Page 182 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 182

My Dream Project
         मंच पर जान का मरा पहला अनभव                                                                                             Not Your Everyday Novel:
                                                               The village of Dahivali has a ton of plastic waste all around the   My workshop is teeming with elves. Christmas is just around the corner and everyone is busy. I suppose I should introduce you to the
         आज भी मझ अपनी िजंदगी का वह  वशष  दन याद ह। हमार  पाठशाला म    sides of the roads, and it pollutes the soil and air. The major impact   different types of elves. Each of them is equally important, mind you. I'm Santa, by the way. You must have heard many stories about me,
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          हद  का य पाठ   तयो गता थी। हर क ा स २-३ ब चे   तयो गता क   of plastic bags on the environment is that it takes many years for   the great Saint Nick. But this is the real story, my story. Also, I must say I'm not much of a writer, so this isn't your everyday novel. Just
         अ तम दौर म  पहँचे थे।                                 them to decompose. In addition, toxic substances are released     saying! Anyway, back to the elves. There are four types of elves.
                                                               into the soil when plastic bags perish under sunlight. If plastic   First, come the Creating Elves. They create all the toys I give to you children. They make detailed clay models of the toys they want to
         मन   े   तयो गता क  लए सफदर हाि म क  एक मशहर क वता गड़बड़   bags  are  burned,  they  release  a  toxic  substance  into  the  air   create, paint them, and then 'spell' them into the real stuff. {Yes, magic is real, folks!} They mostly have clay in their pockets and have

         घोटाला चनी थी। मन   े अ तम चरण क  दशन क  लए खब तयार  और   causing ambient air pollution. Birds and animals eat the plastic   flecks of colour all over them. They wear tiny Santa hats like mine, except theirs are multicoloured.
         महनत क  थी।                                           often causing a tragic and sudden death for them.                 Then there are the Posting Elves. They take the letters from all of you kids about your well-earned gifts and give them to the Creating
           तयो गता क  लए सभी ब चे और  श  काएँ सभागह म  जमा हए। सार   Plastic is used without anybody thinking about how bad it is not   Elves. They wear elf-sized postman outfits with Santa hats printed on their caps. And you haven't heard about the Decorating elves yet!
           तयोगी पहल  पंि त म  बठ थे। प रषद क सद य  ने   तयो गता क    only for humans, but for animals and the earth too.        They're the most frazzled of them all. They decorate trees and stockings in case people don't have any. The Decorating Elves wear holly
                                                                                                                                 (magicked so as not to prick them) around their necks like neck pillows, twist fairy lights around their waists, wear mini stockings under
         घोषणा क  और  थम   तयोगी को मंच पर बलाया। तभी अचानक पहल    So what is the best way to clean up plastic?                  their shoes and wear Christmas tree stars on their heads. Mrs Claus oversees the Baking Elves. They help her bake cookies and cupcakes
         बार मझ डर का अहसास हआ। मझ लगा  क म    अपनी क वता को मंच पर                                                              as extra Christmas treats. They always make more cookies than usual because I eat most of them. I mean, I must live up to that belly
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                                                               My first thought was to start it in the village of my farmhouse, so I
         जात ह  भल तो नह ं जाऊगी। मर  बार  आत ह  मरा आ म व वास वापस                                                              everyone gives me in those images, right?
                                                               have created a video to educate the people in the village. It will
         आ गया और इसी क साथ मन   े ऊचे  वर और हावभाव क साथ अपनी                                                                  Anyway, now for The Story:
                                                               also be shared with a school, to enable students to understand
         क वता सनाई। मर  क वता क सभी छद क  आ खर क  पंि त थी –  फर   our responsibilities towards the environment. I started my project   You see, this year, one of my elves got Covid 19, or Coronavirus, and everyone had to get tested so that they were sure they didn't have
          या होगा? तभी कई ब च  और  ोताओ ने मर बोलने स पहल ह  कह   by putting on a pair of gloves and picking up as much plastic from   the virus. We'd have to go in disguise because I don't think doctors would want to treat Santa and his elves, they'd think all this is a

          दया गड़बड़ घोटाला और ता लय  क  गंज स सभी ने मर  दशन को   the roads as I possibly could. Next, with the help of my parents,   stupid joke. (You must have realized how arrogant people can be, especially adults and teenagers.) So, we all got ourselves tested.
         सराहा।                                                I reused the plastic waste into making eco-bricks and encouraged   Mrs Claus fussed about my shirt. I somehow managed to fight her off me. I think I spoiled the whole thing by giving the doctor a toy race
                                                               the villagers to do the same.                                     car and saying, “Why hello, John! You always asked for cars on Christmas! Do you still play with them?” John looked rather puzzled but
          दशन क  समाि त पर हमार   धान अ या पका ने प रणाम क  घोषणा                                                                took the car all the same. I have a feeling he still likes them. Once we were all tested, we went back home. It felt good to be in my Santa-

                                                               I am still researching ways to dispose plastic waste that cannot be
         क । मरा नाम  थम  थान पर सनत ह  म    अवाक् रह गई। वह मर  लए                                                              Suit again, because it's really cold in the North Pole and the shirt buttons were at bursting point—one even came off! I quickly dumped
                                                               reused, and I am excited about what this project will lead to in the
         एक अ व वसनीय जीत थी और म    इस अनभव को कभी  नह ं भल सकती।                                                               the shirt in the bin as soon as Mrs Claus looked away. She didn't seem to notice. The next day, John and his colleagues gave out our
                                                               future.                                                           results. Fortunately, no one had Covid. The elf was recovering too. But now Mrs Claus got another terrible idea. She had decided that I
                                                     रया संघवी                                                                   shall not go and give children presents. I just stared at her incredulously, my mouth hanging open. Then, after her words sank in, I
                                                               A few things you can do to make a difference are -
                                                                                                                                 immediately told her she was bonkers. “I'm not!” she huffed. “I just don't want you to get Covid! You're not going anywhere this
                                                                  1.  Donate empty plastic bottles                               Christmas, Nick!” I shouted a few swear words to her, which you shouldn't know about. But I'd suddenly thought of a plan worthy of
                                                                                                                                 Athena (She's the Greek Goddess of warriors and wisdom). I tried to hide my glee. The plan was a superb one! I pretended to fight with
                                                                  2.  Help collect the plastic waste from streets
                                                                                                                                 my wife a little more and then finally gave in. Mrs Claus was pleased. Not for long, I thought to myself. She's going to be in a fine old fit if
                                                                  3.  Help me spread this project around the world (or start a   my plan works. And if it doesn't, she'll be in more than a fine old fit! I went into my room and called eight elves to join me—two of each
                                                                      similar one in a village/city you are familiar with).      type. I quietly told them my plan. They loved it! I felt triumphant.
                                                                  4.  Use less plastic yourself.                                 On Christmas eve, I went to bed early, or, at least, that's what I told Mrs Claus. The eight elves were already in my room, just as planned.
                                                                                                                                 Mrs Claus didn't suspect a thing. She went into her room five minutes later. It took me only twenty seconds to lock her in with the key
                                                                                                     Riana Arenja                one of the elves had swiftly snatched away. Then I set off with my Reindeer and sack. Two Posting Elves sat with me so that my big belly
                                                                                                                                 wouldn't have to squeeze through fireplaces—they did it instead. As soon as we came back home, I flopped down on my bed with a
                                                                                                                                 sigh and fell asleep, as soon as my head hit the pillow. It's very tiring work, you know, going all around the world in two hours. But I'd
                                                                                                                                 completely forgotten I had to free Mrs Claus! When I let her out of her room the next morning, she was like a tornado times five
                                                                                                                                 thousand. Now I'd better deal with her. Wish me luck—Hopefully, once Mrs Clause is done with me, I won't be on my deathbed!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Devika Joshi
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Physical school
                                                                                                                                                                                                              School is reopening
                                                                                                                                                                                                           We're all going to have fun
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Meeting our friends
                                                                                                                                                                                                            And learning about puns
                                                                                                                                                                                                             In breaktime we'll eat
                                                                         DEVIKA JOSHI CRAYON TECHNIQUES                                                                                                       Our delicious snacks
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  And in P.E.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             We'll stretch our backs
                                                               छ  य  का मज़ा                                                                                                                             In English we'll revise our grammar
                                                                                                                                                                                                            For our upcoming review
                                                               छ  याँ मर  लए बहत मज़दार होती ह । म    अ सर लोनावाला या                                                                                      But when it's time for math
                                                               महाबल वर मर प रवार क साथ जाता हँ। ू                                                                                                   Everyone has a sudden urge to go to the loo
                                                                                                                                                                                                               In music we sing
                                                               छ  य  म  हम हर सबह पश-प ी दखने जंगल म  पदल जात ह । कमर स  े                                                                                   And in dance we dance
                                                               हम तरह-तरह क   च ड़य  क फोटो लत ह । म      कट, गो फ, बड मटन                                                                                     But in social studies
                                                               और टबल ट नस खलता हँ। रात को हम तार और  ह  को दखत ह                                                                                           All of us fall into a trance
                                                                य  क शहर और  दषण स दर होत ह ।                                                                                                               But soon it's time to leave
                                                                                  े ू
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Pushing our heavy bags
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                                                               ऐसी जगह  पर जाना मझ बहत पसंद ह  य  क वहाँ क पड़-पौध और                                                                                       Carrying all our text books
                                                               पश-प ी बहत संदर लगत ह । छ  य  पर जाने क  सबस मज़दार बात                                                                                         And our art kit rags
                                                               यह ह  क म    कोई गहकाय    नह ं करता हँ। ू
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Veda Goel
             ESHA JAIN - ANALYSING CHARACTERS FROM STORIES                                            रहान धां धया                       AANYA BHATIA                        RIA JHAVERI
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