Page 200 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 200

My Precious Laptop!                                                                                                                                                             Time Travel: Life in Lothal
                                                                                                                                सपन  का शहर, मंबई!
          It was a beautiful morning as the blazing sun showered its rays through my glass-paned windows. The leaves waved in the wind, and                                               I am Kiaan, and I live in Lothal. I am 12 years old, and I
          the flowers danced along. It was like any other chirpy spring day. Tons of willow trees pushed against the horizon. The fresh fragrance of   मंबई  वाब  का शहर ह, ै              enjoy playing with my cousins. My family and I visit the
          wet soil and the sweet chirping of the birds made my day! I felt like going for a short stroll in my backyard, and that's when my parents                                       dock every week to meet my cousins. They are traders. My
          entered my room! They looked as if they were extremely worn-out after carrying a heavy item. My introspection turned out to be true!   वड़ा-पाव स लकर सव-पर  तक, लजीज            parents  are  farmers,  so  we  usually  eat  bananas  and
          They revealed an enormous brown box fully covered in silky black tape. It had some online retailer's name written on it. I was puzzled.                                         pomegranates  along  with  wheat-based  foods.  My
          Was it a gift for me, or was it something else? They told me it's a surprise for me since I've been exceptionally obedient for a while. A   खान स भरपर ह! यह एक                 neighbours are potters.
          large smile plastered on my face as I grabbed the box and started unwrapping it impulsively. I was stupefied. I had received my own   ऐसा शहर ह जो क ी नह  सोता ह। ै
          laptop, which I never ever imagined! I howled my lungs out. My joy knew no bounds as I was on cloud nine!                                                                       Our house is made of baked bricks, and our bathroom has a
          It was a silver-coloured HP laptop with a semi-glossy screen, as clear as a crystal, in which I could see my reflection. I could hear the   और इस शहर म  स नाटा,  क ी नह ं होता!  sloping floor so the water can drain easily. Our neighbours
          buzzing of the machines working and processing information in my laptop. It had a cover on the top made of pure aluminium, which   सी-  लक स मंबई का अ यंत संदर नज़ारा,          have a two-storied house, while ours is one-storied. We
          was as smooth as silk. The keyboard part was made of leather, and felt a bit uneven for the first time when I slid my hand on it, trying to   ु  ु                               believe in Lord Pashupati. My grandmother lives in Harappa.
          experiment with my laptop as much as I can. Though it was small and light as a feather, it had a lot of new features included in it! My   हम सबको लगता ह बहत  यारा!             She always brings me new clothes when I meet her. I usually
          laptop has always been my best buddy. Due to the ongoing pandemic, we had to start online schooling in 2020. That's when my laptop   मंबई ह शहर चहल-पहल स भरा  यारा,            wear long pieces of cloth like a kurta and my mother wears
          came very handy. I also use it to take down school notes, homework, assignments, etc. Whenever I feel monotonous, I always go   ु  ै      े                                     an amulet, a draped shawl, and a sari.
          straight to my laptop and start calling my friends online, watch some entertaining videos, or play some games! When I'm off for a   द नया म  ह  मशहर गटवे ऑफ इ डया का
          vacation, I always carry my valuable laptop to click photos! Things I do on my laptop are helpful, essential, as well as fun. There's been a   नज़ारा!  ू                        When we visit Harappa, my parents go to the Great Bath.
          time when I've dropped fresh orange juice on my laptop! I immediately called my parents who sent it for repairing. It came back in                                              My parents' best friend is a bronze smith. Their son is my
          exactly two days, and that's when I heaved a sigh of relief!                                                          जह  ीच पर समंदर का  कनारा                                 friend.  He  has  many  bronze  toys  and  we  both  enjoy
                                                                                                                                  ु ू
          My laptop has taught me time management and how to handle things. It has changed me totally as a person. My friends used to make   ह बहत  यारा,                                 watching chariot racing. There is a stadium in my town.
          fun of my laptop saying it's too small, but with time, they came to know – 'Don't Judge a Book by its Cover!' It was the latest version of                                      We both want to be racers when we grow up. We enjoy
          the Hewlett Packard laptop and it had a large storage system. I'm tremendously grateful for having my dear laptop always by my side,   उ  ीद क ी मत खोना,  ह हमारा नारा!        playing and recreating the games with things in the house.
          and I hope it helps me for eternity…                                                                                                                                            I have been to twelve chariot races before.
                                                                                                                                हर मंबईकर को ह  यारा भारत सारा!
                                                                                                     Ahana Shah                                                                           I love my family and enjoy living in Lothal. Every day is
                                                                                                                                                        अहाना शाह                         different and satisfying.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Kiaan Kapur
                                                                                                                                 See a Tiger in his Habitat!
                                                                                                                                 It was a cloudy monsoon morning and the so called 'king' of Zone
                                                                                                                                 3 of the beautiful Ranthambore National Park had just woken up.
                                                                                                                                 Sultan was a fierce adult tiger, with stark, jet-black stripes covering
                                                                                                                                 his soft orange fur. He yawned, stretching his lean body, barely
                                                                                                                                 noticing  the  bustling  jeeps  that  surrounded  him.  He  was  just
                                                                                                                                 marking his territory, an expansive stretch of land that was littered
                                                                                                                                 with multiple small waterholes. The weather was quite humid,
                                                                                                                                 and the forest had a lot more greenery than usual. There was a
                                                                                                                                 faint odor similar to buttered popcorn that was produced by his
                                                                                                                                 pee, marking his territory. You could hear the short nasal calls of a
                                                                                                                                 bird called the jungle babbler. He was feeling thirsty, so he started
                                                                                                                                 majestically walking on the road made by the humans, which
                                                                                                                                 went towards a nearby stream. He used their roads as they had          SAMIKA KHANNA
                                                                                          YANA DAYAL                             less plants blocking the way. He soon reached and had some sips
                                                                                                                                 of the tasteless yet refreshing water. He, then, caught a whiff of
                                                                                                                                 sambar deer, his favourite food and darted towards it. Another
                                                                                      Mother Earth                               exciting day had just begun.                                    A Garden Full Of Love
                                                                                                                                                                       Neil Agarwal          A garden doesn't grow unkempt and untouched.
                                                                                   Mother Earth, our sweet savior
                                   SUHAANI LOHIA                                         The way we act                                                                                          Its flowers will die as the weeks go by
                                                                                    Is the wrong kind of behavior                                                                              The leaves won't grow if they see no glow
                                                                                    She feeds us, she sustains us                                                                               The seeds will rot if they've not got a pot
                                                                                 The fuels we release, smoke and dust                                                                              But here comes our saving grace
                                                                                The way we behave is completely unjust                                                                        My dear gardener, who can never be replaced
                                                                               Her land holds our homes, her air keeps us alive                                                          My dear gardener, who trims my weeds so I grow in speed
                                                                                     It's only fair to let her thrive
                                                                                                                                                                                            My dear gardener, the one that works day and night
                                                                                  To keep her clean, we must strive.                                                                                Just to make my life a delight
                                                                                     How else are we to survive?
                                                                                         Birds and animals                                                                                        I see you leap onto the garden floor
                                                                                         All have lives too                                                                                Gleefully screaming 'morning!' which makes me much
                                                                                                                                                                                                        happier than before
                                                                                       To pollute the planet
                                                                                      Is the wrong thing to do                                                                                        I see you work vigorously
                                                                                                                                                                                            But that doesn't stop you from loving me endlessly
                                                                                    However, without further ado
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Thank you, O gardener
                                                                                     We can revive Mother Earth
                                                                                     All our harm, we can undo.                                                                                  For making my life a ball of sunshine.
                                                                                        Aaliya Sen Gupta                                                                                                   Iknoor Gill
                                 DEVARYAA MAKHIJA                                                                                      YASH JAIN               AAYAN NANAVATY
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