, and
     impossible. Socioeconomic inequality is something that existed eons before any of us were born, but it                        Amsterdam have sight of what we need
     doesn't have to exist for eons after we die.                                                                                         Why not we? Or is it
                                                                      Madhav Kejariwal                                                  our desire to kill this land
                                                                                                                                     As we have done with humanity.
                                                                                         Rihaan Bhansali                                   Sanaa Beriwala
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