Page 283 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
P. 283




                                                                                                                               The Bubble Project

                                                                                                                               The Bubble Project was our student initiative to create a more inclusive school
                                                                                                                               community, reducing academic and personal anxieties through discussion between
        English -                                                                                                              junior and senior students. Due to the pandemic, some younger students at school
                                                                                                                               were having trouble readjusting to school. The 8th grade especially struggled with a
        Vinglish                                                                                                               very fragmented social environment with constant breakdowns, disagreements, and
                                                                                                                               social exclusion. To improve this, we created support groups called bubbles, where
        English-Vinglish is a
                                                                                                                               junior students could communicate their issues or questions in a protected, confiden-
                                                                                                                               tial space. The bubbles consisted of 7 students from Grade 8 and one from Grade 12
        organisation for our
                                                                                                                               as leader. To prompt deep conversations, we developed games and frameworks that
        CAS project. It
                                                                                                                               established rapport within the group. My favourite was a game called 'Spectrum'
        supports the staff in
                                                                                                                               that delved into contentious topics like academic competition, social rivalry, and homophobia. Constructive discussions helped students
        our school from the
                                                                                                                               realise that many of their opinions were based on wanting to be perceived as “cool”, and not how they really felt. Authentic conversa-
        bus staff to the
                                                                                                                               tions brought the class much closer together, with teachers reporting fewer instances of exclusion and dispute.
        housekeeping and
        security guards by
        teaching them English
        and improving their                                                                                                                                                                                         DAISMO
        linguistic skills to
        make them more confident communicating not only in their work environment, but also outside school in their everyday lives. We                                                                               DAISMO is a challenging,
        gauged their previous learning in the initial sessions to identify their strengths and weaknesses and made weekly personalised lesson                                                                       multifaceted mathemati-
        plans. Since the bus staff was at a higher level than the security staff, we divided them into two groups to ensure everyone was getting                                                                    cal Olympiad intended to
        personalised attention. We conducted a variety of intriguing activities to build on their speaking, reading, writing, and listening English                                                                 test the critical thinking
        skills from everyday applications to fun games. At the end of the sessions, not only did they improve their conversational skills, but also                                                                 and analytical skills of
        became more confident learners.                                                                                                                                                      middle and high school students. Apart from spreading
                                                                                                                                                                                            the spirit of mathematics, our mission also includes a
                                         Menstrual Movement                                                                                                                                 societal impact: we plan to donate all the funds we
                                                                                                                                                                                            collect from this competition to the Angel Xpress
                                         Despite being in the era of progressive feminism, period                                                                                           Foundation, an NGO working towards improving the
                                         poverty continues to be one of the gravest issues in India,                                                                                        lives of underprivileged children through education.
                                         due to various reasons but majorly, stigmatisation. Lack of
                                         access to quality education for underprivileged girls also stands                                                                                  In this CAS project, we identified 2 age groups, juniors:
                                                                                                                               Grades 8-10 and seniors: Grades 11-12. We created questions based on various mathematical concepts: probability, sequences and
                                         as a pressing issue in the country. In an effort to mitigate
                                         these problems in our locality, The Menstrual Movement aims to destigmatise menstruation,   series, geometry, vectors and algebra. The aforementioned concept were then evaluated based on difficulty and then used to create the
                                         raise awareness about menstrual hygiene among underprivileged women, alleviate period   Olympiad. The questions were pilot-tested by a random sample of students from grades 8-12 before being used to ensure that they
                                         poverty, and improve access to educational resources.                                 were understandable. These questions were designed to challenge the participants and test their mathematical knowledge and skills.
                                         We have collaborated with the Myna Mahila Foundation in Mumbai to support the education   This Olympiad was different from other Olympiads since it was divided into two rounds, a preliminary and a final. In the first round, only
                                         and menstrual hygiene facilities of women housed at the organisation. To this effect, we   the best-performing participants qualified to take part in the final round. The preliminary round was held on the discord platform and
                                         conducted a donation drive, collecting stationery items, loose sheets, school bags. We made   the final was held on the website In our 1st round, we coded our own bot to ask contestants questions automatically
        nearly 70 notebooks out of the loose sheets, altogether donated to the foundation. Further, we designed informative pamphlets about   contests answers, keeping in mind the time taken by a contestant to answer a question. We then took 11 people in our senior category
        the menstrual cycle and menstrual hygiene methods in English, Hindi, and Marathi for the women to increase awareness in them about
                                                                                                                               and 21 people in our junior category to the next round. Our team invigilated participants using the Microsoft Team application through-
        menstruation. Moreover, we have  conducted a fundraiser in the CAS Fete, selling handmade and second hand jewellery, stickers,   out the 1-hour exam. The Olympiad was held on 1st October 2022 with the qualifiers from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. IST and the finals from
        notebooks and various merchandise. We successfully sold out all items and are presently in the process of calculating the funds and
                                                                                                                               3:00 - 4:00 p.m. IST. After the exam, we received many positive comments and all the participants wished to know when this event
        facilitating the transfer to Myna Mahila.
                                                                                                                               would be held again. We raised over Rs. 50,000 for Angel Express and the best performers in their categories received certificates with
        Finally, to extend our impact on to our surrounding community— the school— we also conducted an educational session with the non-
                                                                                                                               the top performer earning a special certificate.
        teaching female staff to create dialogue about the prejudice and stigma enfolding periods in an attempt to shatter these. It was
        heartwarming to hold progressive discourse with them, particularly receiving their feminist standpoints on how they are attempting to   Ishaan Shah, Krish Waghani, Tarush Mayani, Ribhav UK, Aditya Iyer, Aditya Mehta, Mainak Nistala, Aarnav Gogri,
        destigmatise periods in their families.                                                                                                                                                     Mudit Baid, Maahir Jain, Bhavesh Agarwal
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