Page 181 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 181

A Small Moment – My First Time Diving
           “This is going to be so nerve-wracking!” I said quite panic-stricken. “Take deep breaths Ira!” replied my mom in a voice that told me
           that she too was quite nervous. I was in Maldives, one of the best places in the world, to do all sorts of ocean activities like snorkelling,
           swimming, diving, kayaking and god knows what else! Anyway, as I was saying, I was totally petrified and hoped that we were not
           going to meet any sharks! I had seen a few nurse sharks before while walking on the beach, but that was when I was on the beach, not
           in the water, so as you can see it was a good reason to be scared.
           Ten minutes later I was in knee-deep water learning how to breathe underwater with the help of the air tank and the snorkel. After
           mastering that, we-my diving instructor and I- started swimming beneath the surface of the sea, in the crystal-clear waters, wondering
           what we might meet.
           At first, all we could see were chunks of coral here and there, but as we went further down some fish came in view and then I saw the
           most amazing thing I had ever seen! There was a huge coral reef splattered with vivid, vibrant, bright, kaleidoscopic colours that hit me
           straight in the face! (I don't mean literally hit me!)
           At first, I was so stunned I didn't notice that I was treading in the water, so my instructor had to urge me on and what I saw I can't
           explain in words, but I'll try. Here it goes - angelfish, needlefish, bannerfish, filefish and I can't remember the rest! You might think these
           are cool, but there was something else lurking about in those waters waiting for the right moment to show itself.
            I was swimming along peacefully, admiring the fish and holding my instructor's hand, when suddenly he made the 'I see a turtle sign',
           with one hand, since the other one was not free. I saw it and started looking around wildly thinking that if he can see it so should I! After
           half a minute of looking around, I shook my head as if to say, “No I can't see it”, so my instructor motioned me to come to swim a little
           closer to the reef. As I did so, I started looking around again and after a little more of looking, I saw it, It was there! an enormous lime
           green and  brown shelled turtle right in front of us! It looked relaxed and peaceful, unlike me, who was 'jumping' with excitement on
           seeing an actual sea turtle in its habitat!
           After seeing the turtle, somehow for me everything was a little more boring than it was before seeing the turtle. Luckily for me, there
           was just one more thing in store. This time it was no type of sea creature, but my mother!! Since she was older than me, she had gone
          way deeper, at thirty-forty feet! I had spotted her for two reasons one, I was looking down while swimming; and two, while breathing
          from the snorkel attached to the tank, she and her instructor had made bubbles (I mean who doesn't?!). After swimming for what felt
 IV B     like an eternity (but was only fifty minutes) I started to feel cold. But luckily, we had to go up to where a speedboat was waiting to pick
          us up. My mom and her instructor got on first and then my instructor and me. But one of the best parts of all was when my mom's
 मरा अजीब सपना  instructor was checking all the air tanks and said that I had barely used the air in my tank and that I could have gone back diving and not
          have used the whole tank!! This was because he explained that I had stayed calm for the whole dive, so I didn't have to use a lot of air!!
          Now that's what I call an awesome memory!
 कभी-कभी म    नींद म  सपना देखती हँ। मेरे सपने कभी  अ छ,
                                                 UNDERWATER 'LANGUAGE'
 कभी डरावने होत ह । पर एक  दन मन   े एक अजीब सपना
          When I went diving, my instructor taught me a lot about underwater signals you can make with your hands. He said that you can't
          exactly talk underwater so that's why this is there. These signals are not only for telling if you're okay or if you want to go up, but also for
 मन   े दखा  क हम लोग मर  छोट  बहन का ज म दन मना रह   showing that you have seen some type of fish or sea creature. Since I mentioned one of the signals in my story above, I've listed down
 थे। अचानक वहाँ एक रा स आ गया। वह मर  छोट  बहन   most of the signals I've been taught.
 को अपने साथ ल जाना चाहता था। सब लोग उसको दख डर                                                        Ira Pande
 गए। मझ म   कह ं स महाशि त आ गयी और मन   े उसे  ध का
 मार  दया। वह ज़मीन पर  गर गया। मर प रवार ने तरत उस   I'm Cold    Shark   Clown Fish   Turtle Fish
 ं ु
 र सी स बाँध  दया। मर  छोट  बहन को बचा  लया।
 इतने म  म    जाग गयी। मर  छोट  बहन मझ द द -द द  करक
 े ु
 े ु
 उठा रह  थी। उस दखकर मझ बहत खशी हई  क वह ठ क ह।
 वेदा गोयल
                                                                           The Bookworm's Birthday
                The Boat Train
                                                                         I wake up in the morning to see if the day has come,
             One day there came a boat train
              It came during the heavy rain.                               Swiftly manoeuvre around yesterday's fallen
                                                                                    on floor sticky gum,
            In it there were boys, two of those
              One of them had a big nose.                                  Jumping, dancing, hopping, with my singing,
                                                                         I then see the stash of books my family is bringing
             The boat train had a white sail
            It had come to deliver postal mail.                                My heart is flying around the room
                                                                             My control shattered with a ka-boom!
            Who the mail was for? Don't ask!
          However, in the box there was a flask.                           Anne Frank, Enid Blyton, JK Rowling and more
                                                                               These names make my heart soar!
              The flask came in a bay of silk
           And inside it there was chocolate milk                              Now, after all my intense reading,
                                                                           It's time to go to end my birthday celebration
         Boat train oh boat train come back quick
          That scrumptious milk got over in a tick                                    and get to bed.
                                                                               When my mom asks me to sleep,
            So please come and visit me again                             I can't because all the characters are still stuck
           Please dear boat train be my friend!                                        in my head!
                   Kiara Menzies            AANYA BHATIA  AFRICAN MASK
 RIA SANGHAVI - CLOUDBURST                                                           Trina Chaitanya
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