Page 261 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
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TUTOR  YEAR  Arts4Barks                                   Adi Shakti

 12        Arts4barks is a well-thought project specifically aimed   Children in rural areas are only guaranteed
                                                           free  education  till  8th  grade,  after  which
           to  help  the  stray  dogs  of  Mumbai  through
                                                           many of them drop out. One of the primary
 GROUP     volunteering. The main goal of the project was to raise   reasons  is  non-affordability  of  the  study
                                                           materials  for  further  education.  Many  of
           funds through a fundraiser on Ketto as well as from
                                                           them  are  also  unaware  of  the  diverse
           ticket fees for the live event. We decided to create a
                                                           opportunities available to them after school.
           google form and shared it with DAIS students as we
                                                           For  our  CAS  project,  we  partnered  with
           wanted to reach out to as many people as we could to
                                                           Adishakti Mahila Bahuddeshiya Sanstha, an
           generate  sufficient  funds  to  help  the  NGO  in
                                                           NGO working in the rural districts of Wasim
           accomplishing their goal of taking care and providing   and Akola in Maharashtra, to address both
           shelter to the needy street animals.            these  issues  with  the  help  of  two
                                                           comprehensive career counselling brochures,
           For the live event, we asked our talented DAIS students
 “Well-being means the                                     detailed online courses and a fundraiser.
 complete development of   whether  they  would  like  to  dance,  sing  or  play  an   To make our career counselling brochures, we
 the mental, physical and   instrument. We explained how a few minutes of their
 “Self-care is never                                       thoroughly  researched  and  outlined  the
 selfish; you can't help   spiritual self. It is not simply   time could help raise funds for the welfare of stray   numerous  further  education  and  career
 others unless you help   a measure of financial   dogs. It was mesmerising to see that such a simple   possibilities available to Indian students after
 yourself first.”  success or career success   action like a 2-minute performance could raise funds   the 10th and 12th grades. In order to ensure
 but rather the overall
 Kamya Parekh,  satisfaction and happiness   for helpless stray dogs.   easy readability and access to these booklets,
 Ms Manjiri Diwanji’s  of the human being. ”               we  created  them  virtually  using  simple
 Tutor Group   Jaehaan Bokdawala,   We were thrilled to see the number of responses and   vocabulary  and  visual  representations,
 Ms Manjiri Diwanji’s  Mr Rajiv Jha’s  Mr Rajiv Jha’s  the variety of talent that were contributing to a great   organising  them  according  to  subjects.
 Tutor Group  Tutor Group  Tutor Group   cause. After receiving the videos, we compiled them   Additionally, we dedicated a section of the
           into one final video and play it as a live event on a zoom   brochures  for  government  and  privately-
                                                           funded scholarship opportunities, addressing
           call. Those who wished to watch it had to pay a small
                                                           the  financial  limitations  faced  by  students.
 “Holistic well-being   fee to gain access to the event. This was levied in order   Guided by the NGO head Mr. Nirmal Thakur,
 is an amalgamation   to generate extra funds from the smallest of things to   we  then  shared  these  with  students  and
 of nurturing physical   “Be realistic in your   maximize and go beyond our goal for the fundraiser.    teachers  from  Janta  Vidyalaya  and  Narsing
 and mental health–  goals yet relentless in
 a heathy lifestyle   their pursuit.”  All the money collected would go to the NGO Welfare   Vidyalaya amongst 5 other schools, hoping to
 starts from a healthy   Stuti Daga,  for  Stray  Dogs.  The  NGO  helps  in  providing  shelter,   limit  inequality  of  opportunity  and  enable
 psyche.”                                                  them to fulfill their true academic potential.
 Mr Shabari Kar’s  food and water to the helpless animals on the street.
 Mira Dasgupta,  Tutor Group   W e   h o p e   t h a t     The  online  course  creation  team  created  supplementary  science
 Ms Rashmi Baruah’s  through this project                  materials  for  rural  students  in  8th  and  9th  grade.  This  entailed
 Tutor Group   Ms Rashmi Baruah’s  Mr Shabari Kar’s        creating videos that discussed experiments or simulations in an easily
 Tutor Group  Tutor Group  we can contribute to            digestible manner, which helps students understand the material
           a  great  cause  and                            better. We created 5 videos about topics in Chemistry, Biology and
           help  the  stray  dogs                          Physics, and with the help of the NGO we shared these videos with
 “The development of   as much as possible.                the students.
 well-being is as
 “You can use your   important as the                      Finally,  the  fundraising  team  organised  a  fundraiser  to  support
 mind to create   development of a                         Adishakti's  Krantijyoti  Savitribai  Phule  Book  Bank  scheme,  which
 wellbeing or misery   country; Just like a well           provides  9th  and  10th  standard  textbooks  to  students  in  rural
 for yourself. Everyone   has water, a social well         schools,  enabling  them  to  access  education.  The  fundraiser  was
 has a choice.”                                            created and hosted on Ketto, and was spread mainly through social
 must have being.”
 Tanmay Arvind,   Praanav Lodha,                           media. With the help of numerous donors, we were able to raise over
 Mr Suvash Dhakal’s  Mr Arunkumar                          Rs. 60000, which will pay for 125 book sets for the 10th standard,
 Tutor Group                                               allowing  almost  400  students  to  continue  their  education  and
 Mr Suvash Dhakal’s  Mr ArunKumar Khandgale’s  Khandgale’s  improve their future.
 Tutor Group  Tutor Group  Tutor Group
                                                                                                “If you want the
                                                                                               rainbow, you need
                                                           Bienestar = Well-being                to put up with
 “Relationships                                                                                   the rain.”
 are among the                                             B  bebe más agua                      Kavan Shah
 “Smile at the world   most powerful                       I  igualmente, come más verduras
 and the world will                                        E  ejercítate un poco cada día, pero…
 smile back at you...”  determinants of our                N  no hagas demasiado ejercicio tampoco
 well-being and
 Raghav Agrawal,  survival.”                               E  es muy importante para una vida saludable:
 Mr George Juma’s  Misha Gupta,                            S  solo comer la comida chatarra de vez en cuando
 Tutor Group                                               T  también no comer los dulces seguido
 Ms Kavita Dyas’                                           A  aunque es aprobado complacer tu paladar a veces
 Mr George Juma’s  Tutor Group   Ms Kavita Dyas’           R  respira y relájate, no lo olvides!
 Tutor Group  Tutor Group                                                                          Naman Pushp

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