Page 265 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 265

L'importance des langues     Kalakaar   Mathemagic DAISMO
 Maintenant, de plus en plus de gens ne parlent que anglais. Il est   Kalakaar at DAIS has been an ongoing CAS project for   This year, our CAS project team, Mathemagic, worked towards hosting our school's
 dommage que les jeunes ne considèrent plus apprendre les langues   several years; this year, we decided to take forward the   popular math Olympiad known as DAISMO. This olympiad was to be conducted by our
 étrangères  comme  important.  Après  avoir  étudié  le  français   legacy.  The  Kalakaar  CAS  Project  aimed  to  promote  a   team  on  our  school's  proctoring  platform,,  with  invigilation  conducted
 pendant  sept  ans,  je  pense  que  je  comprends  les  avantages   variety  of  performing  as  well  as  visual  art  forms  by   through meetings on Microsoft Teams.
 d'apprendre ces langues et je vais les partager ici.   conducting workshops for participants to attend, with a   After having formed our team, we realized that all of us had common interests in
 Les langues et la mondialisation  final showcase at the end. The project aimed to collect   Mathematics and thus hosting an Olympiad would be an enjoyable experience. To this
 funds for NGOs, and this year we chose to raise funds for
 Tout d'abord, le monde d'aujourd'hui est très globalisé. Grâce aux   end, we decided to build on the Olympiad launched last year and host it once again to
 technologies, nous pouvons communiquer avec les gens autour du   The Apprentice Project.   boost its prestige. At the same time, we would be able to make a difference to society as
 monde. Apprendre le français nous permet de parler avec plus de     The Apprentice Project, also known as TAP, is an NGO that   the  funds  we  would  collect  from  registration  fees  would  go  to  the  AngelXpress
 gens, y compris les francophones dans beaucoup de pays comme   works primarily with school children of daily wage workers   Foundation, a NGO specializing in improving education for underprivileged children.
 l'Afrique  et  le  Canada.  En  plus,  les  télés  et  les  films  sont  plus   where  trained  volunteers  work  with  the  students  on   Indeed, this is a sector in which our country is yet to see enough advancement, and so we
 mondialisés, avec les films non anglais comme <<Parasite>> étant   enhancing their skills in visual and performing arts, among   were all keen on making our contribution towards it.
 reconnus. L'éducation est plus globale grâce à l'internet.  other  areas,  while  also  fostering  essential  development
 Dans ce monde, il est est peu probable qu'on ait du succès si on   skills in them. They have supported over 3000 children till   To effectively prepare for the event, we divided our work among different groups:
 parle seulement une langue.  date, and given the aim of the NGO, we felt that TAP   1. Tech – this entailed setting up the website along with our payment system, which was
 would  be  the  most  appropriate  NGO  in  line  with  the   critical to ensuring registrations could be done efficiently. They also handled technical
 Variété de points de vue
 mission of Kalakaar 2021.   logistics and worked on setting up the video conferencing system for the event.
 Bien qu'on ne comprenne pas comment penser exactement comme
 quelqu'un  d'autre,  apprendre  une  autre  langue  nous  donne   The first workshop we conducted was the Bottle Painting   2. Communications involved the members responsible for handling the official email id and communicating with participants and
 l'occasion  d'apprendre  d'une  culture  et  de  voir  le  monde  d'un   Workshop, hosted by Amruta Pasupuleti, a skilled artist   teachers alike. In this capacity, they spread information regarding our Olympiad by coordinating with our school's management and
 nouveau point de vue. Il faut qu'on ait un esprit ouvert et un point   who  specialises  in  mandalas,  warli,  bottle  painting,   dealt with issues encountered by potential participants.
 de vue bienveillant envers les autres. De plus, aprendre une nouvelle   charcoal sketches and several other interesting art forms.    3. Paper-setting involved deciding the format of the question papers, creating the questions and the mark schemes, and typing
 langue nous donne un nouveau moyen de voir la langue. L'écrivain   The webinar provided participants with not only a learning   everything on a professional software before the exam.
 Geoffrey Willans a dit qu'on doit savoir deux langues au moins pour   platform for a new art form but also a platform for them to
 comprendre  une  langue.  Moi,  j'ai  vraiment  compris  l'anglais   share their artistic inspirations and techniques. The second   The Olympiad consisted of two categories for our participants with Grades 8-10 being in the first and Grades 11-12 making up the
 seulement après avoir commencé à étudier le français.   workshop we hosted was the Theatre Workshop taught by   second. For each category, we employed a completely different level of difficulty to ensure that our questions were consistent with the
 Vidhi Mehra, a talented theatre facilitator who is a part of   skill level of students in each grade. Our questions were vetted by our supervisor and our school's Mathematics Department, and were
 Pourquoi est-ce important?
 several production teams. The workshop was extremely   designed in a way that would encourage critical thinking and problem solving.
 Quelques  jeunes  pensent  qu'il  est  plus  important  d'apprendre  les   fun and energetic, with participants experimenting with
 matières  comme  les  mathématiques,  au  lieu  d'apprendre  une   their  expressions  and  body  language  to  respond  to   Our event was held on 24th October, and went off very smoothly, with us being able to carefully monitor all our participants. All in all,
 deuxième langue, pour dévélopper l'esprit. Comme la pièce a deux   situations. Our third and final workshop was a doodling   this was a truly delightful experience for all of us and it was pleasing to see that we were able to raise a significant sum of money for
 côtés, je pense que ce n'est pas vrai. Beaucoup d'études ont montré   workshop  taught  by  the  talented  artist  Shruti  Kapoor,   donation to the AngelXpress Foundation.
 que  les  enfants  qui  parlent  plus  de  langues  ont  le  cerveau  plus   where participants learnt the beauty of coming up with   “When 'I' becomes 'we',
 développé. Si j'avais pu apprendre plus de langues comme enfant,   their  own  authentic  intricate  designs  and  learned   illness becomes wellness.”
 j'aurais  été  un  meilleur  étudiant.  Pour  les  gens  qui  apprennent   techniques for doodling. The final showcase was held on   Nishkka Thakkar
 plusieurs langues comme enfant, c'est une cerise sur le gâteau parce   7th November and saw an exciting and broad range of   Senior Fitizens
 qu'il est plus facile d'apprendre une langue pendant l'enfance.
 performances by several artists, be it dancers, singers or
 En conclusion, pour toutes ces raisons, je crois que tout le monde a   even those performing spoken word. The three workshops
 besoin d'être multilingue. Quand j'ai décidé d'étudier le français il y a sept   and the showcase were a huge success, and we at Kalakaar   COVID-19 has impacted people worldwide due to the resultant social   दो ती - कल, आज और कल
 ans, je n'étais pas sûr. Mais maintenant, je suis sûr que j'ai bien choisi.   were  able  to  raise  over  Rs.  25,000  for  The  Apprentice   distancing norms and lockdown rules. All of us in our CAS group were
 Vansh Tibrewal  Project!   interested in sports and fitness, and therefore we aimed to use our passion   “पड़ क  डा लय  पर उस चढ़ाया,
          and knowledge to make a positive impact on the lives of those affected by
          the pandemic. We identified senior citizens as a group that was heavily   आम क  गट लया उसस तड़वाया।
 प रवार  “To me, social   affected during this period, as safety measures meant that their ability to   ख़शी-ख़शी  बतायी सं या मँह मीठा कर बठ ै े
 well-being means   indulge in physical activity and exercise was severely hampered. Therefore,   लड़कपन का यह   वाब दख हम रहत” े
 जीवन क इस ज टल माग पर,                                                   मामाजी ने सनाई अपने यवाव था क  कहानी।

 having meaningful   we set out to conduct weekly fitness sessions with a group of senior
 कोई भी संकट  य  न आए।  relationships with   citizens to ensure that they avoided a sedentary lifestyle and maintained

 प रवार क साहचय स, े  others that make   their  fitness  during  these  difficult  times.  Our  group  devised  a  list  of   चार  तरफ़ तकनीक  का  चार
 एक स एक कम दर हो जाए।  you feel   suitable exercises for a geriatric group and recorded a video that included   ब च  को हो गया ह मोबाइल स  यार।
 understood and   step-by-step instructions about performing the exercises.   क  यटर अब मन य का एकलौता  म
 पर  ा म   कया  थम  थान  ा त,
 valued and                                                                    खो रह ह  हम दो ती क   फ़तर।
 या काय थल म   मल  पदो न त।  completely at ease.   We conducted five sessions on Zoom with around fifteen participants. We   सामािजक मी डया क ज़ंजीर म  फ ँ सकर

 प रजन  क साथ आनंद बाटकर,  I think social well-  displayed our workout video on the screen during the session and helped   पछताएँग –  य  ँ नह ं  कया  यास मड़कर?
 वह  आनंद हो जाती ह दोगनी।  being is only   the participants with any questions regarding the exercises and routine.
 possible when a   These  sessions  were  highly  enriching,  and  it  was  amazing  to  see  the   कहाँ ह  वो स चा साथी
 ं ु
 समय परत बदल रहा ह, ै
 balance is reached   enthusiasm and energy of the senior citizens. Despite their age, they were   जो ह जीवन माग पर सहया ी?

 प रजन  म  अलगाव बढ़ रहा ह। ै  between spending   willing to learn and push their limits in an effort to improve their fitness.
 पहल जो एक अटट समह था,  quality time with   Their drive and commitment was a source of inspiration to all of us. Our   ज़माना बदला – पर मानव मानव रहा
 आज वह टकड़  म   बखर गया ह।  both others and      'Senior  Fitizens'                अपने  कए पर रो रहा
 yourself.”                                                                    चँ क आए  दन कौन दगा सहारा
 भोजन क मज़ क  चहचहाहट,                           i n i t i a t i v e   w a s   a   जब हम हो बढ़, दबल और पथहारा?
                                                                                        े ू
 Tisha Kumar                                     m e m o r a b l e
 आज बस एक स नाटा ह। ै
                                                 experience,  and  we
 घर क बज़ग  क  म कान क कारण,                                                    मरा ममरा भाई बगीचा म  घमता
 ु ु
  व डयो खल क  द नया म  खो गए है।                 firmly believe that we            कभी हँसता, कभी रोता।
                                                 achieved  our  initial    या वह दख पाएगा इस लोक क  क मयाँ को?
 इस बदलाव क  लहर को बस हम ह  रोक सकत ह, ै        goal  of  making  a

 े ू
 आज क टट प रवार  को बस हम ह  जोड़ सकत ह। ै        positive  impact  on        उसक वग म   या होगा भगवान जाने
 अ तम घड़ी अब आ गयी ह, ै                          the health and fitness   बस यह  उ मद ह क  वह अपने स चे  म  को पहचाने।
 प रवतन लाने क  ण हमस दर भागत जा रह ह। ै         o f   t h e   g e r i a t r i c      जश भा टया

                                                 population near us.
 कवन शाह
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