Page 266 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 266

सामािजक संबंध                                                                                           Peer Help

                          अब कल क  ह  बात ह,
                                                                                                                                 The goal of the PeerHelp CAS project was to provide mentorship
                     संय त प रवार ह  खशाल प रवार था,                                                                             to  younger  students  within  the  school  to  aid  their  progress
                         पर आज क  बात कर तो,                                                                                     through  high  school  and  help  them  balance  their  time  and
              अब एकल प रवार  का अकलापन हर घर पर ह  मंडराता।                                                                      mental  health.  The  specific  focus  was  achieved  through
                                                                                                                                 organized sessions with students of grades 9 & 10 . As students who have finished their IGCSE and ICSE Years, we hoped to be able to use
                          अब कल क  ह  बात ह ,                                                                                    our experience and expertise to share tips with our juniors. We did not step into academic coursework, instead helped them look into CV
                       हम बड़ो को स मान स पकारत, े                                                                                building, time management, and stress management to prepare themselves for the coming years. We spent a lot of time self-reflecting on
                        ल कन आज क  बात कर तो,                                                                                    our high school journey to share the most practical tips possible - things we wish we did. Our first session with IGCSE Grade 9 was a huge
                                                                                                                                 success. We had considerably good attendance. After the session, a student messaged us saying, “this was exactly what I needed. The
             मलभत उ  का  लहाज भी नह ं पहचता ज़बान तक हमार।                                                                        session solved so many of my doubts and has given me a lot of clarity about what the next few years are going to look like.” This was our
                                       ं ु
                  पर त, अगर हम कल क  ह  बात कर रह ह,            MicroFin                                                         exact goal. When it comes to issues we faced, our primary issue was time constraints and online scheduling problems. Therefore, we
                       तो हम नार  को दवी मानत थे,                                                                                decided to pre-record sessions for the other classes and divisions. All in all, as a group, we all feel like this initiative is essential, as getting
              और उ ह  दवी कहलाकर उ ह  इसान कहना भल जात थे,      Today we see that most female domestic workers (FDWs) are        advice from seniors is something we all sought in our high school years. We hope this project will be carried forward for the years to come
                                                                dependent on their employers when it comes to finances. The       so that the legacy of PeerHelp can help more students in our school.
                     उन पर असंभव उ मीद थोप दत थे,
                                                                leading cause for this is the fear factor of using technology. As
                 उनह इन उ मीद  क  पजर म  कै द कर देत े थे।
                                                                most workers are digitally illiterate, their willingness and ability
                        ल कन आज क  बात कर तो,                   to learn and use complicated applications diminishes, making      LA VIE EN ROSE À PARIS.
                 हम नार  को अपनी इसा नयत अपनाने दत ह,           them  more  comfortable  relying  on  their  employers.  In
                उनक  वाइश, ज़ रत और मज़  को मान लत ह, ै           addition,  FDWs  are  unaware  of  the  possible  benefits  they   Pendant mes dernières vacances, ma mère et moi avons visité Paris. C'était
            हम उ ह   पजर स बहार, अपनी खद क  उड़ान भरने दत ह।     would reap by establishing bank accounts or those associated      un très beau voyage.
                                                                with other forms of cashless transfers like Paytm or Google       La première activité sur notre itinéraire était de visiter La Tour Eiffel. C'est  le
                     अब हम कल क  बात कर ह  रह ह,                Pay.  Lastly,  the  misconceptions  associated  with  these       véritable symbole de Paris et le monument le plus visité du monde. Ensuite,

                 तो कलप त का  नणय होता था सबक  लए तय,           applications and the deep-rooted distrust in these modes of       nous avons visité le Louvre. Moi, j'adore l'art et les musées. La visite au
              हम प रवार क सद य  क  भलाई को पीछ छोड़ दत थे,       cash transfers convince these domestic employees to stick to      Louvre était une très belle expérience. J'ai vu La Joconde- un chef d'œuvre
            य  क हमार सर पर मंडराता रहता 'लोग  या कह गे ?' के  भय।    the help of employers for transactions.                     célèbre.
                                                                                                                                  Chaque jour, on mangeait des crêpes dans les cafés parisiens. On a aussi
                                                                To reduce this dependency, MicroFin worked on the digital
                         पर आज क  बात कर तो,                                                                                      fait du shopping dans les magasins de mode dans L'Avenue des Champs
                                                                literacy. The change can begin with the employers themselves,
                           समय ह बहत बदला,                                                                                        Elysées. Cela a couté vraiment cher !
                      अब   यजन  क  ख़शी का मह व,                 making them more aware of how widespread the problem is.          Les Français sont très contents quand vous leur parlez en français. J'étais
                                                                They could take the responsibility to help their employees set
                 ह समाज क डर क मह  व स १० गना  यादा।                                                                              super contente de pouvoir bien communiquer en français.
                                                                up bank accounts using schemes like the Jan Dhan Yojna.
                  अब कल और आज क  बात तो होती रहगी,              Further, they could help them get essential documents to set      Nous avons fait de notre mieux pour être touristes écolos. Nous avons logé
                                                                up accounts like an Aadhar card and Pan card. Additionally,       dans un écotel ou l'on utilisait des sources d'énergie renouvelables. Nous
                    कल और आज तो ह  हमार काब स दर,                                                                                 avons aussi utilisé les transports en commun pour voyager dans la ville.
          ल कन आने वाल कल क  पतंग क  ढ ल ह  कवल हमार हाथो म ,   employers could take the initiative of increasing the digital     C'est  important  d'être  conscients  de  notre  responsabilité  envers
                                                                literacy of these employees to help them learn and understand
            अगर यह ढ ल हमने छोड़ द , तोह होगा कवल हमारा कसर।                                                                       l'environnement.
                                                                how  online  payments  and  cashless  transfers  work.  Digital
                      आग जा कर, कछ जाना न भल,                   literacy would also dispel the myths and preconceived notions     C'était un voyage mémorable et j'ai aimé « la vie en rose » à Paris. Je
                                                                                                                                  voudrais revisiter cette belle ville.
                         भलना मत हमारा अतीत,                    these workers have regarding bank accounts and applications.
                                                                Lastly, employers could give loans to their domestic workers to                                                 Vrinda Das

                         ना भलना हमारा व तमान,
                                                                help them set up saving accounts as most don't have large                                                                                   AAYUSHI NAINAN
           ता क हमारा आन वाला कल, बन  सफ खशहाल और शा त स भरपर।

                                                                salaries and therefore, don't save much. These actions would
                             ध नती पारख                         help FDWs become more independent and self-sufficient.
                                                                                                                                  Menstrual Movement
                                                                                                                                  The use of filthy rags as alternatives for sanitary pads in India causes over 70% of all reproductive diseases. Twelve girls from Grade 12
           Bienestar Ambiental                                                                                                    conducted the Menstrual Movement Project aiming to help raise awareness about menstrual health and empower women from the
                                                                                                                                  slums of Dharavi. The team, led by Ananya Sachdev and Mehak Tiwana, worked in collaboration with the Myna Mahila Foundation, an
           Los  problemas  ambientales  son  una  realidad.                                                                       NGO that aims to provide health support and empower underprivileged women.
           Ahora, un problema que me parece grave, es la                                                                          To collect the funds, they created a fundraiser on the crowdfunding platform, Ketto.
           contaminación  del  aire.  Es  un  producto  de  la                                                                    They used social media platforms like WhatsApp to reach out to our friends and
           emisión  de  los  gases  de  efecto  invernadero.  La                                                                  family and inform and encourage them to donate to the cause. They raised a total
           causa  de  la  emisión  de  estos  gases  es  la  expansión  urbana  y  el  uso  de  los                               amount of around 3 lakh rupees with the help of everyone's contributions.
           combustibles  fósiles  en  los  vehículos.  Hay  muchas  consecuencias  de  la                                         In order to further increase the scope of knowledge regarding menstrual health and
           contaminación del aire, como la muerte de las flores, y los problemas respiratorios
           en los animales.                                                                                                       sanitation, the team created their own magazine “Myna ki Salaah''. The content was
                                                                                                                                  all covered in Hindi in order to ensure that it can be understood by everyone. They
           Sin embargo, hay muchas soluciones para resolver estos problemas. Primero, las                                         designed and wrote the content of the magazine after thorough research, and
           personas deben usar vehículos como coches y autobuses por menos tiempo. Las                                            covered important topics such as menstruation, good and bad practices, breaking
           personas pueden compartir sus coches para reducir la contaminación del aire.                                           down myths, and the correct disposal of sanitation napkins. Through the distribution
           Además  ellos  pueden  usar  diferentes  vehículos  por  ejemplo  las  bicicletas.                                     of their magazines and the boxes of sanitary pads, the team was able to help around
           Adicionalmente, es muy importante enseñar a las personas sobre la importancia                                          85 women from the slums of Dharavi for one year. Their tagline “Girls support Girls”
           de reciclar, reutilizar y reducir plástico y basura. Finalmente, nosotros debemos                                      has pushed them to work with other CAS teams like English Vinglish and Ecospeak
           enseñar a los niños y otras personas sobre la importancia de aportar un granito de
           arena  para  proteger  el  medio  ambiente.  En  CAS,  usted  puede  empezar                                           to raise awareness about topics on sustainability and menstruation within the school
           organizaciones  para  resolver  estos  problemas.    Por  ejemplo,  el  año  pasado                                    community.
           organizamos    Ecospeak  que  fue  una  revista  para  crear  conciencias  sobre  la                                   The team received love and appreciation from the women which proves their project
           biodiversidad y fue una experiencia muy buena, ¡Lo pasé bomba!                                                         was a success. They are grateful for all the support and encouragement they received
                                                                                                                                  from  the  donors,  the  school  community,  and  the  NGO,  and  hope  to  continue
                                                 Praruj Sampat & Ria Mittal
                                                                                        ROHAAN BATRA                              increasing awareness about period poverty.
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