Page 263 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 263

EcoSpeak  La salud mental no es una broma
           En el mundo de hoy, problemas de salud mental son muy comunes entre los jóvenes, y no podemos identificar una causa definitiva. Sin
 The world lies in imbalance. From the largest rainforests to the smallest mangroves,   embargo, hay demasiadas fuentes de estas aflicciones de salud mental en la vida diaria de estudiantes. Primero, hay causas escolares
 ripples  of  human  activity  can  be  felt  throughout  nature.  While  humanity  races   como malas notas y presión académica. El campo de educación a un nivel escolar alto es muy competitivo, lo que causa muchos
 towards scientific and social advancement, we have left the environment abused and   problemas  para  los  estudiantes.  Segundo,  hay  problemas  domésticos  como  abuso  doméstico,  niños  con  padres  separados  y
 degraded to levels hitherto unheard of. Rising sea levels, scorching temperatures and   problemas con el dinero. La vida en la casa tiene un gran impacto en la salud mental y pensamientos de un niño. Tercero, hay
 a critical depletion of natural resources are all symptoms of the disease that plagues   problemas personales con el amor propio, o con grupos de amigos a través de acoso escolar etcétera. Finalmente, las redes sociales
 nature today.  podrían causar estereotipos negativos sobre el esquema corporal y de esta manera afectar las mentes de jóvenes impresionables. Las
           problemas de cada persona son diferentes, pero muchas de las veces las causas son de unos de estas categorías.
 Choosing  the  path  of  inaction  is  folly.  EcoSpeak  resolutely  stands  by  this
 philosophy. Awareness is the first step towards change; as such we are committed   Luego, quiero decir que los síntomas de salud mental son diferentes en cada persona, y hay diferentes tipos de problemas de salud
 to  amplifying  students'  voices  on  pressing  environmental  issues.  Through   mental. Los problemas más comunes son el trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo, depresión, y la ansiedad. En continuación, los niños que
 EcoSpeak, we aim to provide an exposition to the environment to make you more   tienen estos problemas, pueden aislarse, no tener interés en sus estudios, no comunicarse o hablar mucho. Pero, unos de los
 cognizant of nature surrounding us by   problemas más grandes son las autolesiones, porque es muy peligroso.
 creating  a  magazine  that  focuses  on   Ahora, estemos donde estemos y no podemos evitar estos problemas, pero hay muchas cosas que las escuelas y adultos podrían hacer
 bolstering  environmental  and  social   para los niños. Quiero subrayar que cuando estamos hablando sobre salud mental, el primer paso siempre es crear conciencia entre
 awareness.   jóvenes sobre no solo los tipos y síntomas de salud mental sino también los recursos como terapeutas, médicos o centros de salud
 Even  with  the  pandemic  ruling  out   mental. El efecto más importante de crear conciencia es que el nivel de estigma en torno a la salud mental disminuirá y los niños que
 multiple extra steps we would have liked   están sufriendo podrían hablar sobre sus problemas con profesionales sin vergüenza ni vacilación. Además, es esencial que tomemos
 to take, we were determined to make   cuidado de nuestra salud física porque hay un vínculo muy fuerte entre los dos. Sería excelente si pudiera hacer ejercicio regularmente
 EcoSpeak a success. Therefore, in order   y comer una dieta equilibrada porque estos van a mejorar su salud mental también.
 to  expand  our  impact,  we  also   Para concluir, es imprescindible que recordemos que cada persona es única y no sufre los mismos problemas que otras personas. Cada
 collaborated  with  and  sought   persona  tiene  circunstancias  diferentes  y  por  lo  tanto  cada  persona
 submissions  from  another  school   necesita su tipo personal de ayuda si está sufriendo de problemas de   “Social wellbeing is when the social being does well.
 named Dnyanmandir Vidyalaya, Powai.   salud mental. Por eso, presta atención a todos tus amigos y compañeros   Engaging in volunteer people's struggle against the
 We would like to thank all students for their submissions and would also like to express   de clase y compruébalos de vez en cuando. Estamos todos juntos en esta   society polluted by socialites, spending quality time with
 gratitude to all the teachers who came together to help us.  lucha.   the one commune that unites us all, from each
 Our team was divided into a number of units, looking after content creation, collection,   La salud mental no es una broma.  according to his ability, to each according to his need,
 editing,  outreach  and  layout.  Collaboration  was  essential  for  our  success  as  a  team.   Ananya Sachdev y Anirudh Fadia  is the true meaning of social wellbeing.”
 Although  there  were  difficulties  like  being  unable  to  collect  enough  articles  for  our   Arnav Sabharwal
 magazine, we persevered as a group and were able to meet our deadlines. Each member did
 their work in an organized manner and everyone helped each other when required.
 We do hope that EcoSpeak was able to change or perhaps strengthen, the environmentalist
          English Vinglish
 mindset within our audience and that this project will be taken further next year.

 Sia Harisingani
          CAS Project English Vinglish has been a major
          part of the DAIS community for over five years.
 THEATRE  The project's focus is to provide a vital part of the
          school  community,  the  non-teaching  support
 Theatre at the IB Level enables students, much like us, to be equiped the various   staff, the chance to equip themselves with real-
 skills required of a practitioner on stage. Ranging from design concepts like   world  skills  and  conversational  English.  The
 lighting and costumes to acting techniques like proxemics and characterisation,   project's  stakeholders  -  the  security,
 the  course  encouraged  us  to  broaden  our  view  of  theoretical  concepts,   administration,  housekeeping,  and  bus  staff  –
          interacted with thirteen Grade 12 students over
 particularly  those  that  form  the  founding  blocks  of  performance.  In
 understanding the specifics of such theatrical terminology, our classes consist of   three months in this endeavor.
 systematic yet boundless experimentations that aim to fully explore the topic at   The support staff felt unequipped to deal with
 hand. Whether it was exploring the different atmospheres created by varying   situations  they  deemed  typical,  whether
 paces as indicated by Jacques Lecoq, seven levels of speed or writing reports for   conversing with their children, speaking to their children's teachers, conducting bank transactions, or navigating online purchasing
 how we would construct a play - our horizons were broadened by the duality of   platforms. In addition, considering the pandemic and shift of these services to online platform, they often met unfortunate situations
          where a non-English alternative was unavailable.
 exploration and analysis that the course maintains.
          The Support Staff is a pillar of the DAIS community, contributing to the school in every way possible and becoming an integral part of
 However, one can correctly state that this was not achieved easily during the   students' lives. Therefore, it was important to every member of this project to steer them through their challenges and help them
 pandemic. When regular classes, those that fit on a white/chalkboard, were   effectively communicate their ideas in English. Giving back to those who give us so much was the goal!
 displaced, one can imagine the shock we underwent as theatre students. The
          Every year this project builds on past efforts. The Support Staff was well versed in a range of vocabulary. Therefore, this year the project
 challenge wasn't simply being unable to act, but the difficulties posed to the
          revolved around improving their abilities to form sentences to enable fluency in the language, especially in the present tense. This was
 collaborative process as a whole and the inability to feed off of each other's
          complemented by confronting the issue of confidence in our guided weekly sessions.
 energy. Despite this, as our screens transformed into the CPA, we explored how
          The Friday sessions were looked forward to by both stakeholders as it was an hour of learning and games. Students used Quizlet to
 the  online  stage  can  be  used  to  create  theatre.  Do  different  video  calling
          create flashcards with vocabulary and tenses, encouraging conversation and eliciting personal examples. Through breakout rooms on
 platforms have different effects on the story we were telling? And how can we
          Teams, the project retained its classroom environment with students working in groups re-joining a common session for a few lessons
 play  with  individual  lighting  for  a  character?  It  was  these  questions  that
          and general conversation. The pinnacle of their efforts were their short skits and engaging in fascinating conversations in different
 ameliorated  our  theatrical  experience  online,  ensuring  that  we  remained
          settings. After six weeks of interaction, their fluency and confidence were immediately visible.
 connected to our previous experiences during the lockdown.
          English Vinglish wanted to be of service to the DAIS Support Staff, helping them find confidence in environments outside the school. It
 Neel Maheshwari  was a heartwarming experience to interact with the support staff once again and witness their enjoyment and excitement to be with us.
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