Page 232 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
P. 232

Nursery Rhymes and Nostalgic Times
                                                                                                                               Over the years, the nostalgic smell of crayons, chalk and clay have
                                                                                                                               subsided, morphing into the permanent scent of inked papers.
                                                                                                                               Everything seems to be ephemeral; our surroundings incessantly
                                                                                                                               transform but when we look back to see tiny, printed suns smiling
                                                                                                                               back at us, we realize that nothing's really changed at all. As these
                                                                                                                               years teach us of life. We physically and mentally reconstruct
                                                                                                                               ourselves, yet we find that our cheeky younger selves with sparkles
                                                                                                                               in our eyes stare back at us.
                                                                                                                               From the first to the fifth, the four floors in between us signify our
                                                                                                                               story; a beginning of innocence and naivety, is gradually coming to an
                                                                                                                               end. The secrets, inside jokes and memories of this second family we
                                                                                                                               have formed strengthen and solidify while the indestructible bonds
                                                                                                                               between us grow. Now, as we meet these people we have grown up
                                                                                                                               with, warmth makes its way to our hearts.
                                                                                                                               The past makes us teary eyed and proud of all we have faced,
                                                                                                                               conquered and accomplished. For the opportunities we have been
                                                                                                                               provided with, the peer group that fills us with determination and
                                                                                                                               every mentor that has shaped us into who we are today, gratitude is
                                                                                                                               inevitable. And although we are unaware of what is to come, facing it is made easier with the fond, affection-filled hands that will hold us
                                                                                                                               up throughout. From Once upon a time, to Happy ever after, a new chapter will soon begin but the earlier ones will remain alive in ink.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Students of Grade 8C

                                                                                                                               मधर याद

                                                                                                                               हमार  व यालय म    तवष वा षको सव मनाया जाता ह।
            VIII C                                                                                                             वा षक  दवस एक ऐसी अनोखी  म त ह, िजस हम अपने

                                                                                                                               जीवनकाल म  संजोकर रखत ह  और यह  म त हमार  दल

                                                                                                                               म  बसी हई ह। एक ओर वा षक  दवस समारोह   तभा और
                                                                                                                               रचना मकता  दखाने क  लए एक मंच क  प म  भी काम
                                                                                                                               करता ह। वह ं दसर  ओर उ सव जसी भावना भी भर दता
        Five                                                                                                                   ह। वा षक  दवस का हमारा पसंद दा  ह सा रा    व यालय

        The pine trees, although fairly distant from Carlos, feel as though they are closing                                   या न 'नाइट  कल' ह। हम  अ यास  क दौरान बहत मज़ा
        in. Suffocation and nausea flood his internal system. The hairs on his nape stand up,                                   आता ह और हमार  खशी क  कोई सीमा नह ं रहती ह।
        in response to the unsettling wind, mocking his state of numbness. Battling himself,
        he evades the blaring alarms in his mind and approaches the source of cacophony.                                       पाठशाला क  ढर सार  याद  मर छोट-स  दय म  बसी हई ह ।                                     Math Class Activity
        The blinding mist settles, and although the darkness of the night doesn't help                                         मरा सबस अनोखी याद  तब क  ह , जब 'नाईट  कल' हआ
        much, it is enough for Carlos to make out the edges of the octagonal chamber,                                          करता था। इस समय हम शाम को ३-४ बज सभी  व याथ    Recollections
        with rusted metal walls devoid of windows. The reflective steel surface projects                                        पाठशाला आत और रात १० बज पाठशाला समा त होता।
        kaleidoscopic images, hypnotising him with each step he takes. The tormenting                                          वा षक उ सव क  तयार   दसंबर माह म  श  होती, जो   The little smiling suns from our childhood uniforms still shine bright in our

        wails and incessant screeches of nails trying to claw their way out, sound less                                        लगभग २ ह त तक मंच पर अ यास होता था। यह होता   memories. Precisely ten years ago, when we were tiny toddlers, we
        human-like every second.                                                                                                                                             nervously traipsed our way through the seemingly colossal navy-blue gates
                                                                                                                               था। इस दौरान हम  पढ़ाई स छ ी  मल जाती थी। हम खल
                                                                                                                                                  े ु
        “It's not my fault…not mine, it can't be,” he mutters, trying to reassure himself, but                                                                               of this school, and it has since been our second home. Even though our
        fails. The voices in the chamber and his head collide into one. Carlos stiffens his                                    खलत, बात  करत और कभी-कभी शरारत  भी.....       parents brought us into the world, it was this school that shaped us into
        upper lip, sealing his eyes shut. The crisp air morphs into a stygian breeze, rattling                                 मझ याद ह जब एक बार ठ क मर न य  दशन स पहल  े   who we are today, educated us and taught us how to live life to the fullest

                                                                                                                                  े ु
        the fragments of withered leaves, and buried hopes along with it.                                                      मर  पोशाक पर पानी  गर गया| ल कन  श क और अ य   and appreciate every moment. The large tears shed on the first day of school
        “I have to do what they instructed me. Pull the lever. Pull the lever.”                                                छा   ने मर  खब सहायता क  और म    समय पर बहतर   were quickly replaced by immense laughter propelled by the experience of
        Carlos paces forward in a trance-like manner, his fingers closing around the lever,                                      दशन कर पाई। को वड महामार  क कारण तीन साल  स  े  being in this environment. We could not be more appreciative for everything

        the serrated edges of the swastika engraved into it, digging into his palms. He               Somya Jain               यह समारोह नह ं हो सका ह। नाईट  कल का मझ बहत   this school has provided us. It is not just the textbooks and essays, this
                                                                                                                                                                   े ु
        draws in a sharp breath, and pulls the lever.                                                                                                      ू          ु      school had given us a new view of life, one that we are eternally obliged for.
                                                                                                                               बस ी स इतज़ार ह।                               From our messy drawings as children to our long essays, the last decade has
        Deafening cries of help brim the chamber as Carlos staggers for support against the                                                                                  been a roller coaster, one that we'll always remember.
        cold metal walls, sliding down in horror. He stares at his hands; spotless, yet bloody. He scans his reflection in the metal; a human,                राज ी चतव द
        but no humanity. The people inside so close to him, yet so distant.                                                                                                                                   Reina Kapur and Aashna Singh
        Drowning in the poison of repentance, Carlos' breathing hastens. Each breath becomes more painful than the last.
        “They're making me pay.” His own voice resembles the ones in the chamber.                                                Une chanteuse francophone: Céline Dion
        Like an hourglass running out of time, the noises stop. But the flashbacks never do.
                                                                                                                                 Céline Dion est née 1988 au Québec,au Canada. C'est une des célébrités préférées des français et des canadiens car c'est une
        His hysteria subsides, and vision clears. He finds himself back amidst the hardwood trees he's grown up with, but doesn't feel at
        home. He gives in to pure exhaustion, his body now completely supported by the bark.                                     excellente chanteuse!
                                                                                                                                 Grande,mince, elle a les cheveux longs,chatains et raides. Elle a aussi les yeux bruns et les lèvres rouges. Selon moi, elle est très belle
        Immersed in self-disgust, Carlos whispers to the trees, expecting no response, “It's been five years. Five years with war cries that
        never diminish. Five years of fearing death every second. Five years since I pulled the lever.”                          et souriante. Curieuse et spontanée, cette Canadienne de cinquante ans est populaire pour sa chanson 'My heart will go on' du
                                                                                                                                 film 'Titanic' et la fameuse chanson française 'Pour que tu m'aimes encore'. Elle a gagné 240 prix au total pour ses chansons!
        There is no anger in his voice, no emotion. Only remorse.
                                                                                                                                 En automne, elle aime porter un jean bleu avec un T-shirt moulant.Elle porte aussi souvent une veste avec une cravate. Elle est tellement chic!
        “Five years of guilt for me, for the five seconds they spent in the chamber.”
                                                                                                                                 Céline Dion est connue dans le monde entier et à mon avis, elle est géniale.
                                                                                                    Somya Jain
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Saphyra Khanna
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