Page 202 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 202

Looking forward to having Maker Spaces!

                                                                                                                                Art Room, Science Lab and Computer Lab! What do they all have in common? If you
                                                                                                                                guessed organized supplies, you are not wrong, but what I am talking about is a space
                                                                                                                                where you can create something. This space is a new age concept: MAKERSPACE.
                                                                                                                                A Makerspace is a place to learn, where all the tools for creativity are available. Every
                                                                                                                                Makerspace is different, but common tools in Makerspaces are usually a wood shop,
                                                                                                                                3D printers, tech gadgets, audio-visual equipment, and various hand tools. There
                                                                                                                                might  also  be  computers  and  computing  devices  like  Arduinos  or  Raspberry  Pi
                                                                                                                                computers. A Makerspace is also a place where you can find a like-minded, project-
                                                                                                                                oriented student who has an aptitude for coding, or engineering, or is an artist or a
                                                                                                                                Having a Makerspace carved out within our campus can be very exciting, but at the
                                                                                                                                same  time,  it  could  lead  to  overindulgence  taking  precedence  over  conventional
                                                                                                                                education which is equally important. My view is that there is a way to find balance,
                                                                                                                                and the need to have a Makerspace cannot be underestimated anymore. If you review
                                                                                                                                the  2019  report  by  the  University  Grants  Commission  (UGC),  it  cites  lack  of
                                                                                                                                employability as a significant challenge with most STEM students. The report also
                                                                                                                                states  that  the  STEM  students  lacked  practical  and  innovative  thinking.  STEM
                                                                                                                                education  needs  a  more  pragmatic  approach  and  hence,  a  properly  curated
                                                                                                                                makerspace can be a great enabler.
                                                                                                                                I feel very fortunate that here at DAIS, we have a very “get it done” style of education.
                                                                                                                                Almost all teachers, while being extremely qualified, understand the importance of
                                                                                                                                giving students a project-based method of learning. Most of our assignments are also
                                                                                                                                designed to bring out creativity and innovation. Apart from being a great institution,
                                                                                                                                we here at DAIS, have leaders when it comes to innovation in education. It will only be
                                                                                                                                right for our school to have one of the most advanced Maker Spaces for students to   BOOK COVER - NIMAY SHAH
                                                                                                                                build, learn, fail and go forward.
             VII A                                                                                                              Like Edison said when he invented the light bulb after several failures, “I have not   २०२१-२२ का साल  ह द  म  बहत ह  म ती भरा
                                                                                                                                failed, I have found 10,000 ways that won't work”. Makerspaces will bring the best in
                                                                                                                                students and help them build their dreams, so let's make MAKERSPACES
                                                                                                                                                                                     Arjun Dhavse     साल रहा। हमने खल-खल म  बहत सी बात
                                                                                                                                                                                                      सीखीं। सा ह य म  कई अ याय  स लकर कई
          The Dream Cookie!                                                                                                                                                                            याकरण   वषय   तक।  इस  साल  मझ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       े ु
                                                                                                                                                                                                      आ खरकार समझ म  आया  क हम   हदं    य
          The shiny, smooth, purple cover, as reflective as a mirror, holds inside this delight. As you tear                                                                                           सीखनी  ह   य  क  यह  हमार   राजभाषा  ह।
          this smooth cover, you can smell the juicy strawberry filling. As you gently remove one biscuit,                                                                                             भारतीय होने क नात  हद  भाषा अ छ  तरह
          you can feel the crumbs sticking to your fingers. The sweet filling mixed with the light biscuit
          feels like sitting on cloud nine. The clear tray gently slides out, with 12 beautifully designed                                                                                            पढ़ना, बोलना और  लखना आना चा हए। हमने
          biscuits. The biscuit base tastes like the perfect cookie, with the light sugar taste and the                                                                                               कई समह ग त व धयाँ क ं जो समह क साथ
          perfectly rounded shape. The designs look like a spiral engraved onto the top of the biscuit.                                                                                               सहयोग करने और एक साथ काम करने म  बहद
          The sugar crystals placed on top look like gorgeous diamonds. The cookie has a light cream                                                                                                  मज़दार थीं। हमने कछ वी डयो और पीपीट  स
          filling that dissolves into your mouth, feeling like a fluffy cloud. Right in the middle of the   ORIGAMI - NANDINI AGRAWAL                                                                   भी सीखा जो बहत रोचक था। म    वा तव म  इस
          biscuit, is a round jelly- filled center. The strawberry jelly is gooey and sweet. The sweet center                                                                                          अ त वष को याद रखग ँ ा।

          and the simple biscuit make an ultimate desert combination, and as you bite into the biscuit,
          you taste the three- layered heaven that dissolves in no time!                                                                   SUSTAINABILITY - REEVA AGRAWAL & KIARA SHAH                                       नेवान कपानी
                                                                 Aashna Singh
                                                                                        Darkness is sliding in,                   हद  क  क ा म  न के वल मन   े सीखा                                      How I wish!
                                                                                      Creeping in his silent boots,
                                                                                       Leeching the life and joy                 बि क सीखने म  भी मजा आया।                                      I wake up to the birds chirping on the trees,
         मा य मक  व यालय म , मझ े हमेशा  हद  क ा                                                                                 हमने क ा म  जो समह ग त व धयाँ                                 In a joyful chorus belting out melodious tunes,
                                                                                       Out of the things we do.
         क   ती ा रहती ह !  कसी भी अ याय या क वता                                                                                क ं,  मझ  बहत  पसंद  थीं।  हमने                            In a time like this (lockdown) it makes my heart lighter,
                                                                                                                                       े ु
         को सीखत समय,   हम    यक पंि त को इतने                                            The sun is setting                     नाटक, अनसंधान और अ भ यि त                                      And the music makes my soul dance with joy.
                                                                                        On our mighty empire.                                                                                    How I wish to take a walk by the seaside,
          व तार स समझाया जाता ह  क कभी-कभी हम                                                                                    भी  क ं।  यह  मर  सहपा ठय   क
                                                                                          We must awake                                                                                             The smell of the ocean in my nose,
         पर  ा स पहल कवल एक बार अ यास करने क                                                                                     साथ  काम  करने  और  ट म  वक                                          I can feel each grain of sand,

                                                                                      To the reality of our actions.
         ह  आव यकता होती ह!  हम  सा ह य क अ याय                                                                                  का उपयोग करने का अवसर था।                                            And taste the salty, balmy air.
         स संबं धत वी डयो भी  दखाए जात ह । इसस हम                                    The whoosh of the wind in the               यहाँ तक  क हम  जो गहकाय करना                              How I wish to wake up in the morning and go to school,

                                                                                             willows,                                                                                             Our favorite teachers, friendly and kind.
         अ याय को आसानी स समझने और सीखने म                                                                                       था वह भी मजदार और आकषक था।

                                                                                   The hoot-hoot of the owls at dusk,                                                                            Around every corner a friend we will find,
         मदद  मलती ह। मौ लक अ भनय सबस रोमांचक                                                                                     श  का  ने  हम     त तय   क                                           Secrets shared, silly fights,
                                                                                  The tweet- tweet of the tittering birds,
         ग त व ध ह। समह  म  शा मल होना, एक छोटा                                                                                  मा यम  स  अ भ यि त  करना                                             Sometimes bursting into tears.
                                                                                       These may be lost forever.
         नाटक  तयार  करना  और  उस  क ा  क  सामने                                                                                  सखाया और उ ह ने सब कछ सरल                                           Now we have online learning,
                                                                                       We have only one choice.                                                                                   No blackboards just computer screens.
           तत करना बहद मजदार होता ह! समह  म  काम                                                                                 श द  म  समझाया, िजसस अ याय
         करने स हम  बहतर ढग स समझने क साथ-साथ                                           Together we must stand,                  को समझना बहत आसान हो गया।                                         We have to stay at home in a bubble,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      To be safe and out of trouble.

          नधा  रत  समय  म   अनशा सत  काय  म   मदद                                         Fighting, united,                      वा तव म   हद  एक अ त  वषय ह                                     Dear God, please keep us safe and sound,
          मलती ह। मझ इन वष  म   हद  पढ़ने म  बहत                                      Against our common enemy:                   और हम  इतनी अ छ  तरह स पढ़ाने                                  Let us be free again, with the rest of the crowd.
                     े ु
                                                                                            the Sunset.
         आनंद आया !                                                                                                              क  लए म     दल स उनक  आभार  हँ।                                     We promise to be good citizens,
                                   ा ी सयवंशी                                              Vir Gahrotra                                           व ी नाहटा                                     Not abuse nature and take care of each other.
                                                      PRIYAANA JHAVERI                                                                                         BOOK COVER - FREYA PATEL                    Varenyaa Jain
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