Science Fair
Science Fairs give students an opportunity to individually investigate a scientific problem. Students complete individual or team projects in which they are required to formulate a question, research a topic, design an experiment, collect and analyze data, and form a conclusion based on their work. These projects help students learn the scientific method by actually going through almost the same process that scientists use. Students also learn how to sequence data into an attractive display and how to make a clear and effective oral presentation of their work. Judged on creative ability, scientific thought, thoroughness and clarity, the top 20 projects are entered for the state level Intel Science Fair competitions
- 2004: Two of our entries went to the National level finals and were adjudged among the 10 best in India.
- 2005: one of our students won the National Championship and participated in the International level
competition held in USA.
- 2006: In the Intel India Science Fair, out of a total of 185 projects that were shortlisted for the National Fair,
two were from Dhirubhai Ambani International School and one of these won the 4th prize in the group projects category in the
Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF) held in Alberque, New Mexico in May 2007.
- 2007: In the Intel National Science Fair 2007, two of our students were declared winners for their project on
‘Natural Convective Solar Dryer’. They participated in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair held
in Atlanta in May 2008.
- 2008: 5 team projects from our school out of around 1000 synopses at an all-India level were shortlisted for the Intel
National Science Fair held in Kolkata. They presented projects under the category of ‘Engineering’ and ‘Chemistry’ and
two of our students who put up the Chemistry project won a prize for the best project in the selected category.
- 2009: In the Intel National Science Fair held in Ahmedabad, two of our students were selected for their project
on ‘Flood-proof your car’.
- 2010: In Intel National Science Fair held in Mumbai, the 5 team projects presented by our students were selected.
The projects were on
- computer mouse for people with upper-limb disabilities
- herbal dosage for colony-al damage
- refractive property of light used as a quality tester,
- drip disaster
- flood gate
DAIS Science Fair 2017 2017 IRIS National Science Fair 2016 Science Fair 2016 Science Fair 2015 First Tech Challenge 2015 DAIS Science Fair 2014 2014 IRIS National Science Fair 2014 Indian Robotic Olympiad 2014 DAIS Science Fair 2013 2013 First Lego League 2013 IRIS National Science Fair, Bangalore 2013 2013 Indian Robot Olympiad (IRO) 2013 2013 DAIS Science Fair 2012 2012 IRIS National Science Fair 2012 2012