Page 250 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 250

Misión 101:                                  Where flowers bloom, so does hope

                                                                                                      X                     Rescatar a la                                The Earth was born 4 billion years ago. A swirling inferno of icy rock, gas, and fire. Such
                                                                                                                                                                         mass destruction needed to produce the most magnificently diverse planet in the entire
                                                                                                                            Madre Tierra
                                                                                                                            Descripción del Caso:                        Universe. But as with all the hardships of life, the wreckage and demolition came to an
                                                                                                                                                                         end. The fire eventually died out; the water began to flow. Life began to foster.
                                                                                                      C                     El crimen: abuso y asalto a la               The  Earth  before  humans  was  utterly  wild  and  devastatingly  beautiful.  Untouched
                                                                                                                            Madre Tierra
                                                                                                                            Los criminales: Los humanos                  forests, unpolluted waters, unclaimed mountains. It was heaven on Earth. Herds and
                                                                                                                                                                         packs and schools of animals that we forgot existed, or much rather, that we drove out of
                                                                                                                            de ayer                                      existence.
                                                                                                                            Las  policías  que  están  a
                                                                                                                            cargo  de  la  investigación:                But then the humans showed up. Universally considered the most intelligent species, with
                                                                                                                            Los humanos de hoy                           cognitive skills that surpass any animal and an emotional quotient off the charts, they
                                                                                                                                                                         automatically dominated Earth. For a while, they lived in harmony with nature as one. But
                                                                                                                            Hola  humanos  de  hoy,  los                 then came the Industrial Revolution, and with it followed mass development that shook
                                                                                                                            hemos  seleccionado  para                    the very foundation of life. Small seaside villages became hubs of naval trade. Homemade
                                                                                                                            trabajar en La Misión 101: Rescatar a la Madre Tierra.
                                                                                                                            Los  humanos  de  ayer  han  destruido  y  abusado  de   fireplaces  became  the  burning  furnaces  of  mills  and  factories.  The  small  human
                                                                                                                            nuestra Madre Tierra, pero ahora es importante que   population of a few thousand jumped to billions. With increased wealth came greed, and
                                                                                                                            asumamos la responsabilidad y corrijamos sus errores.   with greed came war. Humans fought viciously against each other, tearing each other
                                                                                                                                                                         apart, all for a piece of Mother-Earth, destroying her in the very same process. Why did
                                                                                                                            El objetivo: El objetivo de la misión no es capturar a los
                         Rain                                                                                               criminales,  sino  hacerse  cargo  de  salvar  a  nuestro   they fight when she had given herself up to them, asking for nothing in return except for
                                                                                                                            planeta  Tierra  ya  que  siempre  ha  estado  ahí  para   love and care?
           The sky whimpers as the stars bruise its skin
                                                                                                                            nosotros y nos ha dado todo sin expectativas.   When the mining companies yelled out in joy at the hidden treasures they found deep
           A pained groan and then silver lines its eyes
          Smoldering and dark as the underworld's sins                                                                      Curso de acción:                             inside Earth's crust, Mother-Earth wept. When industrialists in the 1800s bathed in the
              And any trace of sunlit ferocity dies.                                                                        1. Compañeros,  primero  es  indispensable  que   gold flowing in from their newly built factories, Mother-Earth cried out. When thousands
                                                                                                                              dejemos de desperdiciar papel y agua, porque cada   of  trees  were  uprooted  every  single  day  to  make  room  for  human  entertainment,
             It starts like the falling leaves of autumn                                                                      vez  que  lo  hacemos,  La  Madre  Tierra  pierde  sus   Mother-Earth roared. When Australia and the Amazon burned and there was nothing the
              Moving in a steady, gentle symphony                                                                                                                        humans could do except post on social media, Mother-Earth broke. Her biggest kept
                                                                                        Aryaa Rojekar                         órganos esenciales.
       God's breath carrying it away before it hits rock bottom                                                                                                          secrets, now out in the open, for the humans to use as they wished.
                                                                                                                            2. Segundo, es importante que usemos el transporte
     But then the stars snarl, the sky bellows, and it's a tragedy.
                                                                                           Paris – La ville                   público porque nuestros coches lastiman a la Madre   And so follows one fraction of the story of one of these humans, who continue to ravage
            Tears thunder onto the rivers and the seas                                                                        Tierra  y  le  generan  un  tipo  de  fiebre  llamado   and exploit the resources and beings of Planet Earth - born at the wrong time, at the
         Until the playful tickling turns as painful as thorns                             lumière                            'Calentamiento Global'.                    wrong place. At a time where Earth seemed to be dying, choking after all the humans
         Water washes down, bringing trees to their knees                                  Paris a beaucoup de noms : la ville   3. Adicionalmente, es imprescindible que evitemos el   have done to her. A young girl stands solitary in a white dress with a blue paisley pattern,
          And their flowers' loss, the roots, they mourn.                                   lumière et la capitale culturelle de   uso de bolsas de plástico porque pueden ahogar a   donning  knee-high  red  stockings.  Rosy  cheeks.  Porcelain  skin.  A  mischievous  smile,
                                                                                           l'Europe. On peut se promener sur
                  On the hill the walls smirk                                              les  rives  de  la  Seine  qui  est   nuestra Madre Tierra.                   sparkling eyes. A gentle soul. The absolute perfect picture of innocence and health. But
               A wicked smile at the air and earth                                         entourée des jardins pittoresques   4. Finalmente,  es  imperativo  que  todos  seamos   she was a human. One of the very humans that failed the Earth. One of the very humans
           Then water enters the space between its toes                                    et  de  vieux  bâtiments.  Dans  la   conscientes del rol que tenemos en el cuidado del   who continually fail to understand the gravity of the situation. Who live recklessly and
                                                                                           journée  il  y  a  plusieurs  choses  à                                       thoughtlessly, as if they have another planet to go to, who depend on space exploration
        And the rest rushes into houses through the doors.                                                                    medio ambiente.  Es hora de que todos aportemos
                                                                                           faire, et la nuit le paysage urbain   nuestro  granito  de  arena,  es  nuestra  Madre,  es   and advancements in artificial intelligence to save them, just to migrate to another planet
               The birds fly past flickering lights                                          est sans comparaison. Quand j'ai   nuestra Tierra.                            and begin the process of slowly destroying that one as well.
         Of windows adorned with decorations once bright                                   visité Paris, je n'avais que 12 ans                              Diya Shah
           A winged silhouette, like a wolf on the moon                                    mais  même  aujourd'hui  je  me                                               She stands solitary, separated from the rest of the world, not only in regard to space but
        Breeze ushering them to safety, with its gentle croon.                             souviens assez bien de ce voyage.                                             thought as well. She looks around herself. The blackened forest, the choking wind, the
                                                   Raena Shah                              J'adore  l'histoire,  alors,  mes                                             acid rain. She looks at the field she stands in. Burnt crops, hard earth, no sign of life. But
        But the low hum turns into an uncomfortable whine                                  attractions  touristiques  favorites                                          wait. Her eyes light up, and she runs towards a hidden corner of the forest surrounding
             Tear-stained lines obscuring the skyline                                      étaient  les  musées  et  les                                                 her house. Something didn't seem right. There was something she saw that didn't seem
             And the distant boat on a wave faraway                                        monuments.  Le  Louvre  est  Le                                               all  bad,  that  didn't  yet  seem  destroyed.  She  wondered  how.  She  moves  closer,  her
          Fights with its battered sword to see a new day.                                 Louvre  est  rempli  des  peintures
                                                                                           magnifiques.  Ma  peinture                                                     curiosity peaking. There, under a huge pile of fallen leaves and overgrown moss was
              The shimmering stars don't give up                                           préférée  était  Le  Radeau  de  la                                           something… colourful. Something… not dull? Something… alive? Something beautiful.
               Until the sky is black with bruises                                         Méduse  mais  par  contre  la                                                 Wiping the rest of the dirt off the plant, she found herself looking at a flower. Delicate and
                                                                                           Joconde m'a déçu. L'architecture
               Until the earth is damp with tears                                                                                                                        warm, fragile and blooming. Just like her. Just like what she envisioned the Earth to be at
             Until the wind carries the scent of fear.                                     de la vieille ville m'a impressionné                                          its inception. And the gears of her mind start twisting and turning, much like the colossal
                                                                                           avec des sculptures complexes : ils
               So, it cries for unfathomably long                                          font honte aux hôtels modernes !                                              machines in the factories back in 1800. There was always something that could be done.
             Its sobs turning into a melancholy song                                       La nourriture était délicieuse, et j'ai                                       Anything she could do to make a difference, she would. It would go a long way. It was not
              And it struggles and struggles to live                                       essayé  beaucoup  de  nouveaux                                                too late.
                                                                                           plats comme le magret de canard,
      But the stars pushed until our sky has nothing else to give.                                                                                                       It started with a single flower, and so it ends again. But this young girl didn't want to wait
                                                                                           la soupe à l'oignon et le coq au vin.
                    Anagha Srinivasan                                                      La seule chose qui m'a énervé à                                               for the end of the story. By the way things were going, it seemed like the chapter was soon
                                                                                           Paris c'était les touristes. Tous les                                         to conclude. But she didn't want the older generation to be the authors of her story. She
                                                                                           endroits  populaires  étaient                                                 could write her own future. And so, she picked herself up and headed back home,
       “ economically  when  so  few  have  so                                             toujours bondés. Il n'y avait même                                            determined to make a change. Not only within herself but inspires others around her to
                                                                                           pas de place pour respirer dans la
                                                                                                                                                                         improve as well. She would invite them to join her in looking at that flower, that rare,
         much, while so many have so little.                                               salle où se trouve la Joconde ! Si                                            forgotten beauty. And join her in envisioning a world where that sight could become an
                                                                                           j'avais  le  temps,  je  visiterais  la
         A  nation  will  not  surve  morally  or  “
                                                                                           France encore une fois, mais je ne                                            everyday view. And so is the endless cycle of birth and rebirth,
                              Ritvija Dalmia                                               voudrais pas visiter Paris parce qu'il                                        beginnings  and  endings,  and  destruction  and  prosperity.
                                                                                           y  a  beaucoup  d'autres  villes  à                                           Because where flowers bloom, so does hope.
                                                                                           découvrir !
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Anavi Kaul
                                                                                                        Aaryan Jagtap
                                                   Aarna Sanghai                                                                                      Kashvee Barjatya
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