Page 249 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 249

Let’s Go # PlasticFree!  Interhouse English Essay Competition

 We  make  choices  everyday  that,  in   Winner – Jaguar House
 some  way  or  the  other,  affect  our   If you picked up the remote of your life and clicked the rewind button for
 environment.  Whether  it's  what  we   a few million years, you would whizz pass India's independence, Hitler's
 decide  to  eat  or  wear,  collectively  as   holocaust,  the  Mughal  empire,  the  cultural  boom,  the  industrial
 humans, there is plenty we can do to   revolution, the discovery of gravity, the victorian ages, the birth of Jesus,
 reduce our carbon footprint and leave
 more room for  wildlife.  the beginning of Buddhism and the war of the Ramayana to reach a little
     girl called Maya.
 This is why I strongly believe we should   Maya was a cavegirl. She had unruly brown hair, sparkling dark eyes, a
 follow  the  “Go  #PlasticFree”  trend.   slightly crooked nose, permanently quirked eyebrows and a large radiant
 Plastic never goes away. Today billions   smile. If Maya lived with us today, she was that girl in every friend group who
 of pounds of it can be found in swirling   would lend you their notes 3 hours before an exam, she was that daughter
 convergences  making  up  about  40   who would write her father goodluck notes before an important meeting,
 percent of the world's ocean surfaces.   she was that sister who would kick a football around with her brother
 Every  year  thousands  of  seabirds,  sea   aimlessly even though she hated it, she was that tourist who would listen to
 turtles,  seals  and  other  marine   every street musician and clap loudly and she was that person who could
 mammals  are  killed  after  ingesting   light up any room she stepped into. Of course, in the Stone Age, she settled
 plastic or getting tangled up in it. You   with feeding little lion cubs the rest of her food and occasionally saving an
 can start cutting down on your plastic   almost drowning rabbit from the stream nearby.
 waste  in  a  few  simple  steps:  use                                                                Vivaan Turakhia
     Everyone loved Maya.
 reusable  bags  when  you  shop,  ditch                      her mumma's soft features but only glimpsed the grey stone of her cave.
 single-use  water  bottles,  bags,  and   But, as always, she had a secret(only her brother Taran knew). It was a   She counted the leaves on the banyan tree and hoped they would come
 straws and avoid products made from   good secret she hoped, but it was a secret nonetheless.    back. They did not.
 or  packaged  in  plastic  whenever   Maya loved to paint. She would stay behind when the rest went hunting   On the 24th day of hoping, Maya picked up a fallen rose and began. They
 possible  (e.g.,  select  unwrapped   so she could draw the tiger her father brought home yesterday. She   will come back, they will come back not. They will come back, they will
 produce at the grocery store, shop local,   would sneak behind the caves to pick vibrant flowers and colour her   come back not. They will come back, they will come back not. They will
 cut down on online shopping).  hands to perfect that green-and-blue butterfly she saw across the stream.
 Annsh Navle                                                  come back, they will come back not. They will come back, they will come
 Sharav Jiwrajka  She would paint her family. Her mumma, who was her human version of   back not. They will come back, they will come back not. They will come
 The Future We Dream Of  a  hug,  all  soft  smiles  and  kind  features.  Her  dadda,  who  was  her   back....
     rolemodel, all muscular and stern. But, most of all, there was just one
 One would think that sustainability and inequality – both economic and social – could   person who became the subject of every one of her pictures. Her brother.   The last one
 hardly be discussed on the same platform. Most people would be hard-pressed to find   A little goes a long way  She would draw him cross eyed trying to catch a running hamster. Or   The will come back not.
 any role equality has to play in propagating sustainability. But that is simply not the   maybe he was trying to balance on the rope across the trees, with his   It hit Maya like (as we would now call it) a freight train. Her family was
 case.  When few have so much, but so many have so little we   tongue stuck out in concentration. Perhaps he was sleeping, or dancing   gone. Tears wracked her body and she sobbed, fisting her hands into the
 know it is an urgent callout for change.  or  even  just  simply  sitting.  He  became  the  protagonist  in  her  art,  a   soil, screaming till her throat was raw. She beat her chest, and stamped
 Handling economic and social inequality is not just a bi-product of climate change; it   protagonist who loved but hated her drawings at the same time.    on the roses. She stuck her hands into a bush of thorns, and came back
 could be one of the most integral ingredients. If we could just create a more equal   Despite  having  learnt  about  societal  problems  like
 inequality at a young age, it simply remained a mere term   "Mimi!", he would whine, "stop painting the forest and the lake and the   with blisters. But nothing made the pain better.
 world with the least possible amount of economic and social inequality, we would   to me. However, this soon changed at one of my squash   trees and ME! Paint the lands far away from here, with animals bigger
 have succeeded in reducing the number of people living in poverty and creating a   than us and rivers so big you can't see the end! Draw dragons Mimi, and   So, she painted. This time, she painted what she wanted. Maybe, just
 world that could better adapt to environmental disruptions.   tournaments. Being fortunate to have come from a family   maybe if she painted what she wanted, she would get it.
 where expenditures, such as travelling, food, hotels, have   one-horned horses and big proper houses, not our cave! You have to use   Maya decided to take it slow (better not jinx it, if art had power afterall).
 A link between economic inequality and sustainability exists. That's undeniable; the   never been an issue; I wrongly assumed this was the case   your imagination, I know mumma and pappa didn't give you a hollow
 main  goal  of  sustainability  has  always  been  to  reduce  carbon  emissions.   for many. I was proven wrong when I noticed a group of   brain" he would tease. But the sentiment was clear enough. He wanted   She drew a yellow mango and went to bed. In the morning she woke up
 Unfortunately, most of the carbon emission contribution originates from the more   young, local children sharing the same shoes and racquets   her to imagine her reality and her dreams in art. Not get stuck in this   to a small yellow orb outside her cave.
 developed, economically well-off countries while ironically, those that emit the least,   for their matches at a competition. Despite all of them   endless loop of forest, lake, trees, mumma, dadda, Taran repeat.    She  drew  medicine  for  her  blistered  fingers.  In  the  afternoon  she
 end up being the ones that inevitably face the brunt of climate change impacts. With   being highly talented and even winning a few awards at   But  Maya  never  listened.  She  was  scared  to  dream,  scared  to  hope.   stumbled across a plant that made her hand feel cool.
 scant resources to put in place reliable infrastructure and rebuild their lives post an   this national event, I had not seen or heard of them before   Because what if she drew something and it came true? What if she   She drew the rain and the thunder. In the evening, it showered pleasantly.
 environmental shock, the economic gap just goes on increasing – a vicious circle with   which made me curious as to why they did not participate   thought outside her little bubble, and then her thoughts never returned?   Maya couldn't believe it! Whatever she was drawing, came true!
 no end in sight. If we continue to remain unequal, both socially and economically, the   in more events. Upon asking them, they explained that   What if her creativity made her want to run away and find those things   If I was there, all I would tell her was that it was a series of coincidences.
 continuing  climate  change  impacts  will  unmask  an  ever  increasing  gamut  of   their  parents  perform  menial  jobs  such  as  electricians,   she hoped for? What then?  Little did she know that it was mango season in the forest, hence her fruit,
 vulnerabilities of the economically backward and slash this gap wide open.  chefs, plumbers, amongst a few others and they simply do   So Maya never painted her dreams. She just painted her reality until one   the bushes across her cave were medicinal (that’s where her mumma
 So it would seem the logical solution has to be as simple as reducing inequality and   not  earn  enough  to  fund  the  expenditures  that   day in the middle of October.    made her cough medicine from, it wasn't her picture), and there was a
 extinguishing all our climate woes. But only if it were that simple. Cutting down   tournament and coaching require. This opened my eyes to   The sun was shining bright on Sunday the 13th and so her parents and   small hurricane set to visit the area that night.
 emissions and jumping on the 'new-age renewable resources' bandwagon in the   the fact that inequality manifests itself in all aspects of   little brother had 'gone to get the beef' for 'our little princess' as her   All it was, was a series of coincedences, not Maya's drawings.
 presence of an unstable economic situation will end up resulting in greater social   society and we as individuals must take steps to bridge this   dadda would say. Maya stayed behind, of course she did. She was going   But, she didn't know that did she?
 exclusion – essentially a widening social inequality. The rich now will have access to   gap. It is our duty to spread awareness and educate people   to paint! And she did. The flowers were picked(orange, crimson, navy,
 goods and benefits that the ones down the socio-economic ladder can lay no privilege   on the magnitude of this issue. We must encourage our   green, yellow, purple and black), water was collected, chalk was scraped   So, she kept drawing her dreams, and so did the people after her. Piccaso
 to. And the vicious cycle persists. These kinds of 'resource wars' are not a script from   government to increase the minimum wage and provide   and  her  cave  wall  was  empty.  Maya  drew,  and  drew  and  drew.  She   drew his dreams, so did the cartoonists in Hitler Germany. A Vietnamese
 the future – they already exist. We cannot afford to make them even more rampant   more opportunities to the lower socio-economic classes   painted the birds around her, the forest, the stream, the lake, the beef she   soldier drew his dreams, so did a best-selling painter. A little girl on the
 and increase social conflict.   through improved facilities in education and health. As   was going to eat, the fire for the meat, her proud father with the dead   playground drew her dreams, and so did her artist father. People started
 students,  by  pledging  to  provide  a  meal  for  an   animal, and little Taran with the tusk of a Rhino as a momento for today's   dancing their dreams too. Bharatnatyam, ballet, flamenco, Oddisi, every
 Economic and social inequality aren't just topics you'd put on the back burner in the   art form that emerged came from Maya. It came from her belief that art
 underprivileged family or simply taking an hour of our time   hunting  expedition.  She  knew  this  was  how  it  was  going  to  be.  It
 sustainability debate. In reality, if concentrated efforts are made towards creating a   happened every Sunday.    can change reality.
 to help teach younger, less fortunate students, we can help
 more equal economic and social scenario, within a country and globally, it would   make an immense difference. We must remember that no   Except this time it didnt. The glowing orb in the sky became not-so-  Maybe it can. Maybe it can't. But the hope we
 foster a concerted, united and inevitably successful effort of the people as a whole
 act of kindness aimed at bringing about a change is ever   glowing  anymore,  and  her  family  was  not  back.  The  birds  stopped   have in it will always remain with us, and that is
 towards one common goal – the goal of permanent sustainability, harmony with the   important, because there is a small Maya within
 wasted.  chirping and her family was not back. Even the hyena that called every
 earth and with the future. Permanently.  night 10 minutes past her bedtime roared and they were not back.   each of us. We just have to let her draw for us,
 Paarth Ambani                                                forever. And then a bit.
 Nidaa Kagalwala  That night Maya went to sleep afraid, and woke up crying. They hadn't
     come back. She slept again, and willed herself to open her eyes and see       Ananya Srinivasan
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